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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Sequential dataflow hydration support for replicas.
//! Sequential hydration enforces a configurable "hydration concurrency" that limits how many
//! dataflows may be hydrating at the same time. Limiting hydrating concurrency can be beneficial
//! in reducing peak memory usage, cross-dataflow thrashing, and hydration time.
//! The configured hydration concurrency is enforced by delaying the delivery of `Schedule` compute
//! commands to the replica. Those commands are emitted by the controller for collections that
//! become ready to hydrate (based on availability of input data) and are directly applied by
//! replicas by unsuspending the corresponding dataflows. Delaying `Schedule` commands allows us to
//! ensure only a limited number of dataflows can hydrate at the same time.
//! Note that a dataflow may export multiple collections. `Schedule` commands are produced per
//! collection but hydration is a dataflow-level mechanism. In practice Materialize today only
//! produces dataflow with a single export and we rely on this assumption here to simplify the
//! implementation. If the assumption ever ceases to hold, we will need to adjust the code in this
//! module.
//! Sequential hydration is enforeced by a `SequentialHydration` client that sits between the
//! controller and the `PartitionedState` client that splits commands across replica processes.
//! This location is important:
//! * It needs to be behind the controller since hydration is a per-replica mechanism. Different
//! replicas can progress through hydration at different paces.
//! * It needs to be before the `PartitionedState` client because all replica workers must see
//! `Schedule` commands in the same order. Otherwise we risk getting stuck when different
//! workers hydrate different dataflows and wait on each other for progress in these dataflows.
//! * It also needs to be before the `PartitionedState` client because it needs to be able to
//! observe all compute commands. Clients behind `PartitionedState` are not guaranteed to do so,
//! since commands are only forwarded to the first process.
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque};
use std::sync::Arc;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use mz_compute_types::dyncfgs::HYDRATION_CONCURRENCY;
use mz_dyncfg::ConfigSet;
use mz_ore::cast::CastFrom;
use mz_ore::collections::CollectionExt;
use mz_ore::soft_assert_eq_or_log;
use mz_ore::task::AbortOnDropHandle;
use mz_repr::GlobalId;
use mz_service::client::GenericClient;
use timely::progress::Antichain;
use timely::PartialOrder;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tracing::debug;
use crate::controller::ComputeControllerTimestamp;
use crate::metrics::ReplicaMetrics;
use crate::protocol::command::ComputeCommand;
use crate::protocol::response::{ComputeResponse, FrontiersResponse};
use crate::service::ComputeClient;
/// A shareable token.
type Token = Arc<()>;
/// A client enforcing sequential dataflow hydration.
pub(super) struct SequentialHydration<T> {
/// A sender for commands to the wrapped client.
command_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ComputeCommand<T>>,
/// A receiver for responses from the wrapped client.
response_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Result<ComputeResponse<T>, anyhow::Error>>,
/// Dynamic system configuration.
dyncfg: Arc<ConfigSet>,
/// Tracked metrics.
metrics: ReplicaMetrics,
/// Tracked collections.
/// Entries are inserted in response to observed `CreateDataflow` commands.
/// Entries are removed in response to `Frontiers` commands that report collection
/// hydration, or in response to `AllowCompaction` commands that specify the empty frontier.
collections: BTreeMap<GlobalId, Collection<T>>,
/// A queue of scheduled collections that are awaiting hydration.
hydration_queue: VecDeque<GlobalId>,
/// A token held by hydrating collections.
/// Useful to efficiently determine how many collections are currently in the process of
/// hydration, and thus how much capacity is available.
hydration_token: Token,
/// Handle to the forwarder task, to abort it when `SequentialHydration` is dropped.
_forwarder_task: AbortOnDropHandle<()>,
impl<T> SequentialHydration<T>
T: ComputeControllerTimestamp,
/// Create a new `SequentialHydration` client.
pub fn new<C>(client: C, dyncfg: Arc<ConfigSet>, metrics: ReplicaMetrics) -> Self
C: ComputeClient<T> + 'static,
let (command_tx, command_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (response_tx, response_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let forwarder = mz_ore::task::spawn(
|| "sequential_hydration:forwarder",
forward_messages(client, command_rx, response_tx),
Self {
collections: Default::default(),
hydration_queue: Default::default(),
hydration_token: Default::default(),
_forwarder_task: forwarder.abort_on_drop(),
/// Return the number of hydrating collections.
fn hydration_count(&self) -> usize {
Arc::strong_count(&self.hydration_token) - 1
/// Absorb a command and send resulting commands to the wrapped client.
fn absorb_command(&mut self, cmd: ComputeCommand<T>) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
// Whether to forward this command to the wrapped client.
let mut forward = true;
match &cmd {
// We enforce sequential hydration only for non-transient dataflows, assuming that
// transient dataflows are created for interactive user queries and should always be
// scheduled as soon as possible.
