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//! Create new `Streams` connected to external inputs.
use crate::Data;
use crate::container::CapacityContainerBuilder;
use crate::dataflow::{Stream, ScopeParent, Scope};
use crate::dataflow::operators::core::{Input as InputCore};
// TODO : This is an exogenous input, but it would be nice to wrap a Subgraph in something
// TODO : more like a harness, with direct access to its inputs.
// NOTE : This only takes a &self, not a &mut self, which works but is a bit weird.
// NOTE : Experiments with &mut indicate that the borrow of 'a lives for too long.
// NOTE : Might be able to fix with another lifetime parameter, say 'c: 'a.
/// Create a new `Stream` and `Handle` through which to supply input.
pub trait Input : Scope {
/// Create a new `Stream` and `Handle` through which to supply input.
/// The `new_input` method returns a pair `(Handle, Stream)` where the `Stream` can be used
/// immediately for timely dataflow construction, and the `Handle` is later used to introduce
/// data into the timely dataflow computation.
/// The `Handle` also provides a means to indicate
/// to timely dataflow that the input has advanced beyond certain timestamps, allowing timely
/// to issue progress notifications.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use timely::*;
/// use timely::dataflow::operators::{Input, Inspect};
/// // construct and execute a timely dataflow
/// timely::execute(Config::thread(), |worker| {
/// // add an input and base computation off of it
/// let mut input = worker.dataflow(|scope| {
/// let (input, stream) = scope.new_input();
/// stream.inspect(|x| println!("hello {:?}", x));
/// input
/// });
/// // introduce input, advance computation
/// for round in 0..10 {
/// input.send(round);
/// input.advance_to(round + 1);
/// worker.step();
/// }
/// });
/// ```
fn new_input<D: Data>(&mut self) -> (Handle<<Self as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, D>, Stream<Self, D>);
/// Create a new stream from a supplied interactive handle.
/// This method creates a new timely stream whose data are supplied interactively through the `handle`
/// argument. Each handle may be used multiple times (or not at all), and will clone data as appropriate
/// if it as attached to more than one stream.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use timely::*;
/// use timely::dataflow::operators::{Input, Inspect};
/// use timely::dataflow::operators::input::Handle;
/// // construct and execute a timely dataflow
/// timely::execute(Config::thread(), |worker| {
/// // add an input and base computation off of it
/// let mut input = Handle::new();
/// worker.dataflow(|scope| {
/// scope.input_from(&mut input)
/// .inspect(|x| println!("hello {:?}", x));
/// });
/// // introduce input, advance computation
/// for round in 0..10 {
/// input.send(round);
/// input.advance_to(round + 1);
/// worker.step();
/// }
/// });
/// ```
fn input_from<D: Data>(&mut self, handle: &mut Handle<<Self as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, D>) -> Stream<Self, D>;
use crate::order::TotalOrder;
impl<G: Scope> Input for G where <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp: TotalOrder {
fn new_input<D: Data>(&mut self) -> (Handle<<G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, D>, Stream<G, D>) {
fn input_from<D: Data>(&mut self, handle: &mut Handle<<G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, D>) -> Stream<G, D> {
InputCore::input_from(self, handle)
/// A handle to an input `Stream`, used to introduce data to a timely dataflow computation.
pub type Handle<T, D> = crate::dataflow::operators::core::input::Handle<T, CapacityContainerBuilder<Vec<D>>>;