* Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem::size_of;
use core::ops::Deref;
use crate::endian_scalar::{emplace_scalar, read_scalar, read_scalar_at};
use crate::follow::Follow;
use crate::push::Push;
pub const FLATBUFFERS_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = (1u64 << 31) as usize;
pub const FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH: usize = 4;
pub const VTABLE_METADATA_FIELDS: usize = 2;
pub const SIZE_U8: usize = size_of::<u8>();
pub const SIZE_I8: usize = size_of::<i8>();
pub const SIZE_U16: usize = size_of::<u16>();
pub const SIZE_I16: usize = size_of::<i16>();
pub const SIZE_U32: usize = size_of::<u32>();
pub const SIZE_I32: usize = size_of::<i32>();
pub const SIZE_U64: usize = size_of::<u64>();
pub const SIZE_I64: usize = size_of::<i64>();
pub const SIZE_F32: usize = size_of::<f32>();
pub const SIZE_F64: usize = size_of::<f64>();
pub const SIZE_SOFFSET: usize = SIZE_I32;
pub const SIZE_UOFFSET: usize = SIZE_U32;
pub const SIZE_VOFFSET: usize = SIZE_I16;
/// SOffsetT is a relative pointer from tables to their vtables.
pub type SOffsetT = i32;
/// UOffsetT is used represent both for relative pointers and lengths of vectors.
pub type UOffsetT = u32;
/// VOffsetT is a relative pointer in vtables to point from tables to field data.
pub type VOffsetT = u16;
/// TableFinishedWIPOffset marks a WIPOffset as being for a finished table.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct TableFinishedWIPOffset {}
/// TableUnfinishedWIPOffset marks a WIPOffset as being for an unfinished table.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct TableUnfinishedWIPOffset {}
/// UnionWIPOffset marks a WIPOffset as being for a union value.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct UnionWIPOffset {}
/// VTableWIPOffset marks a WIPOffset as being for a vtable.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct VTableWIPOffset {}
/// WIPOffset contains an UOffsetT with a special meaning: it is the location of
/// data relative to the *end* of an in-progress FlatBuffer. The
/// FlatBufferBuilder uses this to track the location of objects in an absolute
/// way. The impl of Push converts a WIPOffset into a ForwardsUOffset.
pub struct WIPOffset<T>(UOffsetT, PhantomData<T>);
// We cannot use derive for these two impls, as the derived impls would only
// implement `Copy` and `Clone` for `T: Copy` and `T: Clone` respectively.
// However `WIPOffset<T>` can always be copied, no matter that `T` you
// have.
impl<T> Copy for WIPOffset<T> {}
impl<T> Clone for WIPOffset<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<T> Eq for WIPOffset<T> {}
impl<T> PartialEq for WIPOffset<T> {
fn eq(&self, o: &WIPOffset<T>) -> bool {
self.value() == o.value()
impl<T> Deref for WIPOffset<T> {
type Target = UOffsetT;
fn deref(&self) -> &UOffsetT {
impl<'a, T: 'a> WIPOffset<T> {
/// Create a new WIPOffset.
pub fn new(o: UOffsetT) -> WIPOffset<T> {
WIPOffset(o, PhantomData)
/// Return a wrapped value that brings its meaning as a union WIPOffset
/// into the type system.
pub fn as_union_value(self) -> WIPOffset<UnionWIPOffset> {
/// Get the underlying value.
pub fn value(self) -> UOffsetT {
impl<T> Push for WIPOffset<T> {
type Output = ForwardsUOffset<T>;
unsafe fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], written_len: usize) {
let n = (SIZE_UOFFSET + written_len - self.value() as usize) as UOffsetT;
emplace_scalar::<UOffsetT>(dst, n);
impl<T> Push for ForwardsUOffset<T> {
type Output = Self;
unsafe fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], written_len: usize) {
self.value().push(dst, written_len);
/// ForwardsUOffset is used by Follow to traverse a FlatBuffer: the pointer
/// is incremented by the value contained in this type.
pub struct ForwardsUOffset<T>(UOffsetT, PhantomData<T>);
// We cannot use derive for these two impls, as the derived impls would only
// implement `Copy` and `Clone` for `T: Copy` and `T: Clone` respectively.
