// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Dyncfgs used by the adapter layer.
use std::time::Duration;
use mz_dyncfg::{Config, ConfigSet};
use crate::timestamp_selection::ConstraintBasedTimestampSelection;
pub const ALLOW_USER_SESSIONS: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"Whether to allow user roles to create new sessions. When false, only system roles will be permitted to create new sessions.",
pub const ENABLE_0DT_DEPLOYMENT: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"Whether to enable zero-downtime deployments (experimental).",
// Slightly awkward with the WITH prefix, but we can't start with a 0.
pub const WITH_0DT_DEPLOYMENT_MAX_WAIT: Config<Duration> = Config::new(
Duration::from_secs(60 * 60),
"How long to wait at most for clusters to be hydrated, when doing a zero-downtime deployment.",
pub const WITH_0DT_DEPLOYMENT_DDL_CHECK_INTERVAL: Config<Duration> = Config::new(
Duration::from_secs(5 * 60),
"How often to check for DDL changes during zero-downtime deployment.",
pub const ENABLE_0DT_DEPLOYMENT_PANIC_AFTER_TIMEOUT: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"Whether to panic if the maximum wait time is reached but preflight checks have not succeeded.",
pub const WITH_0DT_DEPLOYMENT_CAUGHT_UP_CHECK_INTERVAL: Config<Duration> = Config::new(
// The feature flag name is historical.
"Interval at which to check whether clusters are caught up, when doing zero-downtime deployment.",
pub const ENABLE_0DT_CAUGHT_UP_CHECK: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"Whether to determine rehydration using a more complicated method that compares collection write frontiers against an allowed lag behind wall-clock time.",
pub const WITH_0DT_CAUGHT_UP_CHECK_ALLOWED_LAG: Config<Duration> = Config::new(
"Maximum allowed lag when determining whether collections are caught up for 0dt deployments.",
pub const WITH_0DT_CAUGHT_UP_CHECK_CUTOFF: Config<Duration> = Config::new(
Duration::from_secs(2 * 60 * 60), // 2 hours
"Collections whose write frontier is behind 'now' by more than the cutoff are ignored when doing caught-up checks for 0dt deployments.",
/// Enable logging of statement lifecycle events in mz_internal.mz_statement_lifecycle_history.
pub const ENABLE_STATEMENT_LIFECYCLE_LOGGING: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"Enable logging of statement lifecycle events in mz_internal.mz_statement_lifecycle_history.",
/// Enable installation of introspection subscribes.
pub const ENABLE_INTROSPECTION_SUBSCRIBES: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"Enable installation of introspection subscribes.",
/// The plan insights notice will not investigate fast path clusters if plan optimization took longer than this.
"plan_insights_notice fast_path_clusters_optimize_duration",
// Looking at production values of the mz_optimizer_e2e_optimization_time_seconds metric, most
// optimizations run faster than 10ms, so this should still work well for most queries. We want
// to avoid the case where an optimization took just under this value and there are lots of
// clusters, so the extra delay to produce the plan insights notice will take the optimization
// time * the number of clusters longer.
"Enable plan insights fast path clusters calculation if the optimize step took less than this duration.",
/// Whether to create system builtin continual tasks on boot.
pub const ENABLE_CONTINUAL_TASK_BUILTINS: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"Create system builtin continual tasks on boot.",
/// Whether to use an expression cache on boot.
pub const ENABLE_EXPRESSION_CACHE: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"Use a cache to store optimized expressions to help speed up start times.",
/// Whether we allow sources in multi-replica clusters.
pub const ENABLE_MULTI_REPLICA_SOURCES: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"Enable multi-replica sources.",
pub const CONSTRAINT_BASED_TIMESTAMP_SELECTION: Config<&'static str> = Config::new(
"Whether to use the constraint-based timestamp selection, one of: enabled, disabled, verify",
/// Adds the full set of all compute `Config`s.
pub fn all_dyncfgs(configs: ConfigSet) -> ConfigSet {