extern crate columnar_derive;
pub use columnar_derive::Columnar;
pub mod adts;
pub trait Columnar : 'static {
type Ref<'a>;
fn copy_from<'a>(&mut self, other: Self::Ref<'a>) where Self: Sized {
*self = Self::into_owned(other);
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self;
type Container: Len + Clear + Default + for<'a> Push<&'a Self> + for<'a> Push<Self::Ref<'a>> + Container<Self>;
fn as_columns<'a, I>(selves: I) -> Self::Container where I: IntoIterator<Item =&'a Self>, Self: 'a {
let mut columns: Self::Container = Default::default();
for item in selves {
fn into_columns<I>(selves: I) -> Self::Container where I: IntoIterator<Item = Self>, Self: Sized {
let mut columns: Self::Container = Default::default();
for item in selves {
pub trait Container<C: Columnar + ?Sized> {
type Borrowed<'a>: Copy + Len + AsBytes<'a> + FromBytes<'a> + Index<Ref = C::Ref<'a>> where Self: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a>;
pub use common::{Clear, Len, Push, IndexMut, Index, IndexAs, HeapSize, Slice, AsBytes, FromBytes};
pub mod common {
pub trait Len {
fn len(&self) -> usize;
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
impl<L: Len> Len for &L {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { L::len(*self) }
impl<L: Len> Len for &mut L {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { L::len(*self) }
impl<T> Len for Vec<T> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len() }
impl<T> Len for [T] {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { <[T]>::len(self) }
impl<T> Len for &[T] {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { <[T]>::len(self) }
pub trait Push<T> {
fn push(&mut self, item: T);
#[inline(always)] fn extend(&mut self, iter: impl IntoIterator<Item=T>) {
for item in iter {
impl<T> Push<T> for Vec<T> {
#[inline(always)] fn push(&mut self, item: T) { self.push(item) }
fn extend(&mut self, iter: impl IntoIterator<Item=T>) {
std::iter::Extend::extend(self, iter)
impl<'a, T: Clone> Push<&'a T> for Vec<T> {
#[inline(always)] fn push(&mut self, item: &'a T) { self.push(item.clone()) }
fn extend(&mut self, iter: impl IntoIterator<Item=&'a T>) {
std::iter::Extend::extend(self, iter.into_iter().cloned())
impl<'a, T: Clone> Push<&'a [T]> for Vec<T> {
#[inline(always)] fn push(&mut self, item: &'a [T]) { self.clone_from_slice(item) }
pub use index::{Index, IndexMut, IndexAs};
pub mod index {
use crate::Len;
use crate::common::IterOwn;
pub trait IndexMut {
type IndexMut<'a> where Self: 'a;
fn get_mut(& mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_>;
#[inline(always)] fn last_mut(&mut self) -> Option<Self::IndexMut<'_>> where Self: Len {
if self.is_empty() { None }
else { Some(self.get_mut(self.len()-1)) }
impl<'t, T: IndexMut + ?Sized> IndexMut for &'t mut T {
type IndexMut<'a> = T::IndexMut<'a> where Self: 'a;
#[inline(always)] fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> {
T::get_mut(*self, index)
impl<T> IndexMut for Vec<T> {
type IndexMut<'a> = &'a mut T where Self: 'a;
#[inline(always)] fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> { &mut self[index] }
impl<T> IndexMut for [T] {
type IndexMut<'a> = &'a mut T where Self: 'a;
#[inline(always)] fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> { &mut self[index] }
pub trait Index {
type Ref;
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref;
#[inline(always)] fn last(&self) -> Option<Self::Ref> where Self: Len {
if self.is_empty() { None }
else { Some(self.get(self.len()-1)) }
fn iter(&self) -> IterOwn<&Self> {
IterOwn {
index: 0,
slice: self,
fn into_iter(self) -> IterOwn<Self> where Self: Sized {
IterOwn {
index: 0,
slice: self,
impl<'a, T> Index for &'a [T] {
type Ref = &'a T;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref { &self[index] }
impl<T: Copy> Index for [T] {
type Ref = T;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref { self[index] }
impl<'a, T> Index for &'a Vec<T> {
type Ref = &'a T;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref { &self[index] }
impl<T: Copy> Index for Vec<T> {
type Ref = T;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref { self[index] }
pub trait CopyAs<T> {
fn copy_as(self) -> T;
impl<T: Copy> CopyAs<T> for &T {
fn copy_as(self) -> T { *self }
impl<T> CopyAs<T> for T {
fn copy_as(self) -> T { self }
pub trait IndexAs<T> {
fn index_as(&self, index: usize) -> T;
fn last(&self) -> Option<T> where Self: Len {
if self.is_empty() { None }
else { Some(self.index_as(self.len()-1)) }
impl<T: Index, S> IndexAs<S> for T where T::Ref: CopyAs<S> {
fn index_as(&self, index: usize) -> S { self.get(index).copy_as() }
pub trait Clear {
fn clear(&mut self);
impl<T> Clear for Vec<T> {
#[inline(always)] fn clear(&mut self) { self.clear() }
impl<'a, T> Clear for &'a [T] {
#[inline(always)] fn clear(&mut self) { *self = &[]; }
pub trait HeapSize {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) { (0, 0) }
impl HeapSize for serde_json::Number { }
impl HeapSize for String {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
(self.len(), self.capacity())
impl<T: HeapSize> HeapSize for [T] {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let mut l = std::mem::size_of_val(self);
let mut c = std::mem::size_of_val(self);
for item in self.iter() {
let (il, ic) = item.heap_size();
l += il;
c += ic;
(l, c)
impl<T: HeapSize> HeapSize for Vec<T> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let mut l = std::mem::size_of::<T>() * self.len();
let mut c = std::mem::size_of::<T>() * self.capacity();
for item in (self[..]).iter() {
let (il, ic) = item.heap_size();
l += il;
c += ic;
(l, c)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Slice<S> {
lower: usize,
upper: usize,
slice: S,
impl<S> Slice<S> {
pub fn slice<R: std::ops::RangeBounds<usize>>(self, range: R) -> Self {
use std::ops::Bound;
let lower = match range.start_bound() {
Bound::Included(s) => std::cmp::max(self.lower, *s),
Bound::Excluded(s) => std::cmp::max(self.lower, *s+1),
Bound::Unbounded => self.lower,
let upper = match range.end_bound() {
Bound::Included(s) => std::cmp::min(self.upper, *s+1),
Bound::Excluded(s) => std::cmp::min(self.upper, *s),
Bound::Unbounded => self.upper,
assert!(lower <= upper);
Self { lower, upper, slice: self.slice }
