// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Apache Parquet encodings and utils for persist data
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::Arc;
use differential_dataflow::trace::Description;
use mz_ore::bytes::SegmentedBytes;
use mz_ore::cast::CastFrom;
use mz_persist_types::parquet::EncodingConfig;
use mz_persist_types::Codec64;
use parquet::arrow::arrow_reader::{ArrowReaderMetadata, ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder};
use parquet::arrow::ArrowWriter;
use parquet::basic::Encoding;
use parquet::file::metadata::KeyValue;
use parquet::file::properties::{EnabledStatistics, WriterProperties, WriterVersion};
use timely::progress::{Antichain, Timestamp};
use tracing::warn;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::gen::persist::proto_batch_part_inline::FormatMetadata as ProtoFormatMetadata;
use crate::gen::persist::ProtoBatchFormat;
use crate::indexed::columnar::arrow::{decode_arrow_batch, encode_arrow_batch};
use crate::indexed::encoding::{
decode_trace_inline_meta, encode_trace_inline_meta, BlobTraceBatchPart, BlobTraceUpdates,
use crate::metrics::{ColumnarMetrics, ParquetColumnMetrics};
const INLINE_METADATA_KEY: &str = "MZ:inline";
/// Encodes a [`BlobTraceBatchPart`] into the Parquet format.
pub fn encode_trace_parquet<W: Write + Send, T: Timestamp + Codec64>(
w: &mut W,
batch: &BlobTraceBatchPart<T>,
metrics: &ColumnarMetrics,
cfg: &EncodingConfig,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Better to error now than write out an invalid batch.
let inline_meta = encode_trace_inline_meta(batch);
encode_parquet_kvtd(w, inline_meta, &batch.updates, metrics, cfg)
/// Decodes a BlobTraceBatchPart from the Parquet format.
pub fn decode_trace_parquet<T: Timestamp + Codec64>(
buf: SegmentedBytes,
metrics: &ColumnarMetrics,
) -> Result<BlobTraceBatchPart<T>, Error> {
let metadata = ArrowReaderMetadata::load(&buf, Default::default())?;
let metadata = metadata
.and_then(|x| x.iter().find(|x| x.key == INLINE_METADATA_KEY));
let (format, metadata) = decode_trace_inline_meta(metadata.and_then(|x| x.value.as_ref()))?;
let updates = match format {
ProtoBatchFormat::Unknown => return Err("unknown format".into()),
ProtoBatchFormat::ArrowKvtd => {
return Err("ArrowKVTD format not supported in parquet".into())
ProtoBatchFormat::ParquetKvtd => decode_parquet_file_kvtd(buf, None, metrics)?,
ProtoBatchFormat::ParquetStructured => {
// Even though `format_metadata` is optional, we expect it when
// our format is ParquetStructured.
let format_metadata = metadata
.ok_or_else(|| "missing field 'format_metadata'".to_string())?;
decode_parquet_file_kvtd(buf, Some(format_metadata), metrics)?
let ret = BlobTraceBatchPart {
desc: metadata.desc.map_or_else(
|| {
|x| x.into(),
index: metadata.index,
/// Encodes [`BlobTraceUpdates`] to Parquet using the [`parquet`] crate.
pub fn encode_parquet_kvtd<W: Write + Send>(
w: &mut W,
inline_base64: String,
updates: &BlobTraceUpdates,
metrics: &ColumnarMetrics,
cfg: &EncodingConfig,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let metadata = KeyValue::new(INLINE_METADATA_KEY.to_string(), inline_base64);
// Note: most of these settings are the defaults from `arrow2` which we
// previously used and maintain until we tune with benchmarking.
let properties = WriterProperties::builder()
.set_data_page_size_limit(1024 * 1024)
let batch = encode_arrow_batch(updates);
let format = match updates {
BlobTraceUpdates::Row(_) => "k,v,t,d",
BlobTraceUpdates::Both(_, _) => "k,v,t,d,k_s,v_s",
BlobTraceUpdates::Structured { .. } => "t,d,k_s,v_s",
let mut writer = ArrowWriter::try_new(w, batch.schema(), Some(properties))?;
let bytes_written = writer.bytes_written();
let file_metadata = writer.close()?;
report_parquet_metrics(metrics, &file_metadata, bytes_written, format);
/// Decodes [`BlobTraceUpdates`] from a reader, using [`arrow`].
pub fn decode_parquet_file_kvtd(
r: impl parquet::file::reader::ChunkReader + 'static,
format_metadata: Option<&ProtoFormatMetadata>,
metrics: &ColumnarMetrics,
) -> Result<BlobTraceUpdates, Error> {
let builder = ParquetRecordBatchReaderBuilder::try_new(r)?;
// To match arrow2, we default the batch size to the number of rows in the RowGroup.
let row_groups = builder.metadata().row_groups();
if row_groups.len() > 1 {
return Err(Error::String("found more than 1 RowGroup".to_string()));
let num_rows = usize::try_from(row_groups[0].num_rows())
.map_err(|_| Error::String("found negative rows".to_string()))?;
let builder = builder.with_batch_size(num_rows);
let schema = Arc::clone(builder.schema());
let mut reader = builder.build()?;
match format_metadata {
None => {
let mut ret = Vec::new();
for batch in reader {
let batch = batch.map_err(|e| Error::String(e.to_string()))?;
if ret.len() != 1 {
warn!("unexpected number of row groups: {}", ret.len());
let batch = ::arrow::compute::concat_batches(&schema, &ret)?;
let updates = decode_arrow_batch(&batch, metrics).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
Some(ProtoFormatMetadata::StructuredMigration(v @ 1..=3)) => {
let mut batch = reader
.ok_or_else(|| Error::String("found empty batch".to_string()))??;
// We enforce an invariant that we have a single RowGroup.
if reader.next().is_some() {
return Err(Error::String("found more than one RowGroup".to_string()));
// Version 1 is a deprecated format so we just ignored the k_s and v_s columns.
if *v == 1 && batch.num_columns() > 4 {
batch = batch.project(&[0, 1, 2, 3])?;
let updates = decode_arrow_batch(&batch, metrics).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
unknown => Err(format!("unkown ProtoFormatMetadata, {unknown:?}"))?,
/// Best effort reporting of metrics from the resulting [`parquet::format::FileMetaData`] returned
/// from the [`ArrowWriter`].
fn report_parquet_metrics(
metrics: &ColumnarMetrics,
metadata: &parquet::format::FileMetaData,
bytes_written: usize,
format: &'static str,
) {
let report_column_size = |col_name: &str, metrics: &ParquetColumnMetrics| {
let (uncomp, comp) = metadata
.map(|row_group| row_group.columns.iter())
.filter_map(|col_chunk| col_chunk.meta_data.as_ref())
.filter(|m| m.path_in_schema.first().map(|s| s.as_str()) == Some(col_name))
.map(|m| (m.total_uncompressed_size, m.total_compressed_size))
.fold((0, 0), |(tot_u, tot_c), (u, c)| (tot_u + u, tot_c + c));
let uncomp = uncomp.try_into().unwrap_or(0u64);
let comp = comp.try_into().unwrap_or(0u64);
metrics.report_sizes(uncomp, comp);
report_column_size("k", &metrics.parquet().k_metrics);
report_column_size("v", &metrics.parquet().v_metrics);
report_column_size("t", &metrics.parquet().t_metrics);
report_column_size("d", &metrics.parquet().d_metrics);
report_column_size("k_s", &metrics.parquet().k_s_metrics);
report_column_size("v_s", &metrics.parquet().v_s_metrics);