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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! An Optimizer that
//! 1. Optimistically calls `optimize_mir_constant`.
//! 2. Then, if we haven't arrived at a constant, it calls `optimize_mir_local`, i.e., the
//! logical optimizer.
//! This is used for `CREATE VIEW` statements and in various other situations where no physical
//! optimization is needed, such as for `INSERT` statements.
use std::time::Instant;
use mz_expr::OptimizedMirRelationExpr;
use mz_sql::optimizer_metrics::OptimizerMetrics;
use mz_sql::plan::HirRelationExpr;
use mz_transform::dataflow::DataflowMetainfo;
use mz_transform::typecheck::{empty_context, SharedContext as TypecheckContext};
use mz_transform::TransformCtx;
use crate::optimize::{
optimize_mir_constant, optimize_mir_local, trace_plan, Optimize, OptimizerConfig,
pub struct Optimizer {
/// A typechecking context to use throughout the optimizer pipeline.
typecheck_ctx: TypecheckContext,
/// Optimizer config.
config: OptimizerConfig,
/// Optimizer metrics.
/// Allowed to be `None` for cases where view optimization is invoked outside of the
/// coordinator context and the metrics are not available.
metrics: Option<OptimizerMetrics>,
impl Optimizer {
pub fn new(config: OptimizerConfig, metrics: Option<OptimizerMetrics>) -> Self {
Self {
typecheck_ctx: empty_context(),
impl Optimize<HirRelationExpr> for Optimizer {
type To = OptimizedMirRelationExpr;
fn optimize(&mut self, expr: HirRelationExpr) -> Result<Self::To, OptimizerError> {
let time = Instant::now();
// Trace the pipeline input under `optimize/raw`.
trace_plan!(at: "raw", &expr);
// HIR ⇒ MIR lowering and decorrelation
let mut expr = expr.lower(&self.config, self.metrics.as_ref())?;
let mut df_meta = DataflowMetainfo::default();
let mut transform_ctx = TransformCtx::local(
&mut df_meta,
// First, we run a very simple optimizer pipeline, which only folds constants. This takes
// care of constant INSERTs. (This optimizer is also used for INSERTs, not just VIEWs.)
expr = optimize_mir_constant(expr, &mut transform_ctx)?;
// MIR ⇒ MIR optimization (local)
let expr = if expr.as_const().is_some() {
// No need to optimize further, because we already have a constant.
// But trace this at "local", so that `EXPLAIN LOCALLY OPTIMIZED PLAN` can pick it up.
trace_plan!(at: "local", &expr);
} else {
// Call the real optimization.
optimize_mir_local(expr, &mut transform_ctx)?
if let Some(metrics) = &self.metrics {
metrics.observe_e2e_optimization_time("view", time.elapsed());
// Return the resulting OptimizedMirRelationExpr.