pub fn new(lower: u64, upper: u64, slice: S) -> Self {
let lower: usize = lower.try_into().expect("slice bounds must fit in `usize`");
let upper: usize = upper.try_into().expect("slice bounds must fit in `usize`");
Self { lower, upper, slice }
pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.upper - self.lower }
impl<S: Index> PartialEq for Slice<S> where S::Ref: PartialEq {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
if self.len() != other.len() { return false; }
for i in 0 .. self.len() {
if self.get(i) != other.get(i) { return false; }
impl<S: Index> PartialEq<[S::Ref]> for Slice<S> where S::Ref: PartialEq {
fn eq(&self, other: &[S::Ref]) -> bool {
if self.len() != other.len() { return false; }
for i in 0 .. self.len() {
if self.get(i) != other[i] { return false; }
impl<S: Index> PartialEq<Vec<S::Ref>> for Slice<S> where S::Ref: PartialEq {
fn eq(&self, other: &Vec<S::Ref>) -> bool {
if self.len() != other.len() { return false; }
for i in 0 .. self.len() {
if self.get(i) != other[i] { return false; }
impl<S: Index> Eq for Slice<S> where S::Ref: Eq { }
impl<S: Index> PartialOrd for Slice<S> where S::Ref: PartialOrd {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
use std::cmp::Ordering;
let len = std::cmp::min(self.len(), other.len());
for i in 0 .. len {
match self.get(i).partial_cmp(&other.get(i)) {
Some(Ordering::Equal) => (),
not_equal => return not_equal,
impl<S: Index> Ord for Slice<S> where S::Ref: Ord + Eq {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
use std::cmp::Ordering;
let len = std::cmp::min(self.len(), other.len());
for i in 0 .. len {
match self.get(i).cmp(&other.get(i)) {
Ordering::Equal => (),
not_equal => return not_equal,
impl<S> Len for Slice<S> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len() }
impl<S: Index> Index for Slice<S> {
type Ref = S::Ref;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
assert!(index < self.upper - self.lower);
self.slice.get(self.lower + index)
impl<'a, S> Index for &'a Slice<S>
&'a S : Index,
type Ref = <&'a S as Index>::Ref;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
assert!(index < self.upper - self.lower);
(&self.slice).get(self.lower + index)
impl<S: IndexMut> IndexMut for Slice<S> {
type IndexMut<'a> = S::IndexMut<'a> where S: 'a;
#[inline(always)] fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> {
assert!(index < self.upper - self.lower);
self.slice.get_mut(self.lower + index)
pub struct IterOwn<S> {
index: usize,
slice: S,
impl<S> IterOwn<S> {
pub fn new(index: usize, slice: S) -> Self {
Self { index, slice }
impl<S: Index + Len> Iterator for IterOwn<S> {
type Item = S::Ref;
#[inline(always)] fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.index < self.slice.len() {
let result = self.slice.get(self.index);
self.index += 1;
} else {
pub trait AsBytes<'a> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])>;
fn length_in_words(&self) -> usize {
self.as_bytes().map(|(_, x)| 1 + (x.len()/8) + if x.len() % 8 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 }).sum()
pub trait FromBytes<'a> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self;
pub mod bytes {
pub mod serialization {
pub fn encode<'a>(store: &mut Vec<u64>, bytes: impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])>) {
for (align, bytes) in bytes {
assert!(align <= 8);
store.push(bytes.len() as u64);
let whole_words = 8 * (bytes.len() / 8);
if let Ok(words) = bytemuck::try_cast_slice(&bytes[.. whole_words]) {
else {
let store_len = store.len();
store.resize(store_len + whole_words/8, 0);
let slice = bytemuck::try_cast_slice_mut(&mut store[store_len..]).expect("&[u64] should convert to &[u8]");
slice.copy_from_slice(&bytes[.. whole_words]);
let remaining_bytes = &bytes[whole_words..];
if !remaining_bytes.is_empty() {
let mut remainder = 0u64;
let transmute: &mut [u8] = bytemuck::try_cast_slice_mut(std::slice::from_mut(&mut remainder)).expect("&[u64] should convert to &[u8]");
for (i, byte) in remaining_bytes.iter().enumerate() {
transmute[i] = *byte;
pub fn decode(store: &[u64]) -> Decoder<'_> {
Decoder { store }
pub struct Decoder<'a> {
store: &'a [u64],
impl<'a> Iterator for Decoder<'a> {
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(length) = self.store.first() {
let length = *length as usize;
self.store = &self.store[1..];
let whole_words = if length % 8 == 0 { length / 8 } else { length / 8 + 1 };
let bytes: &[u8] = bytemuck::try_cast_slice(&self.store[..whole_words]).expect("&[u64] should convert to &[u8]");
self.store = &self.store[whole_words..];
} else {
mod test {
fn round_trip() {
use crate::{Columnar, Container};
use crate::common::{Push, HeapSize, Len, Index};
use crate::{AsBytes, FromBytes};
let mut column: <Result<u64, u64> as Columnar>::Container = Default::default();
for i in 0..100u64 {
column.push(Ok::<u64, u64>(i));
column.push(Err::<u64, u64>(i));
assert_eq!(column.len(), 200);
assert_eq!(column.heap_size(), (1624, 2080));
for i in 0..100 {
assert_eq!(column.get(2*i+0), Ok(i as u64));
assert_eq!(column.get(2*i+1), Err(i as u64));
let column2 = crate::Results::<&[u64], &[u64], &[u64], &[u64], &u64>::from_bytes(&mut column.borrow().as_bytes().map(|(_, bytes)| bytes));
for i in 0..100 {
assert_eq!(column.get(2*i+0), column2.get(2*i+0).copied().map_err(|e| *e));
assert_eq!(column.get(2*i+1), column2.get(2*i+1).copied().map_err(|e| *e));
let column3 = crate::Results::<&[u64], &[u64], &[u64], &[u64], &u64>::from_bytes(&mut column2.as_bytes().map(|(_, bytes)| bytes));
for i in 0..100 {
assert_eq!(column3.get(2*i+0), column2.get(2*i+0));
assert_eq!(column3.get(2*i+1), column2.get(2*i+1));
pub mod primitive {
macro_rules! implement_columnable {
($($index_type:ty),*) => { $(
impl crate::Columnar for $index_type {
type Ref<'a> = &'a $index_type;
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self { *other }
type Container = Vec<$index_type>;
impl crate::Container<$index_type> for Vec<$index_type> {
type Borrowed<'a> = &'a [$index_type];
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> { &self[..] }
impl crate::HeapSize for $index_type { }
impl<'a> crate::AsBytes<'a> for &'a [$index_type] {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
std::iter::once((std::mem::align_of::<$index_type>() as u64, bytemuck::cast_slice(&self[..])))
