// Code generated by software.amazon.smithy.rust.codegen.smithy-rs. DO NOT EDIT.
* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use crate::endpoint_lib::diagnostic::DiagnosticCollector;
/// substring of `input`
/// > Note: this function only operates on ASCII input. If the input contains non-ASCII characters,
/// > `None` will be returned.
/// - When `reverse` is false, indexes are evaluated from the beginning of the string
/// - When `reverse` is true, indexes are evaluated from the end of the string (however, the result
/// will still be "forwards" and `start` MUST be less than `end`.
pub(crate) fn substring<'a>(input: &'a str, start: usize, stop: usize, reverse: bool, e: &mut DiagnosticCollector) -> Option<&'a str> {
if start >= stop {
e.capture(Err("start > stop"))?;
if !input.is_ascii() {
e.capture(Err("the input to substring was not ascii"))?;
if input.len() < stop {
e.capture(Err("the input was too short"))?;
let (effective_start, effective_stop) = if !reverse {
(start, stop)
} else {
(input.len() - stop, input.len() - start)
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "gated-tests"))]
mod test {
use super::*;
use proptest::proptest;
fn substring_forwards() {
assert_eq!(substring("hello", 0, 2, false, &mut DiagnosticCollector::new()), Some("he"));
assert_eq!(substring("hello", 0, 0, false, &mut DiagnosticCollector::new()), None);
assert_eq!(substring("hello", 0, 5, false, &mut DiagnosticCollector::new()), Some("hello"));
assert_eq!(substring("hello", 0, 6, false, &mut DiagnosticCollector::new()), None);
fn substring_backwards() {
assert_eq!(substring("hello", 0, 2, true, &mut DiagnosticCollector::new()), Some("lo"));
assert_eq!(substring("hello", 0, 0, true, &mut DiagnosticCollector::new()), None);
assert_eq!(substring("hello", 0, 5, true, &mut DiagnosticCollector::new()), Some("hello"))
// substring doesn't support unicode, it always returns none
fn substring_unicode() {
let mut collector = DiagnosticCollector::new();
assert_eq!(substring("a🐱b", 0, 2, false, &mut collector), None);
format!("{}", collector.take_last_error().expect("last error should be set")),
"the input to substring was not ascii"
use proptest::prelude::*;
proptest! {
fn substring_no_panics(s in any::<String>(), start in 0..100usize, stop in 0..100usize, reverse in proptest::bool::ANY) {
substring(&s, start, stop, reverse, &mut DiagnosticCollector::new());
fn substring_correct_length(s in r"[\x00-\xFF]*", start in 0..10usize, stop in 0..10usize, reverse in proptest::bool::ANY) {
prop_assume!(start < s.len());
prop_assume!(stop < s.len());
prop_assume!(start < stop);
if let Some(result) = substring(&s, start, stop, reverse, &mut DiagnosticCollector::new()) {
assert_eq!(result.len(), stop - start);