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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Columnar understanding of persisted data
//! For efficiency/performance, we directly expose the columnar structure of
//! persist's internal encoding to users during encoding and decoding. Interally
//! we use the [`arrow`] crate that gets durably written as parquet data.
//! Some of the requirements that led to this design:
//! - Support a separation of data and schema because Row is not
//! self-describing: e.g. a Datum::Null can be one of many possible column
//! types. A RelationDesc is necessary to describe a Row schema.
//! - Narrow down [`arrow::datatypes::DataType`] (the arrow "logical" types) to a
//! set we want to support in persist.
//! - Do `dyn Any` downcasting of columns once per part, not once per update.
//! Finally, the [Schema] trait maps an implementor of [Codec] to the underlying
//! column structure. It also provides a [ColumnEncoder] and [ColumnDecoder] for
//! amortizing any downcasting that does need to happen.
use anyhow::anyhow;
use arrow::array::{Array, ArrayRef, BinaryArray, BinaryBuilder};
use arrow::datatypes::DataType;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::stats::{DynStats, StructStats};
use crate::Codec;
/// A __stable__ encoding for a type that gets durably persisted in an
/// [`arrow::array::FixedSizeBinaryArray`].
pub trait FixedSizeCodec<T>: Debug + PartialEq + Eq {
/// Number of bytes the encoded format requires.
const SIZE: usize;
/// Returns the encoded bytes as a slice.
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8];
/// Create an instance of `self` from a slice.
/// Note: It is the responsibility of the caller to make sure the provided
/// data is valid for `self`.
fn from_bytes(val: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, String>
Self: Sized;
/// Encode a type of `T` into this format.
fn from_value(value: T) -> Self;
/// Decode an instance of `T` from this format.
fn into_value(self) -> T;
/// A decoder for values of a fixed schema.
/// This allows us to amortize the cost of downcasting columns into concrete
/// types.
pub trait ColumnDecoder<T> {
/// Decode the value at `idx` into the buffer `val`.
/// Behavior for when the value at `idx` is null is implementation-defined.
/// Panics if decoding an `idx` that is out-of-bounds.
fn decode(&self, idx: usize, val: &mut T);
/// Returns if the value at `idx` is null.
fn is_null(&self, idx: usize) -> bool;
/// Returns the number of bytes used by this decoder.
fn goodbytes(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns statistics for the column. This structure is defined by Persist,
/// but the contents are determined by the client; Persist will preserve
/// them in the part metadata and make them available to readers.
/// TODO: For now, we require that the stats be structured as a non-nullable
/// struct. For a single column, map them to a struct with a single column
/// named the empty string. Fix this restriction if we end up with non-test
/// code that isn't naturally a struct.
fn stats(&self) -> StructStats;
/// An encoder for values of a fixed schema
/// This allows us to amortize the cost of downcasting columns into concrete
/// types.
pub trait ColumnEncoder<T> {
/// Type of column that this encoder returns when finalized.
type FinishedColumn: arrow::array::Array + Debug + 'static;
/// The amount of "actual data" encoded by this encoder so far.
fn goodbytes(&self) -> usize;
/// Appends `val` onto this encoder.
fn append(&mut self, val: &T);
/// Appends a null value onto this encoder.
fn append_null(&mut self);
/// Finish this encoder, returning an immutable column.
fn finish(self) -> Self::FinishedColumn;
/// Description of a type that we encode into Persist.
pub trait Schema<T>: Debug + Send + Sync {
/// The type of column we decode from, and encoder will finish into.
type ArrowColumn: arrow::array::Array + Debug + Clone + 'static;
/// Statistics we collect for a schema of this type.
type Statistics: DynStats + 'static;
/// Type that is able to decode values of `T` from [`Self::ArrowColumn`].
type Decoder: ColumnDecoder<T> + Debug + Send + Sync;
/// Type that is able to encoder values of `T`.
type Encoder: ColumnEncoder<T, FinishedColumn = Self::ArrowColumn> + Debug + Send + Sync;
/// Returns a type that is able to decode instances of `T` from the provider column.
fn decoder(&self, col: Self::ArrowColumn) -> Result<Self::Decoder, anyhow::Error>;
/// Returns a type that is able to decode instances of `T` from a type erased
/// [`arrow::array::Array`], erroring if the provided array is not [`Self::ArrowColumn`].
fn decoder_any(&self, col: &dyn arrow::array::Array) -> Result<Self::Decoder, anyhow::Error> {
let col = col
.ok_or_else(|| {
"failed downcasting to {}",
/// Returns a type that can encode values of `T`.
fn encoder(&self) -> Result<Self::Encoder, anyhow::Error>;
/// Returns the data type of arrays generated by this schema.
/// This obtains the dsta type by encoding an empty array and checking its type.
/// The caller is generally expected to make sure that all columns generated by
/// this schema have the same datatype.
pub fn data_type<A: Codec>(schema: &A::Schema) -> anyhow::Result<DataType> {
let array = schema.encoder()?.finish();
/// Helper to convert from codec-encoded data to structured data.
pub fn codec_to_schema<A: Codec + Default>(
schema: &A::Schema,
data: &BinaryArray,
) -> anyhow::Result<ArrayRef> {
let mut encoder = Schema::encoder(schema)?;
let mut value: A = A::default();
let mut storage = Some(A::Storage::default());
for bytes in data.iter() {
if let Some(bytes) = bytes {
A::decode_from(&mut value, bytes, &mut storage, schema).map_err(|e| {
"unable to decode bytes with {} codec: {e:#?}",
} else {
/// Helper to convert from structured data to codec-encoded data.
pub fn schema_to_codec<A: Codec + Default>(
schema: &A::Schema,
data: &dyn Array,
) -> anyhow::Result<BinaryArray> {
let len = data.len();
let decoder = Schema::decoder_any(schema, data)?;
let mut builder = BinaryBuilder::new();
let mut value: A = A::default();
let mut buffer = vec![];
for i in 0..len {
// The binary encoding of key/value types can never be null.
// Defer to the implementation-defined behaviour for null entries in that case.
decoder.decode(i, &mut value);
Codec::encode(&value, &mut buffer);
Ok(BinaryBuilder::finish(&mut builder))