impl<'a> crate::FromBytes<'a> for &'a [$index_type] {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
bytemuck::try_cast_slice(bytes.next().expect("Iterator exhausted prematurely")).unwrap()
)* }
implement_columnable!(u8, u16, u32, u64, u128);
implement_columnable!(i8, i16, i32, i64, i128);
implement_columnable!(f32, f64);
pub use sizes::{Usizes, Isizes};
mod sizes {
use crate::{Clear, Columnar, Len, IndexMut, Index, IndexAs, Push, HeapSize};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Usizes<CV = Vec<u64>> { pub values: CV }
impl Columnar for usize {
type Ref<'a> = usize;
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self { other }
type Container = Usizes;
impl<CV: crate::Container<u64>> crate::Container<usize> for Usizes<CV> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Usizes<CV::Borrowed<'a>> where CV: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Usizes { values: self.values.borrow() }
impl<CV: Len> Len for Usizes<CV> { fn len(&self) -> usize { self.values.len() }}
impl IndexMut for Usizes {
type IndexMut<'a> = &'a mut u64;
#[inline(always)] fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> { &mut self.values[index] }
impl<CV: IndexAs<u64>> Index for Usizes<CV> {
type Ref = usize;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref { self.values.index_as(index).try_into().expect("Usizes values should fit in `usize`") }
impl<'a, CV: IndexAs<u64>> Index for &'a Usizes<CV> {
type Ref = usize;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref { self.values.index_as(index).try_into().expect("Usizes values should fit in `usize`") }
impl Push<usize> for Usizes {
fn push(&mut self, item: usize) { self.values.push(item.try_into().expect("usize must fit in a u64")) }
impl Push<&usize> for Usizes {
fn push(&mut self, item: &usize) { self.values.push((*item).try_into().expect("usize must fit in a u64")) }
impl<CV: Clear> Clear for Usizes<CV> { fn clear(&mut self) { self.values.clear() }}
impl<CV: HeapSize> HeapSize for Usizes<CV> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
impl<'a, CV: crate::AsBytes<'a>> crate::AsBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Usizes<CV> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
impl<'a, CV: crate::FromBytes<'a>> crate::FromBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Usizes<CV> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
Self { values: CV::from_bytes(bytes) }
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Isizes<CV = Vec<i64>> { pub values: CV }
impl Columnar for isize {
type Ref<'a> = isize;
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self { other }
type Container = Isizes;
impl<CV: crate::Container<i64>> crate::Container<isize> for Isizes<CV> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Isizes<CV::Borrowed<'a>> where CV: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Isizes { values: self.values.borrow() }
impl<CV: Len> Len for Isizes<CV> { fn len(&self) -> usize { self.values.len() }}
impl IndexMut for Isizes {
type IndexMut<'a> = &'a mut i64;
#[inline(always)] fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> { &mut self.values[index] }
impl<CV: IndexAs<i64>> Index for Isizes<CV> {
type Ref = isize;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref { self.values.index_as(index).try_into().expect("Isizes values should fit in `isize`") }
impl<'a, CV: IndexAs<i64>> Index for &'a Isizes<CV> {
type Ref = isize;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref { self.values.index_as(index).try_into().expect("Isizes values should fit in `isize`") }
impl Push<isize> for Isizes {
fn push(&mut self, item: isize) { self.values.push(item.try_into().expect("isize must fit in a i64")) }
impl Push<&isize> for Isizes {
fn push(&mut self, item: &isize) { self.values.push((*item).try_into().expect("isize must fit in a i64")) }
impl<CV: Clear> Clear for Isizes<CV> { fn clear(&mut self) { self.values.clear() }}
impl<CV: HeapSize> HeapSize for Isizes<CV> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
impl<'a, CV: crate::AsBytes<'a>> crate::AsBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Isizes<CV> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
impl<'a, CV: crate::FromBytes<'a>> crate::FromBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Isizes<CV> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
Self { values: CV::from_bytes(bytes) }
pub use empty::Empties;
mod empty {
use crate::common::index::CopyAs;
use crate::{Clear, Columnar, Len, IndexMut, Index, Push, HeapSize};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Empties<CC = u64> { pub count: CC, pub empty: () }
impl Columnar for () {
type Ref<'a> = ();
fn into_owned<'a>(_other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self { () }
type Container = Empties;
impl crate::Container<()> for Empties {
type Borrowed<'a> = Empties<&'a u64>;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> { Empties { count: &self.count, empty: () } }
impl<CC: CopyAs<u64> + Copy> Len for Empties<CC> {
fn len(&self) -> usize { self.count.copy_as() as usize }
impl<CC> IndexMut for Empties<CC> {
type IndexMut<'a> = &'a mut () where CC: 'a;
#[inline(always)] fn get_mut(&mut self, _index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> { &mut self.empty }
impl<CC> Index for Empties<CC> {
type Ref = ();
fn get(&self, _index: usize) -> Self::Ref { () }
impl<'a, CC> Index for &'a Empties<CC> {
type Ref = &'a ();
fn get(&self, _index: usize) -> Self::Ref { &() }
impl Push<()> for Empties {
fn push(&mut self, _item: ()) { self.count += 1; }
impl Push<&()> for Empties {
fn push(&mut self, _item: &()) { self.count += 1; }
impl HeapSize for Empties {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) { (0, 0) }
impl Clear for Empties {
fn clear(&mut self) { self.count = 0; }
impl<'a> crate::AsBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Empties<&'a u64> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
std::iter::once((8, bytemuck::cast_slice(std::slice::from_ref(self.count))))
impl<'a> crate::FromBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Empties<&'a u64> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
Self { count: &bytemuck::try_cast_slice(bytes.next().expect("Iterator exhausted prematurely")).unwrap()[0], empty: () }
pub use boolean::Bools;
mod boolean {
use crate::common::index::CopyAs;
use crate::{Clear, Len, Index, IndexAs, Push, HeapSize};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Bools<VC = Vec<u64>, WC = u64> {
pub values: VC,
pub last_word: WC,
pub last_bits: WC,
impl crate::Columnar for bool {
type Ref<'a> = bool;
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self { other }
type Container = Bools;