// However `ForwardsUOffset<T>` can always be copied, no matter that `T` you
// have.
impl<T> Copy for ForwardsUOffset<T> {}
impl<T> Clone for ForwardsUOffset<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<T> ForwardsUOffset<T> {
pub fn value(self) -> UOffsetT {
impl<'a, T: Follow<'a>> Follow<'a> for ForwardsUOffset<T> {
type Inner = T::Inner;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
let slice = &buf[loc..loc + SIZE_UOFFSET];
let off = read_scalar::<u32>(slice) as usize;
T::follow(buf, loc + off)
/// ForwardsVOffset is used by Follow to traverse a FlatBuffer: the pointer
/// is incremented by the value contained in this type.
pub struct ForwardsVOffset<T>(VOffsetT, PhantomData<T>);
impl<T> ForwardsVOffset<T> {
pub fn value(&self) -> VOffsetT {
impl<'a, T: Follow<'a>> Follow<'a> for ForwardsVOffset<T> {
type Inner = T::Inner;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
let slice = &buf[loc..loc + SIZE_VOFFSET];
let off = read_scalar::<VOffsetT>(slice) as usize;
T::follow(buf, loc + off)
impl<T> Push for ForwardsVOffset<T> {
type Output = Self;
unsafe fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], written_len: usize) {
self.value().push(dst, written_len);
/// ForwardsSOffset is used by Follow to traverse a FlatBuffer: the pointer
/// is incremented by the *negative* of the value contained in this type.
pub struct BackwardsSOffset<T>(SOffsetT, PhantomData<T>);
impl<T> BackwardsSOffset<T> {
pub fn value(&self) -> SOffsetT {
impl<'a, T: Follow<'a>> Follow<'a> for BackwardsSOffset<T> {
type Inner = T::Inner;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
let slice = &buf[loc..loc + SIZE_SOFFSET];
let off = read_scalar::<SOffsetT>(slice);
T::follow(buf, (loc as SOffsetT - off) as usize)
impl<T> Push for BackwardsSOffset<T> {
type Output = Self;
unsafe fn push(&self, dst: &mut [u8], written_len: usize) {
self.value().push(dst, written_len);
/// SkipSizePrefix is used by Follow to traverse a FlatBuffer: the pointer is
/// incremented by a fixed constant in order to skip over the size prefix value.
pub struct SkipSizePrefix<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<'a, T: Follow<'a> + 'a> Follow<'a> for SkipSizePrefix<T> {
type Inner = T::Inner;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
T::follow(buf, loc + SIZE_SIZEPREFIX)
/// SkipRootOffset is used by Follow to traverse a FlatBuffer: the pointer is
/// incremented by a fixed constant in order to skip over the root offset value.
pub struct SkipRootOffset<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<'a, T: Follow<'a> + 'a> Follow<'a> for SkipRootOffset<T> {
type Inner = T::Inner;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
T::follow(buf, loc + SIZE_UOFFSET)
/// FileIdentifier is used by Follow to traverse a FlatBuffer: the pointer is
/// dereferenced into a byte slice, whose bytes are the file identifer value.
pub struct FileIdentifier;
impl<'a> Follow<'a> for FileIdentifier {
type Inner = &'a [u8];
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
/// SkipFileIdentifier is used by Follow to traverse a FlatBuffer: the pointer
/// is incremented by a fixed constant in order to skip over the file
/// identifier value.
pub struct SkipFileIdentifier<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<'a, T: Follow<'a> + 'a> Follow<'a> for SkipFileIdentifier<T> {
type Inner = T::Inner;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
T::follow(buf, loc + FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH)
impl<'a> Follow<'a> for bool {
type Inner = bool;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
read_scalar_at::<u8>(buf, loc) != 0
/// Follow trait impls for primitive types.
/// Ideally, these would be implemented as a single impl using trait bounds on
/// EndianScalar, but implementing Follow that way causes a conflict with
/// other impls.
macro_rules! impl_follow_for_endian_scalar {
($ty:ident) => {
impl<'a> Follow<'a> for $ty {
type Inner = $ty;
unsafe fn follow(buf: &'a [u8], loc: usize) -> Self::Inner {
read_scalar_at::<$ty>(buf, loc)