//! Value traits
use crate::{Decoder, Encoder, Header, Length, Result, Tagged};
use crate::Tag;
/// Decode the value part of a Tag-Length-Value encoded field, sans the [`Tag`]
/// and [`Length`].
pub trait DecodeValue<'a>: Sized {
/// Attempt to decode this message using the provided [`Decoder`].
fn decode_value(decoder: &mut Decoder<'a>, length: Length) -> Result<Self>;
/// Encode the value part of a Tag-Length-Value encoded field, sans the [`Tag`]
/// and [`Length`].
pub trait EncodeValue {
/// Get the [`Header`] used to encode this value.
fn header(&self) -> Result<Header>
Self: Tagged,
Header::new(self.tag(), self.value_len()?)
/// Compute the length of this value (sans [`Tag`]+[`Length`] header) when
/// encoded as ASN.1 DER.
fn value_len(&self) -> Result<Length>;
/// Encode value (sans [`Tag`]+[`Length`] header) as ASN.1 DER using the
/// provided [`Encoder`].
fn encode_value(&self, encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>) -> Result<()>;