impl<VC: crate::Container<u64>> crate::Container<bool> for Bools<VC> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Bools<VC::Borrowed<'a>, &'a u64> where VC: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Bools {
values: self.values.borrow(),
last_word: &self.last_word,
last_bits: &self.last_bits,
impl<'a, VC: crate::AsBytes<'a>> crate::AsBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Bools<VC, &'a u64> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
.chain(std::iter::once((std::mem::align_of::<u64>() as u64, bytemuck::cast_slice(std::slice::from_ref(self.last_word)))))
.chain(std::iter::once((1, bytemuck::cast_slice(std::slice::from_ref(self.last_bits)))))
impl<'a, VC: crate::FromBytes<'a>> crate::FromBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Bools<VC, &'a u64> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
let values = crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes);
let last_word = &bytemuck::try_cast_slice(bytes.next().expect("Iterator exhausted prematurely")).unwrap()[0];
let last_bits = &bytemuck::try_cast_slice(bytes.next().expect("Iterator exhausted prematurely")).unwrap()[0];
Self { values, last_word, last_bits }
impl<VC: Len, WC: Copy + CopyAs<u64>> Len for Bools<VC, WC> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.values.len() * 64 + (self.last_bits.copy_as() as usize) }
impl<VC: Len + IndexAs<u64>, WC: Copy + CopyAs<u64>> Index for Bools<VC, WC> {
type Ref = bool;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
let block = index / 64;
let word = if block == self.values.len() {
} else {
let bit = index % 64;
(word >> bit) & 1 == 1
impl<VC: Len + IndexAs<u64>, WC: Copy + CopyAs<u64>> Index for &Bools<VC, WC> {
type Ref = bool;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
impl<VC: Push<u64>> Push<bool> for Bools<VC> {
fn push(&mut self, bit: bool) {
self.last_word |= (bit as u64) << self.last_bits;
self.last_bits += 1;
if self.last_bits == 64 {
self.last_word = 0;
self.last_bits = 0;
impl<'a, VC: Push<u64>> Push<&'a bool> for Bools<VC> {
fn push(&mut self, bit: &'a bool) {
impl<VC: Clear> Clear for Bools<VC> {
fn clear(&mut self) {
self.last_word = 0;
self.last_bits = 0;
impl<VC: HeapSize> HeapSize for Bools<VC> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
pub use duration::Durations;
mod duration {
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::{Len, Index, IndexAs, Push, Clear, HeapSize};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Durations<SC = Vec<u64>, NC = Vec<u32>> {
pub seconds: SC,
pub nanoseconds: NC,
impl crate::Columnar for Duration {
type Ref<'a> = Duration;
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self { other }
type Container = Durations;
impl<SC: crate::Container<u64>, NC: crate::Container<u32>> crate::Container<Duration> for Durations<SC, NC> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Durations<SC::Borrowed<'a>, NC::Borrowed<'a>> where SC: 'a, NC: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Durations {
seconds: self.seconds.borrow(),
nanoseconds: self.nanoseconds.borrow(),
impl<'a, SC: crate::AsBytes<'a>, NC: crate::AsBytes<'a>> crate::AsBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Durations<SC, NC> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
impl<'a, SC: crate::FromBytes<'a>, NC: crate::FromBytes<'a>> crate::FromBytes<'a> for crate::primitive::Durations<SC, NC> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
Self {
seconds: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
nanoseconds: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
impl<SC: Len, NC> Len for Durations<SC, NC> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.seconds.len() }
impl<SC: IndexAs<u64>, NC: IndexAs<u32>> Index for Durations<SC, NC> {
type Ref = Duration;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
Duration::new(self.seconds.index_as(index), self.nanoseconds.index_as(index))
impl<SC: Push<u64>, NC: Push<u32>> Push<std::time::Duration> for Durations<SC, NC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: std::time::Duration) {
impl<'a, SC: Push<u64>, NC: Push<u32>> Push<&'a std::time::Duration> for Durations<SC, NC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: &'a std::time::Duration) {
impl<'a, SC: Push<&'a u64>, NC: Push<&'a u32>> Push<(&'a u64, &'a u32)> for Durations<SC, NC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: (&'a u64, &'a u32)) {
impl<SC: Clear, NC: Clear> Clear for Durations<SC, NC> {
fn clear(&mut self) {
impl<SC: HeapSize, NC: HeapSize> HeapSize for Durations<SC, NC> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let (l0, c0) = self.seconds.heap_size();
let (l1, c1) = self.nanoseconds.heap_size();
(l0 + l1, c0 + c1)
pub use string::Strings;
pub mod string {
use super::{Clear, Columnar, Len, Index, IndexAs, Push, HeapSize};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Strings<BC = Vec<u64>, VC = Vec<u8>> {
pub bounds: BC,
pub values: VC,
impl Columnar for String {
type Ref<'a> = &'a str;
fn copy_from<'a>(&mut self, other: Self::Ref<'a>) {
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self { other.to_string() }
type Container = Strings;
impl<'b, BC: crate::Container<u64>> crate::Container<String> for Strings<BC, &'b [u8]> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Strings<BC::Borrowed<'a>, &'a [u8]> where BC: 'a, 'b: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Strings {
bounds: self.bounds.borrow(),
values: self.values,
impl<BC: crate::Container<u64>> crate::Container<String> for Strings<BC, Vec<u8>> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Strings<BC::Borrowed<'a>, &'a [u8]> where BC: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Strings {
bounds: self.bounds.borrow(),
values: self.values.borrow(),
impl<'a, BC: crate::AsBytes<'a>, VC: crate::AsBytes<'a>> crate::AsBytes<'a> for Strings<BC, VC> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
impl<'a, BC: crate::FromBytes<'a>, VC: crate::FromBytes<'a>> crate::FromBytes<'a> for Strings<BC, VC> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
Self {
bounds: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
values: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
impl<BC: Len, VC> Len for Strings<BC, VC> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.bounds.len() }
impl<'a, BC: Len+IndexAs<u64>> Index for Strings<BC, &'a [u8]> {
type Ref = &'a str;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
let lower = if index == 0 { 0 } else { self.bounds.index_as(index - 1) };
let upper = self.bounds.index_as(index);
let lower: usize = lower.try_into().expect("bounds must fit in `usize`");
let upper: usize = upper.try_into().expect("bounds must fit in `usize`");
