// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;
use serde::Deserialize;
use uuid::Uuid;
/// The prefix that identifies an app password as a Materialize password.
pub const PREFIX: &str = "mzp_";
/// A Materialize app password.
/// Somewhat unusually, the app password encodes both the client ID and secret
/// for the API key in use. Both the client ID and secret are UUIDs. The
/// password can have one of two formats:
/// * The URL-safe base64 encoding of the concatenated bytes of the UUIDs.
/// This format is a very compact representation (only 43 or 44 bytes)
/// that is safe to use in a connection string without escaping.
/// * The concatenated hex-encoding of the UUIDs, with any number of
/// special characters that are ignored.
/// This format allows for the UUIDs to be formatted with hyphens, or
/// not.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct AppPassword {
/// The client ID embedded in the app password.
pub client_id: Uuid,
/// The secret key embedded in the app password.
pub secret_key: Uuid,
impl fmt::Display for AppPassword {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut buf = vec![];
let encoded = base64::encode_config(buf, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD);
impl FromStr for AppPassword {
type Err = AppPasswordParseError;
fn from_str(password: &str) -> Result<AppPassword, AppPasswordParseError> {
let password = password.strip_prefix(PREFIX).ok_or(AppPasswordParseError)?;
if password.len() == 43 || password.len() == 44 {
// If it's exactly 43 or 44 bytes, assume we have base64-encoded
// UUID bytes without or with padding, respectively.
let buf = base64::decode_config(password, base64::URL_SAFE)
.map_err(|_| AppPasswordParseError)?;
let client_id = Uuid::from_slice(&buf[..16]).map_err(|_| AppPasswordParseError)?;
let secret_key = Uuid::from_slice(&buf[16..]).map_err(|_| AppPasswordParseError)?;
Ok(AppPassword {
} else if password.len() >= 64 {
// If it's more than 64 bytes, assume we have concatenated
// hex-encoded UUIDs, possibly with some special characters mixed
// in.
let mut chars = password.chars().filter(|c| c.is_alphanumeric());
let client_id = Uuid::parse_str(&chars.by_ref().take(32).collect::<String>())
.map_err(|_| AppPasswordParseError)?;
let secret_key = Uuid::parse_str(&chars.take(32).collect::<String>())
.map_err(|_| AppPasswordParseError)?;
Ok(AppPassword {
} else {
// Otherwise it's definitely not a password format we understand.
/// An error while parsing an [`AppPassword`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AppPasswordParseError;
impl Error for AppPasswordParseError {}
impl fmt::Display for AppPasswordParseError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("invalid app password format")
mod tests {
use uuid::Uuid;
use super::AppPassword;
fn test_app_password() {
struct TestCase {
input: &'static str,
expected_output: &'static str,
expected_client_id: Uuid,
expected_secret_key: Uuid,
for tc in [
TestCase {
input: "mzp_7ce3c1e8ea854594ad5d785f17d1736f1947fdcef5404adb84a47347e5d30c9f",
expected_output: "mzp_fOPB6OqFRZStXXhfF9FzbxlH_c71QErbhKRzR-XTDJ8",
expected_client_id: "7ce3c1e8-ea85-4594-ad5d-785f17d1736f".parse().unwrap(),
expected_secret_key: "1947fdce-f540-4adb-84a4-7347e5d30c9f".parse().unwrap(),
TestCase {
input: "mzp_fOPB6OqFRZStXXhfF9FzbxlH_c71QErbhKRzR-XTDJ8",
expected_output: "mzp_fOPB6OqFRZStXXhfF9FzbxlH_c71QErbhKRzR-XTDJ8",
expected_client_id: "7ce3c1e8-ea85-4594-ad5d-785f17d1736f".parse().unwrap(),
expected_secret_key: "1947fdce-f540-4adb-84a4-7347e5d30c9f".parse().unwrap(),
TestCase {
expected_output: "mzp_BEXbNlgmQa-E9uCUAvxhcaDBFDQHukJquD3MTxkjJaM",
expected_client_id: "0445db36-5826-41af-84f6-e09402fc6171".parse().unwrap(),
expected_secret_key: "a0c11434-07ba-426a-b83d-cc4f192325a3".parse().unwrap(),
] {
let app_password: AppPassword = tc.input.parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(app_password.to_string(), tc.expected_output);
assert_eq!(app_password.client_id, tc.expected_client_id);
assert_eq!(app_password.secret_key, tc.expected_secret_key);