Crate strip_ansi_escapes

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A crate for stripping ANSI escape sequences from byte sequences.

This can be used to take output from a program that includes escape sequences and write it somewhere that does not easily support them, such as a log file.

The simplest interface provided is the strip function, which takes a byte slice and returns a Vec of bytes with escape sequences removed. For writing bytes directly to a writer, you may prefer using the Writer struct, which implements Write and strips escape sequences as they are written.


use std::io::{self, Write};

let bytes_with_colors = b"\x1b[32mfoo\x1b[m bar";
let plain_bytes = strip_ansi_escapes::strip(&bytes_with_colors);


  • Writer wraps an underlying type that implements Write, stripping ANSI escape sequences from bytes written to it before passing them to the underlying writer.


  • Strip ANSI escapes from data and return the remaining bytes as a Vec<u8>.
  • Strip ANSI escapes from data and return the remaining contents as a String.