std::str::from_utf8(&self.values[lower .. upper]).expect("&[u8] must be valid utf8")
impl<'a, BC: Len+IndexAs<u64>> Index for &'a Strings<BC, Vec<u8>> {
type Ref = &'a str;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
let lower = if index == 0 { 0 } else { self.bounds.index_as(index - 1) };
let upper = self.bounds.index_as(index);
let lower: usize = lower.try_into().expect("bounds must fit in `usize`");
let upper: usize = upper.try_into().expect("bounds must fit in `usize`");
std::str::from_utf8(&self.values[lower .. upper]).expect("&[u8] must be valid utf8")
impl<BC: Push<u64>> Push<&String> for Strings<BC> {
#[inline(always)] fn push(&mut self, item: &String) {
self.bounds.push(self.values.len() as u64);
impl<BC: Push<u64>> Push<&str> for Strings<BC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: &str) {
self.bounds.push(self.values.len() as u64);
impl<BC: Clear, VC: Clear> Clear for Strings<BC, VC> {
fn clear(&mut self) {
impl<BC: HeapSize, VC: HeapSize> HeapSize for Strings<BC, VC> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let (l0, c0) = self.bounds.heap_size();
let (l1, c1) = self.values.heap_size();
(l0 + l1, c0 + c1)
pub use vector::Vecs;
pub mod vector {
use super::{Clear, Columnar, Len, IndexMut, Index, IndexAs, Push, HeapSize, Slice};
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Vecs<TC, BC = Vec<u64>> {
pub bounds: BC,
pub values: TC,
impl<T: Columnar> Columnar for Vec<T> {
type Ref<'a> = Slice<<T::Container as crate::Container<T>>::Borrowed<'a>> where T: 'a;
fn copy_from<'a>(&mut self, other: Self::Ref<'a>) {
let mut other_iter = other.into_iter();
for (s, o) in self.iter_mut().zip(&mut other_iter) {
T::copy_from(s, o);
for o in other_iter {
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self {
other.into_iter().map(|x| T::into_owned(x)).collect()
type Container = Vecs<T::Container>;
impl<T: Columnar, const N: usize> Columnar for [T; N] {
type Ref<'a> = Slice<<T::Container as crate::Container<T>>::Borrowed<'a>> where T: 'a;
fn copy_from<'a>(&mut self, other: Self::Ref<'a>) {
for (s, o) in self.iter_mut().zip(other.into_iter()) {
T::copy_from(s, o);
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self {
let vec: Vec<_> = other.into_iter().map(|x| T::into_owned(x)).collect();
match vec.try_into() {
Ok(array) => array,
Err(_) => panic!("wrong length"),
type Container = Vecs<T::Container>;
impl<T: Columnar<Container = TC>, BC: crate::Container<u64>, TC: crate::Container<T>> crate::Container<Vec<T>> for Vecs<TC, BC> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Vecs<TC::Borrowed<'a>, BC::Borrowed<'a>> where BC: 'a, TC: 'a, T: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Vecs {
bounds: self.bounds.borrow(),
values: self.values.borrow(),
impl<T: Columnar<Container = TC>, BC: crate::Container<u64>, TC: crate::Container<T>, const N: usize> crate::Container<[T; N]> for Vecs<TC, BC> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Vecs<TC::Borrowed<'a>, BC::Borrowed<'a>> where BC: 'a, TC: 'a, T: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Vecs {
bounds: self.bounds.borrow(),
values: self.values.borrow(),
impl<'a, TC: crate::AsBytes<'a>, BC: crate::AsBytes<'a>> crate::AsBytes<'a> for Vecs<TC, BC> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
impl<'a, TC: crate::FromBytes<'a>, BC: crate::FromBytes<'a>> crate::FromBytes<'a> for Vecs<TC, BC> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
Self {
bounds: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
values: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
impl<TC: Len> Vecs<TC> {
pub fn push_iter<I>(&mut self, iter: I) where I: IntoIterator, TC: Push<I::Item> {
self.bounds.push(self.values.len() as u64);
impl<TC, BC: Len> Len for Vecs<TC, BC> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.bounds.len() }
impl<TC: Copy, BC: Len+IndexAs<u64>> Index for Vecs<TC, BC> {
type Ref = Slice<TC>;
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
let lower = if index == 0 { 0 } else { self.bounds.index_as(index - 1) };
let upper = self.bounds.index_as(index);
Slice::new(lower, upper, self.values)
impl<'a, TC, BC: Len+IndexAs<u64>> Index for &'a Vecs<TC, BC> {
type Ref = Slice<&'a TC>;
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
let lower = if index == 0 { 0 } else { self.bounds.index_as(index - 1) };
let upper = self.bounds.index_as(index);
Slice::new(lower, upper, &self.values)
impl<TC, BC: Len+IndexAs<u64>> IndexMut for Vecs<TC, BC> {
type IndexMut<'a> = Slice<&'a mut TC> where TC: 'a, BC: 'a;
fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> {
let lower = if index == 0 { 0 } else { self.bounds.index_as(index - 1) };
let upper = self.bounds.index_as(index);
Slice::new(lower, upper, &mut self.values)
impl<TC: Push<TC2::Ref> + Len, TC2: Index> Push<Slice<TC2>> for Vecs<TC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: Slice<TC2>) {
self.bounds.push(self.values.len() as u64);
impl<'a, T, TC: Push<&'a T> + Len> Push<&'a Vec<T>> for Vecs<TC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: &'a Vec<T>) {
impl<'a, T, TC: Push<&'a T> + Len, const N: usize> Push<&'a [T; N]> for Vecs<TC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: &'a [T; N]) {
impl<'a, T, TC: Push<&'a T> + Len> Push<&'a [T]> for Vecs<TC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: &'a [T]) {
self.bounds.push(self.values.len() as u64);
impl<TC: Clear> Clear for Vecs<TC> {
fn clear(&mut self) {
impl<TC: HeapSize, BC: HeapSize> HeapSize for Vecs<TC, BC> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let (l0, c0) = self.bounds.heap_size();
let (l1, c1) = self.values.heap_size();
(l0 + l1, c0 + c1)
pub mod tuple {
use super::{Clear, Columnar, Len, IndexMut, Index, Push, HeapSize};
macro_rules! tuple_impl {
( $($name:ident,$name2:ident)+) => (
impl<$($name: Columnar),*> Columnar for ($($name,)*) {
type Ref<'a> = ($($name::Ref<'a>,)*) where $($name: 'a,)*;
fn copy_from<'a>(&mut self, other: Self::Ref<'a>) {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
let ($($name2,)*) = other;
$(crate::Columnar::copy_from($name, $name2);)*
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self {
let ($($name2,)*) = other;
type Container = ($($name::Container,)*);
impl<$($name: crate::Columnar, $name2: crate::Container<$name>,)*> crate::Container<($($name,)*)> for ($($name2,)*) {
type Borrowed<'a> = ($($name2::Borrowed<'a>,)*) where $($name: 'a, $name2: 'a,)*;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
impl<'a, $($name: crate::AsBytes<'a>),*> crate::AsBytes<'a> for ($($name,)*) {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
let iter = None.into_iter();
$( let iter = iter.chain($name.as_bytes()); )*
