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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
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//! Provides abstractions for types that can be converted into `Datum` iterators.
//! `Row` is the most obvious implementor, but other trace types that may use more advanced
//! representations only need to commit to implementing these traits.
use crate::row::DatumListIter;
use crate::{Datum, Row};
/// A helper trait to turn a type into an iterator of datums.
pub trait ToDatumIter: Sized {
/// An iterator type for use in `to_datum_iter`.
type DatumIter<'a>: IntoIterator<Item = Datum<'a>>
Self: 'a;
/// Obtains an iterator of datums out of an instance of `&Self`.
fn to_datum_iter(&self) -> Self::DatumIter<'_>;
impl<'b, T: ToDatumIter> ToDatumIter for &'b T {
type DatumIter<'a>
= T::DatumIter<'a>
Self: 'a;
fn to_datum_iter(&self) -> Self::DatumIter<'_> {
// Blanket identity implementation for Row.
impl ToDatumIter for Row {
/// Datum iterator for `Row`.
type DatumIter<'a> = DatumListIter<'a>;
/// Borrows `self` and gets an iterator from it.
fn to_datum_iter(&self) -> Self::DatumIter<'_> {