ComputeCommand::CreateDataflow(dataflow) if !dataflow.is_transient() => {
let export_ids: Vec<_> = dataflow.export_ids().collect();
let id = export_ids.expect_element(|| "multi-export dataflows are not supported");
let as_of = dataflow.as_of.clone().unwrap();
debug!(%id, ?as_of, "tracking collection");
self.collections.insert(id, Collection::new(as_of));
ComputeCommand::Schedule(id) => {
if let Some(collection) = self.collections.get_mut(id) {
debug!(%id, "enqueuing collection for hydration");
forward = false;
ComputeCommand::AllowCompaction { id, frontier } if frontier.is_empty() => {
// The collection was dropped by the controller. Remove it from the tracking state
// to ensure we don't produce any more commands for it.
if self.collections.remove(id).is_some() {
debug!(%id, "collection dropped");
_ => (),
if forward {
// Schedule collections that are ready now.
/// Observe a response and send resulting commands to the wrapped client.
fn observe_response(&mut self, resp: &ComputeResponse<T>) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
if let ComputeResponse::Frontiers(
FrontiersResponse {
output_frontier: Some(frontier),
) = resp
if let Some(collection) = self.collections.remove(id) {
let hydrated = PartialOrder::less_than(&collection.as_of, frontier);
if hydrated || frontier.is_empty() {
debug!(%id, "collection hydrated");
// Note that it is possible to observe hydration even for collections for which
// we never sent a `Schedule` command, if the replica decided to not suspend
// the dataflow after creation. The compute protocol does not require replicas
// to create dataflows in suspended state. It seems like a good idea to still
// send a `Schedule` command in this case, rather than swallowing it, to make
// the protocol communication more predicatable.
match collection.state {
State::Created => {
// We haven't seen a `Schedule` command yet, so no obligations to send
// one either.
State::QueuedForHydration => {
// We are holding back the `Schedule` command for this collection. Send
// it now.
State::Hydrating(token) => {
// We freed some hydration capacity and may be able to start hydrating
// new collections.
} else {
self.collections.insert(*id, collection);
/// Allow hydration based on the available capacity.
fn hydrate_collections(&mut self) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let capacity = HYDRATION_CONCURRENCY.get(&self.dyncfg);
while self.hydration_count() < capacity {
let Some(id) = self.hydration_queue.pop_front() else {
// Hydration queue is empty.
let Some(collection) = self.collections.get_mut(&id) else {
// Collection has already been dropped.
debug!(%id, "starting collection hydration");
let token = Arc::clone(&self.hydration_token);
let queue_size = u64::cast_from(self.hydration_queue.len());
impl<T> GenericClient<ComputeCommand<T>, ComputeResponse<T>> for SequentialHydration<T>
T: ComputeControllerTimestamp,
async fn send(&mut self, cmd: ComputeCommand<T>) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// # Cancel safety
/// This method is cancel safe. If `recv` is used as the event in a [`tokio::select!`]
/// statement and some other branch completes first, it is guaranteed that no messages were
/// received by this client.
async fn recv(&mut self) -> Result<Option<ComputeResponse<T>>, anyhow::Error> {
// `mpsc::UnboundedReceiver::recv` is documented as cancel safe.
match self.response_rx.recv().await {
Some(Ok(response)) => {
Some(Err(error)) => Err(error), // client error
None => Ok(None), // client disconnected
/// Information about a tracked collection.
struct Collection<T> {
/// The as-of frontier at collection creation.
as_of: Antichain<T>,
/// The current state of the collection.
state: State,
impl<T> Collection<T> {
/// Create a new `Collection`.
fn new(as_of: Antichain<T>) -> Self {
Self {
state: State::Created,
/// Advance this collection's state to `Scheduled`.
fn set_scheduled(&mut self) {
soft_assert_eq_or_log!(self.state, State::Created);
self.state = State::QueuedForHydration;
fn set_hydrating(&mut self, token: Token) {
soft_assert_eq_or_log!(self.state, State::QueuedForHydration);
self.state = State::Hydrating(token);
/// The state of a tracked collection.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum State {
/// Collection has been created and is waiting for a `Schedule` command.
/// The collection has received a `Schedule` command and has been added to the hydration queue,
/// waiting for hydration capacity.
/// Collection is hydrating and waiting for hydration to complete.
/// Forward messages between a pair of channels and a [`ComputeClient`].
/// This functions is run in its own task and exists to allow `SequentialHydration::recv` to be
/// cancel safe even though it needs to send commands to the wrapped client, which isn't cancel
/// safe.
async fn forward_messages<C, T>(
mut client: C,
mut rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ComputeCommand<T>>,
tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Result<ComputeResponse<T>, anyhow::Error>>,
) where
C: ComputeClient<T>,
loop {
tokio::select! {
command = rx.recv() => {
let Some(command) = command else {
break; // `SequentialHydration` dropped
if let Err(error) = client.send(command).await {
// Client produced an unrecoverable error.
let _ = tx.send(Err(error));
response = client.recv() => {
let response = match response {
Ok(Some(response)) => response,
Ok(None) => {
break; // client disconnected
Err(error) => {
// Client produced an unrecoverable error.
let _ = tx.send(Err(error));
if tx.send(Ok(response)).is_err() {
break; // `SequentialHydration` dropped