impl<'a, $($name: crate::FromBytes<'a>),*> crate::FromBytes<'a> for ($($name,)*) {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
$(let $name = crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes);)*
impl<$($name: Len),*> Len for ($($name,)*) {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
impl<$($name: Clear),*> Clear for ($($name,)*) {
fn clear(&mut self) {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
impl<$($name: HeapSize),*> HeapSize for ($($name,)*) {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
let mut l = 0;
let mut c = 0;
$(let (l0, c0) = $name.heap_size(); l += l0; c += c0;)*
(l, c)
impl<$($name: Index),*> Index for ($($name,)*) {
type Ref = ($($name::Ref,)*);
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
impl<'a, $($name),*> Index for &'a ($($name,)*) where $( &'a $name: Index),* {
type Ref = ($(<&'a $name as Index>::Ref,)*);
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
impl<$($name: IndexMut),*> IndexMut for ($($name,)*) {
type IndexMut<'a> = ($($name::IndexMut<'a>,)*) where $($name: 'a),*;
fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
impl<$($name2, $name: Push<$name2>),*> Push<($($name2,)*)> for ($($name,)*) {
fn push(&mut self, item: ($($name2,)*)) {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
let ($($name2,)*) = item;
impl<'a, $($name2, $name: Push<&'a $name2>),*> Push<&'a ($($name2,)*)> for ($($name,)*) {
fn push(&mut self, item: &'a ($($name2,)*)) {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
let ($($name2,)*) = item;
tuple_impl!(A,AA B,BB);
tuple_impl!(A,AA B,BB C,CC);
tuple_impl!(A,AA B,BB C,CC D,DD);
tuple_impl!(A,AA B,BB C,CC D,DD E,EE);
tuple_impl!(A,AA B,BB C,CC D,DD E,EE F,FF);
tuple_impl!(A,AA B,BB C,CC D,DD E,EE F,FF G,GG);
tuple_impl!(A,AA B,BB C,CC D,DD E,EE F,FF G,GG H,HH);
tuple_impl!(A,AA B,BB C,CC D,DD E,EE F,FF G,GG H,HH I,II);
tuple_impl!(A,AA B,BB C,CC D,DD E,EE F,FF G,GG H,HH I,II J,JJ);
mod test {
fn round_trip() {
use crate::Columnar;
use crate::common::{Index, Push, HeapSize, Len};
let mut column: <(u64, u8, String) as Columnar>::Container = Default::default();
for i in 0..100 {
column.push((i, i as u8, &i.to_string()));
column.push((i, i as u8, &"".to_string()));
assert_eq!(column.len(), 200);
assert_eq!(column.heap_size(), (3590, 4608));
for i in 0..100u64 {
assert_eq!((&column).get((2*i+0) as usize), (&i, &(i as u8), i.to_string().as_str()));
assert_eq!((&column).get((2*i+1) as usize), (&i, &(i as u8), ""));
let mut column: Vec<(u64, u8, String)> = Default::default();
for i in 0..100 {
column.push((i, i as u8, i.to_string()));
column.push((i, i as u8, "".to_string()));
assert_eq!(column.heap_size(), (8190, 11040));
pub use sums::{rank_select::RankSelect, result::Results, option::Options};
pub mod sums {
pub mod rank_select {
use crate::primitive::Bools;
use crate::common::index::CopyAs;
use crate::{Len, Index, IndexAs, Push, Clear, HeapSize};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct RankSelect<CC = Vec<u64>, VC = Vec<u64>, WC = u64> {
pub counts: CC,
pub values: Bools<VC, WC>,
impl<CC: crate::Container<u64>, VC: crate::Container<u64>> RankSelect<CC, VC> {
pub fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> RankSelect<CC::Borrowed<'a>, VC::Borrowed<'a>, &'a u64> {
use crate::Container;
RankSelect {
counts: self.counts.borrow(),
values: self.values.borrow(),
impl<'a, CC: crate::AsBytes<'a>, VC: crate::AsBytes<'a>> crate::AsBytes<'a> for RankSelect<CC, VC, &'a u64> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
impl<'a, CC: crate::FromBytes<'a>, VC: crate::FromBytes<'a>> crate::FromBytes<'a> for RankSelect<CC, VC, &'a u64> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
Self {
counts: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
values: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
impl<CC, VC: Len + IndexAs<u64>, WC: Copy+CopyAs<u64>> RankSelect<CC, VC, WC> {
pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
Index::get(&self.values, index)
impl<CC: Len + IndexAs<u64>, VC: Len + IndexAs<u64>, WC: Copy+CopyAs<u64>> RankSelect<CC, VC, WC> {
pub fn rank(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
let bit = index % 64;
let block = index / 64;
let chunk = block / 16;
let mut count = if chunk > 0 { self.counts.index_as(chunk - 1) as usize } else { 0 };
for pos in (16 * chunk) .. block {
count += self.values.values.index_as(pos).count_ones() as usize;
let intra_word = if block == self.values.values.len() { self.values.last_word.copy_as() } else { self.values.values.index_as(block) };
count += (intra_word & ((1 << bit) - 1)).count_ones() as usize;
pub fn select(&self, rank: u64) -> Option<usize> {
let mut chunk = 0;
while chunk < self.counts.len() && self.counts.index_as(chunk) <= rank {
chunk += 1;
let mut count = if chunk < self.counts.len() { self.counts.index_as(chunk) } else { 0 };
let mut block = 16 * chunk;
while block < self.values.values.len() && count + (self.values.values.index_as(block).count_ones() as u64) <= rank {
count += self.values.values.index_as(block).count_ones() as u64;
block += 1;
let last_bits = if block == self.values.values.len() { self.values.last_bits.copy_as() as usize } else { 64 };
let last_word = if block == self.values.values.len() { self.values.last_word.copy_as() } else { self.values.values.index_as(block) };
for shift in 0 .. last_bits {
if ((last_word >> shift) & 0x01 == 0x01) && count + 1 == rank {
return Some(64 * block + shift);
count += (last_word >> shift) & 0x01;
impl<CC, VC: Len, WC: Copy + CopyAs<u64>> RankSelect<CC, VC, WC> {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
impl<CC: Push<u64> + Len + IndexAs<u64>, VC: Push<u64> + Len + IndexAs<u64>> RankSelect<CC, VC> {
pub fn push(&mut self, bit: bool) {
while self.counts.len() < self.values.len() / 1024 {
let mut count = self.counts.last().unwrap_or(0);
let lower = 16 * self.counts.len();
let upper = lower + 16;
for i in lower .. upper {
count += self.values.values.index_as(i).count_ones() as u64;
impl<CC: Clear, VC: Clear> Clear for RankSelect<CC, VC> {
fn clear(&mut self) {
impl<CC: HeapSize, VC: HeapSize> HeapSize for RankSelect<CC, VC> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let (l0, c0) = self.counts.heap_size();
let (l1, c1) = self.values.heap_size();
(l0 + l1, c0 + c1)
pub mod result {
use crate::common::index::CopyAs;
use crate::{Clear, Columnar, Len, IndexMut, Index, IndexAs, Push, HeapSize};
use crate::RankSelect;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Results<SC, TC, CC=Vec<u64>, VC=Vec<u64>, WC=u64> {
pub indexes: RankSelect<CC, VC, WC>,
pub oks: SC,
pub errs: TC,
impl<S: Columnar, T: Columnar> Columnar for Result<S, T> {
type Ref<'a> = Result<S::Ref<'a>, T::Ref<'a>> where S: 'a, T: 'a;
fn copy_from<'a>(&mut self, other: Self::Ref<'a>) {
