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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Transformations that bring relation expressions to their canonical form.
//! This is achieved by:
//! 1. Bringing enclosed scalar expressions to a canonical form,
//! 2. Converting / peeling off part of the enclosing relation expression into
//! another relation expression that can represent the same concept.
mod flatmap_to_map;
mod projection_extraction;
mod topk_elision;
pub use flatmap_to_map::FlatMapToMap;
pub use projection_extraction::ProjectionExtraction;
pub use topk_elision::TopKElision;
use mz_expr::MirRelationExpr;
use crate::analysis::{DerivedBuilder, RelationType};
use crate::TransformCtx;
/// A transform that visits each AST node and reduces scalar expressions.
pub struct ReduceScalars;
impl crate::Transform for ReduceScalars {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
target = "optimizer",
level = "debug",
fields(path.segment = "reduce_scalars")
fn actually_perform_transform(
relation: &mut MirRelationExpr,
ctx: &mut TransformCtx,
) -> Result<(), crate::TransformError> {
let mut builder = DerivedBuilder::new(ctx.features);
let derived = builder.visit(&*relation);
// Descend the AST, reducing scalar expressions.
let mut todo = vec![(&mut *relation, derived.as_view())];
while let Some((expr, view)) = todo.pop() {
match expr {
MirRelationExpr::Constant { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::Get { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::Let { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::LetRec { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::Project { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::Union { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::Threshold { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::Negate { .. } => {
// No expressions to reduce
MirRelationExpr::ArrangeBy { .. } => {
// Has expressions, but we aren't brave enough to reduce these yet.
MirRelationExpr::Filter { predicates, .. } => {
let input_type = view
.expect("RelationType required")
for predicate in predicates.iter_mut() {
predicates.retain(|p| !p.is_literal_true());
MirRelationExpr::FlatMap { exprs, .. } => {
let input_type = view
.expect("RelationType required")
for expr in exprs.iter_mut() {
MirRelationExpr::Map { scalars, .. } => {
// Use the output type, to incorporate the types of `scalars` as they land.
let output_type = view
.expect("RelationType required")
let input_arity = output_type.len() - scalars.len();
for (index, scalar) in scalars.iter_mut().enumerate() {
scalar.reduce(&output_type[..input_arity + index]);
MirRelationExpr::Join { equivalences, .. } => {
let mut children: Vec<_> = view.children_rev().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let input_types = children
.flat_map(|c| {
.expect("RelationType required")
for class in equivalences.iter_mut() {
for expr in class.iter_mut() {
equivalences.retain(|e| e.len() > 1);
MirRelationExpr::Reduce {
} => {
let input_type = view
.expect("RelationType required")
for key in group_key.iter_mut() {
for aggregate in aggregates.iter_mut() {
MirRelationExpr::TopK { limit, .. } => {
let input_type = view
.expect("RelationType required")
if let Some(limit) = limit {