// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
mod app_password;
mod auth;
mod client;
mod error;
mod metrics;
use std::path::PathBuf;
pub use auth::{
Authenticator, AuthenticatorConfig, ClaimMetadata, ClaimTokenType, Claims,
pub use client::tokens::{ApiTokenArgs, ApiTokenResponse};
pub use client::Client;
pub use error::Error;
use uuid::Uuid;
pub use crate::app_password::{AppPassword, AppPasswordParseError};
/// Command line arguments for frontegg.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, clap::Parser)]
pub struct FronteggCliArgs {
/// Enables Frontegg authentication for the specified tenant ID.
requires_all = &["frontegg_api_token_url", "frontegg_admin_role"],
value_name = "UUID",
frontegg_tenant: Option<Uuid>,
/// JWK used to validate JWTs during Frontegg authentication as a PEM public
/// key. Can optionally be base64 encoded with the URL-safe alphabet.
#[clap(long, env = "FRONTEGG_JWK", requires = "frontegg_tenant")]
frontegg_jwk: Option<String>,
/// Path to JWK used to validate JWTs during Frontegg authentication as a PEM public
/// key.
#[clap(long, env = "FRONTEGG_JWK_FILE", requires = "frontegg_tenant")]
frontegg_jwk_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// The full URL (including path) to the Frontegg api-token endpoint.
#[clap(long, env = "FRONTEGG_API_TOKEN_URL", requires = "frontegg_tenant")]
frontegg_api_token_url: Option<String>,
/// The name of the admin role in Frontegg.
#[clap(long, env = "FRONTEGG_ADMIN_ROLE", requires = "frontegg_tenant")]
frontegg_admin_role: Option<String>,