match (&mut *self, other) {
(Ok(x), Ok(y)) => x.copy_from(y),
(Err(x), Err(y)) => x.copy_from(y),
(_, other) => { *self = Self::into_owned(other); },
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self {
match other {
Ok(y) => Ok(S::into_owned(y)),
Err(y) => Err(T::into_owned(y)),
type Container = Results<S::Container, T::Container>;
impl<S: Columnar, T: Columnar, SC: crate::Container<S>, TC: crate::Container<T>> crate::Container<Result<S, T>> for Results<SC, TC> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Results<SC::Borrowed<'a>, TC::Borrowed<'a>, &'a [u64], &'a [u64], &'a u64> where SC: 'a, TC: 'a, S:'a, T: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Results {
indexes: self.indexes.borrow(),
oks: self.oks.borrow(),
errs: self.errs.borrow(),
impl<'a, SC: crate::AsBytes<'a>, TC: crate::AsBytes<'a>, CC: crate::AsBytes<'a>, VC: crate::AsBytes<'a>> crate::AsBytes<'a> for Results<SC, TC, CC, VC, &'a u64> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
impl<'a, SC: crate::FromBytes<'a>, TC: crate::FromBytes<'a>, CC: crate::FromBytes<'a>, VC: crate::FromBytes<'a>> crate::FromBytes<'a> for Results<SC, TC, CC, VC, &'a u64> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
Self {
indexes: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
oks: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
errs: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
impl<SC, TC, CC, VC: Len, WC: Copy+CopyAs<u64>> Len for Results<SC, TC, CC, VC, WC> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.indexes.len() }
impl<SC, TC, CC, VC, WC> Index for Results<SC, TC, CC, VC, WC>
SC: Index,
TC: Index,
CC: IndexAs<u64> + Len,
VC: IndexAs<u64> + Len,
WC: Copy + CopyAs<u64>,
type Ref = Result<SC::Ref, TC::Ref>;
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
if self.indexes.get(index) {
} else {
Err(self.errs.get(index - self.indexes.rank(index)))
impl<'a, SC, TC, CC, VC, WC> Index for &'a Results<SC, TC, CC, VC, WC>
&'a SC: Index,
&'a TC: Index,
CC: IndexAs<u64> + Len,
VC: IndexAs<u64> + Len,
WC: Copy + CopyAs<u64>,
type Ref = Result<<&'a SC as Index>::Ref, <&'a TC as Index>::Ref>;
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
if self.indexes.get(index) {
} else {
Err((&self.errs).get(index - self.indexes.rank(index)))
impl<SC: IndexMut, TC: IndexMut, CC: IndexAs<u64> + Len, VC: IndexAs<u64> + Len> IndexMut for Results<SC, TC, CC, VC> {
type IndexMut<'a> = Result<SC::IndexMut<'a>, TC::IndexMut<'a>> where SC: 'a, TC: 'a, CC: 'a, VC: 'a;
fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> {
if self.indexes.get(index) {
} else {
Err(self.errs.get_mut(index - self.indexes.rank(index)))
impl<S, SC: Push<S>, T, TC: Push<T>> Push<Result<S, T>> for Results<SC, TC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: Result<S, T>) {
match item {
Ok(item) => {
Err(item) => {
impl<'a, S, SC: Push<&'a S>, T, TC: Push<&'a T>> Push<&'a Result<S, T>> for Results<SC, TC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: &'a Result<S, T>) {
match item {
Ok(item) => {
Err(item) => {
impl<SC: Clear, TC: Clear> Clear for Results<SC, TC> {
fn clear(&mut self) {
impl<SC: HeapSize, TC: HeapSize> HeapSize for Results<SC, TC> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let (l0, c0) = self.oks.heap_size();
let (l1, c1) = self.errs.heap_size();
let (li, ci) = self.indexes.heap_size();
(l0 + l1 + li, c0 + c1 + ci)
mod test {
fn round_trip() {
use crate::Columnar;
use crate::common::{Index, Push, HeapSize, Len};
let mut column: <Result<u64, u64> as Columnar>::Container = Default::default();
for i in 0..100 {
column.push(Ok::<u64, u64>(i));
column.push(Err::<u64, u64>(i));
assert_eq!(column.len(), 200);
assert_eq!(column.heap_size(), (1624, 2080));
for i in 0..100 {
assert_eq!(column.get(2*i+0), Ok(i as u64));
assert_eq!(column.get(2*i+1), Err(i as u64));
let mut column: <Result<u64, u8> as Columnar>::Container = Default::default();
for i in 0..100 {
column.push(Ok::<u64, u8>(i as u64));
column.push(Err::<u64, u8>(i as u8));
assert_eq!(column.len(), 200);
assert_eq!(column.heap_size(), (924, 1184));
for i in 0..100 {
assert_eq!(column.get(2*i+0), Ok(i as u64));
assert_eq!(column.get(2*i+1), Err(i as u8));
pub mod option {
use crate::common::index::CopyAs;
use crate::{Clear, Columnar, Len, IndexMut, Index, IndexAs, Push, HeapSize};
use crate::RankSelect;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Options<TC, CC=Vec<u64>, VC=Vec<u64>, WC=u64> {
pub indexes: RankSelect<CC, VC, WC>,
pub somes: TC,
impl<T: Columnar> Columnar for Option<T> {
type Ref<'a> = Option<T::Ref<'a>> where T: 'a;
fn copy_from<'a>(&mut self, other: Self::Ref<'a>) {
match (&mut *self, other) {
(Some(x), Some(y)) => { x.copy_from(y); }
(_, other) => { *self = Self::into_owned(other); }
fn into_owned<'a>(other: Self::Ref<'a>) -> Self {
other.map(|x| T::into_owned(x))
type Container = Options<T::Container>;
impl<T: Columnar, TC: crate::Container<T>> crate::Container<Option<T>> for Options<TC> {
type Borrowed<'a> = Options<TC::Borrowed<'a>, &'a [u64], &'a [u64], &'a u64> where TC: 'a, T: 'a;
fn borrow<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {
Options {
indexes: self.indexes.borrow(),
somes: self.somes.borrow(),
impl<'a, TC: crate::AsBytes<'a>, CC: crate::AsBytes<'a>, VC: crate::AsBytes<'a>> crate::AsBytes<'a> for Options<TC, CC, VC, &'a u64> {
fn as_bytes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(u64, &'a [u8])> {
impl <'a, TC: crate::FromBytes<'a>, CC: crate::FromBytes<'a>, VC: crate::FromBytes<'a>> crate::FromBytes<'a> for Options<TC, CC, VC, &'a u64> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &mut impl Iterator<Item=&'a [u8]>) -> Self {
Self {
indexes: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
somes: crate::FromBytes::from_bytes(bytes),
impl<T, CC, VC: Len, WC: Copy + CopyAs<u64>> Len for Options<T, CC, VC, WC> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.indexes.len() }
impl<TC: Index, CC: IndexAs<u64> + Len, VC: IndexAs<u64> + Len, WC: Copy+CopyAs<u64>> Index for Options<TC, CC, VC, WC> {
type Ref = Option<TC::Ref>;
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
if self.indexes.get(index) {
} else {
impl<'a, TC, CC: IndexAs<u64> + Len, VC: IndexAs<u64> + Len, WC: Copy+CopyAs<u64>> Index for &'a Options<TC, CC, VC, WC>
where &'a TC: Index
type Ref = Option<<&'a TC as Index>::Ref>;
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
if self.indexes.get(index) {
} else {
impl<TC: IndexMut, CC: IndexAs<u64> + Len, VC: IndexAs<u64> + Len> IndexMut for Options<TC, CC, VC> {
type IndexMut<'a> = Option<TC::IndexMut<'a>> where TC: 'a, CC: 'a, VC: 'a;
fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::IndexMut<'_> {
if self.indexes.get(index) {
