Crate mz_ore

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Internal utility libraries for Materialize.

ore (n): the raw material from which more valuable materials are extracted. Modules are included in this crate when they are broadly useful but too small to warrant their own crate.


  • asserttest
    Assertion utilities.
  • Utilities for bit and byte manipulation
  • bytesbytes_
    One bytes type to rule them all!
  • Cast utilities.
  • channelasync
    Channel utilities and extensions.
  • clicli
    Command-line parsing utilities.
  • Code generation utilities.
  • Collection utilities.
  • Process environment utilities.
  • Error utilities.
  • Flat container utilities
  • Formatting utilities.
  • futureasync
    Future and stream utilities.
  • Graph utilities.
  • Hash utilities.
  • Extensions to std::hint.
  • ID generation utilities.
  • Iterator utilities.
  • Lexing utilities.
  • lgbytesbytes_ and region
    The bytes crate but backed by lgalloc.
  • metricsmetrics
    Metrics for materialize systems.
  • netionetwork
    Network I/O utilities.
  • Now utilities.
  • Number utilities
  • Option utilities.
  • Panic utilities.
  • Path utilities.
  • Functions for working with permutations
  • Process utilities.
  • Region-allocated data utilities.
  • resultprocess
    Result utilities.
  • retryasync
    Retry utilities.
  • Serde utilities.
  • stackstack
    Stack management utilities.
  • Statistics utilities.
  • String utilities.
  • taskasync
    Tokio task utilities.
  • testtest or test
    Test utilities.
  • Thread utilities.
  • Timing related extensions.
  • tracingtracing_
    Tracing utilities.
  • Vector utilities.


  • Asserts that the left expression contains the right expression.
  • Asserts that the provided expression, that returns a Result, is Err.
  • Asserts that the provided expression, that returns an Option, is None.
  • Asserts that the provided expression, that returns a Result, is Ok.
  • halttracing_
    Halts the process.
  • metricmetrics
    Define a metric for use in materialize.
  • Asserts that two values are equal if soft assertions are enabled.
  • Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other if soft assertions are enabled, or logs an error if soft assertions are disabled and the two expressions are not equal.
  • Asserts that two values are not equal if soft assertions are enabled.
  • Asserts that two expressions are not equal to each other if soft assertions are enabled, or logs an error if soft assertions are disabled and the two expressions are not equal.
  • Asserts that a condition is true if soft assertions are enabled.
  • Asserts that a condition is true if soft assertions are enabled, or logs an error if soft assertions are disabled and the condition is false.
  • Panics if soft assertions are enabled.
  • Panics if soft assertions are enabled, or logs an error if soft assertions are disabled.

Attribute Macros§

  • Materialize wrapper around the #[tracing::insrument] macro.
  • A macro that collects all of the static objects of a specific type in the annotated module into a single list.
  • Materialize wrapper around the test macro.