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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! `EXPLAIN` support for structures defined in this crate.
use mz_expr::explain::{ExplainContext, ExplainSinglePlan};
use mz_expr::visit::{Visit, VisitChildren};
use mz_expr::{Id, LocalId};
use mz_ore::stack::RecursionLimitError;
use mz_repr::explain::{AnnotatedPlan, Explain, ExplainError, ScalarOps, UnsupportedFormat};
use mz_repr::RelationType;
use crate::plan::{HirRelationExpr, HirScalarExpr};
mod text;
impl<'a> Explain<'a> for HirRelationExpr {
type Context = ExplainContext<'a>;
type Text = ExplainSinglePlan<'a, HirRelationExpr>;
type VerboseText = ExplainSinglePlan<'a, HirRelationExpr>;
type Json = ExplainSinglePlan<'a, HirRelationExpr>;
type Dot = UnsupportedFormat;
fn explain_text(&'a mut self, context: &'a Self::Context) -> Result<Self::Text, ExplainError> {
fn explain_verbose_text(
&'a mut self,
context: &'a Self::Context,
) -> Result<Self::VerboseText, ExplainError> {
fn explain_json(&'a mut self, context: &'a Self::Context) -> Result<Self::Json, ExplainError> {
impl<'a> HirRelationExpr {
fn as_explain_single_plan(
&'a mut self,
context: &'a ExplainContext<'a>,
) -> Result<ExplainSinglePlan<'a, HirRelationExpr>, ExplainError> {
// unless raw plans are explicitly requested
// ensure that all nested subqueries are wrapped in Let blocks
if !context.config.raw_plans {
// TODO: use config values to infer requested
// plan annotations
let plan = AnnotatedPlan {
plan: self,
annotations: Default::default(),
Ok(ExplainSinglePlan { context, plan })
/// Normalize the way subqueries appear in [`HirScalarExpr::Exists`]
/// or [`HirScalarExpr::Select`] variants.
/// After the transform is applied, subqueries are pulled as a value in
/// a let binding enclosing the [`HirRelationExpr`] parent of the
/// [`HirScalarExpr::Exists`] or [`HirScalarExpr::Select`] where the
/// subquery appears, and the corresponding variant references the
/// new binding with a [`HirRelationExpr::Get`].
pub fn normalize_subqueries<'a>(expr: &'a mut HirRelationExpr) -> Result<(), RecursionLimitError> {
// A helper struct to represent accumulated `$local_id = $subquery`
// bindings that need to be installed in `let ... in $expr` nodes
// that wrap their parent $expr.
struct Binding {
local_id: LocalId,
subquery: HirRelationExpr,
// Context for the transformation
// - a stack of bindings
let mut bindings = Vec::<Binding>::new();
// - a generator of fresh local ids
let mut id_gen = id_gen(expr)?.peekable();
// Grow the `bindings` stack by collecting subqueries appearing in
// one of the HirScalarExpr children at the given HirRelationExpr.
// As part of this, the subquery is replaced by a `Get(id)` for a
// fresh local id.
let mut collect_subqueries = |expr: &mut HirRelationExpr, bindings: &mut Vec<Binding>| {
expr.try_visit_mut_children(|expr: &mut HirScalarExpr| {
use HirRelationExpr::Get;
use HirScalarExpr::{Exists, Select};
expr.visit_mut_post(&mut |expr: &mut HirScalarExpr| match expr {
Exists(expr) | Select(expr) => match expr.as_mut() {
Get { .. } => (),
expr => {
// generate fresh local id
let local_id =;
// generate a `Get(local_id)` to be used as a subquery replacement
let mut subquery = Get {
id: Id::Local(local_id.clone()),
typ: RelationType::empty(), // TODO (aalexandrov)
// swap the current subquery with the replacement
std::mem::swap(expr, &mut subquery);
// push a new $local_id = $subquery binding for a wrapping Let { ... }
bindings.push(Binding { local_id, subquery });
_ => (),
// Drain the `bindings` stack by wrapping the given `HirRelationExpr` with
// a sequence of `Let { ... }` nodes, one for each binding.
let insert_let_bindings = |expr: &mut HirRelationExpr, bindings: &mut Vec<Binding>| {
for binding in bindings.drain(..) {
let name = format!("subquery-{}", Into::<u64>::into(&binding.local_id));
let id = binding.local_id;
let value = Box::new(binding.subquery);
let body = Box::new(expr.take());
*expr = HirRelationExpr::Let {
expr.try_visit_mut_post(&mut |expr: &mut HirRelationExpr| {
// first grow bindings stack
collect_subqueries(expr, &mut bindings)?;
// then drain bindings stack
insert_let_bindings(expr, &mut bindings);
// done!
// Create an [`Iterator`] for [`LocalId`] values that are guaranteed to be
// fresh within the scope of the given [`HirRelationExpr`].
fn id_gen(expr: &HirRelationExpr) -> Result<impl Iterator<Item = LocalId>, RecursionLimitError> {
let mut max_id = 0_u64;
expr.visit_pre(&mut |expr| {
match expr {
HirRelationExpr::Let { id, .. } => max_id = std::cmp::max(max_id, id.into()),
_ => (),
Ok((max_id + 1..).map(LocalId::new))
impl ScalarOps for HirScalarExpr {
fn match_col_ref(&self) -> Option<usize> {
match self {
HirScalarExpr::Column(c) if c.level == 0 => Some(c.column),
_ => None,
fn references(&self, column: usize) -> bool {
match self {
HirScalarExpr::Column(c) => c.column == column && c.level == 0,
_ => false,