} else {
impl<T, TC: Push<T> + Len> Push<Option<T>> for Options<TC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: Option<T>) {
match item {
Some(item) => {
None => {
impl<'a, T, TC: Push<&'a T> + Len> Push<&'a Option<T>> for Options<TC> {
fn push(&mut self, item: &'a Option<T>) {
match item {
Some(item) => {
None => {
impl<TC: Clear> Clear for Options<TC> {
fn clear(&mut self) {
impl<TC: HeapSize> HeapSize for Options<TC> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let (l0, c0) = self.somes.heap_size();
let (li, ci) = self.indexes.heap_size();
(l0 + li, c0 + ci)
mod test {
use crate::Columnar;
use crate::common::{Index, HeapSize, Len};
use crate::Options;
fn round_trip_some() {
let store: Options<Vec<i32>> = Columnar::into_columns((0..100).map(Some));
assert_eq!(store.len(), 100);
assert!((&store).iter().zip(0..100).all(|(a, b)| a == Some(&b)));
assert_eq!(store.heap_size(), (408, 544));
fn round_trip_none() {
let store = Columnar::into_columns((0..100).map(|_x| None::<i32>));
assert_eq!(store.len(), 100);
let foo = &store;
assert!(foo.iter().zip(0..100).all(|(a, _b)| a == None));
assert_eq!(store.heap_size(), (8, 32));
fn round_trip_mixed() {
let store: Options<Vec<i32>> = Columnar::into_columns((0..100).map(|x| if x % 2 == 0 { Some(x) } else { None }));
assert_eq!(store.len(), 100);
assert!((&store).iter().zip(0..100).all(|(a, b)| a == if b % 2 == 0 { Some(&b) } else { None }));
assert_eq!(store.heap_size(), (208, 288));
pub use lookback::{Repeats, Lookbacks};
pub mod lookback {
use crate::{Options, Results, Push, Index, Len, HeapSize};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Repeats<TC, const N: u8 = 255> {
pub inner: Options<TC>,
impl<T: PartialEq, TC: Push<T> + Len, const N: u8> Push<T> for Repeats<TC, N>
for<'a> &'a TC: Index,
for<'a> <&'a TC as Index>::Ref : PartialEq<T>,
fn push(&mut self, item: T) {
let insert: Option<T> = if (&self.inner.somes).last().map(|x| x.eq(&item)) == Some(true) {
} else {
impl<TC: Len, const N: u8> Len for Repeats<TC, N> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.inner.len() }
impl<TC: Index, const N: u8> Index for Repeats<TC, N> {
type Ref = TC::Ref;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
match self.inner.get(index) {
Some(item) => item,
None => {
let pos = self.inner.indexes.rank(index) - 1;
impl<TC: HeapSize, const N: u8> HeapSize for Repeats<TC, N> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Lookbacks<TC, VC = Vec<u8>, const N: u8 = 255> {
pub inner: Results<TC, VC>,
impl<T: PartialEq, TC: Push<T> + Len, VC: Push<u8>, const N: u8> Push<T> for Lookbacks<TC, VC, N>
for<'a> &'a TC: Index,
for<'a> <&'a TC as Index>::Ref : PartialEq<T>,
fn push(&mut self, item: T) {
let oks_len = self.inner.oks.len();
let find = (0u8 .. N).take(self.inner.oks.len()).find(|i| (&self.inner.oks).get(oks_len - (*i as usize) - 1) == item);
let insert: Result<T, u8> = if let Some(back) = find { Err(back) } else { Ok(item) };
impl<TC, VC, const N: u8> Len for Lookbacks<TC, VC, N> {
#[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.inner.len() }
impl<TC: Index, VC: Index<Ref=u8>, const N: u8> Index for Lookbacks<TC, VC, N> {
type Ref = TC::Ref;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
match self.inner.get(index) {
Ok(item) => item,
Err(back) => {
let pos = self.inner.indexes.rank(index) - 1;
self.inner.oks.get(pos - (back as usize))
impl<'a, TC, const N: u8> Index for &'a Lookbacks<TC, Vec<u8>, N>
&'a TC: Index,
type Ref = <&'a TC as Index>::Ref;
#[inline(always)] fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Self::Ref {
match (&self.inner).get(index) {
Ok(item) => item,
Err(back) => {
let pos = self.inner.indexes.rank(index) - 1;
(&self.inner.oks).get(pos - (*back as usize))
impl<TC: HeapSize, VC: HeapSize, const N: u8> HeapSize for Lookbacks<TC, VC, N> {
fn heap_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
mod maps {
use crate::{Len, Push};
use crate::Options;
pub struct KeyMaps<CK, CV> {
_keys: CK,
vals: Vec<CV>,
impl<CK, CV: Len> Len for KeyMaps<CK, CV> {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
impl<K: PartialOrd, V, CV: Push<K>> Push<Vec<(K, V)>> for KeyMaps<Vec<K>, CV> {
fn push(&mut self, _item: Vec<(K, V)>) {
pub struct ListMaps<CV> {
vals: Vec<Options<CV>>,
impl<CV> Default for ListMaps<CV> {
fn default() -> Self {
ListMaps { vals: Default::default() }
impl<CV: Len> Len for ListMaps<CV> {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a, V, CV: Push<&'a V> + Len + Default> Push<&'a Vec<V>> for ListMaps<CV> {
fn push(&mut self, item: &'a Vec<V>) {
let mut item_len = item.len();
let self_len = if self.vals.is_empty() { 0 } else { self.vals[0].len() };
while self.vals.len() < item_len {
let mut new_store: Options<CV> = Default::default();
for _ in 0..self_len {
for (store, i) in self.vals.iter_mut().zip(item) {
while item_len < self.vals.len() {
item_len += 1;
mod test {
use crate::common::{Len, Push};
use crate::{Results, Strings};
fn round_trip_listmap() {
let records = (0 .. 1024).map(|i|
Err(format!("{:?}", i)),
if i % 2 == 0 { Ok(i) } else { Err(format!("{:?}", i)) },
let mut store: super::ListMaps<Results<Vec<i32>, Strings>> = Default::default();
for record in records {
let field0: Option<&[i32]> = if store.vals[0].somes.oks.len() == store.vals[0].len() {
} else { None };
let field1: Option<&Strings> = if store.vals[1].somes.errs.len() == store.vals[1].len() {
} else { None };
let field2: Option<&[i32]> = if store.vals[2].somes.oks.len() == store.vals[2].len() {
} else { None };
mod sizes {
use crate::Push;
use crate::Results;
struct Sizes<C0, C1, C2, C3> {
inner: Results<Results<C0, C1>, Results<C2, C3>>,
impl<C0: Default, C1: Default, C2: Default, C3: Default> Default for Sizes<C0, C1, C2, C3> {
fn default() -> Self {
Sizes { inner: Default::default() }
impl<C0: Push<u8>, C1: Push<u16>, C2: Push<u32>, C3: Push<u64>> Push<usize> for Sizes<C0, C1, C2, C3> {
fn push(&mut self, item: usize) {
if let Ok(item) = TryInto::<u8>::try_into(item) {
} else if let Ok(item) = TryInto::<u16>::try_into(item) {
} else if let Ok(item) = TryInto::<u32>::try_into(item) {
} else if let Ok(item) = TryInto::<u64>::try_into(item) {
} else {
panic!("usize exceeds bounds of u64")
impl<C0: Push<i8>, C1: Push<i16>, C2: Push<i32>, C3: Push<i64>> Push<isize> for Sizes<C0, C1, C2, C3> {
fn push(&mut self, item: isize) {
if let Ok(item) = TryInto::<i8>::try_into(item) {
} else if let Ok(item) = TryInto::<i16>::try_into(item) {
} else if let Ok(item) = TryInto::<i32>::try_into(item) {
} else if let Ok(item) = TryInto::<i64>::try_into(item) {
} else {
panic!("isize exceeds bounds of i64")
pub mod roaring {
use crate::Results;
pub struct RoaringBits {
_inner: Results<[u64; 1024], Vec<u16>>,