
Macro assert_ok

macro_rules! assert_ok {
    ($val:expr, $($msg:tt)+) => { ... };
    ($val:expr) => { ... };
Available on crate feature assert only.
Expand description

Asserts that the provided expression, that returns a Result, is Ok.


The standard pattern for asserting a value is Ok using the assert! macro is:


The issue with this pattern is when the assertion fails it only prints false and not the value contained in the Err(_) variant which makes debugging difficult.


§Basic Use

use mz_ore::assert_ok;
let error: Result<usize, usize> = Err(42);

§With extra message

use mz_ore::assert_ok;
let other_val = 100;
let error: Result<usize, usize> = Err(42);
assert_ok!(error, "ohh noo! x {other_val}");