
Struct Collection

pub struct Collection<G: Scope, D, R = isize, C = Vec<(D, <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, R)>> {
    pub inner: StreamCore<G, C>,
    /* private fields */
Expand description

A mutable collection of values of type D

The Collection type is the core abstraction in differential dataflow programs. As you write your differential dataflow computation, you write as if the collection is a static dataset to which you apply functional transformations, creating new collections. Once your computation is written, you are able to mutate the collection (by inserting and removing elements); differential dataflow will propagate changes through your functional computation and report the corresponding changes to the output collections.

Each collection has three generic parameters. The parameter G is for the scope in which the collection exists; as you write more complicated programs you may wish to introduce nested scopes (e.g. for iteration) and this parameter tracks the scope (for timely dataflow’s benefit). The D parameter is the type of data in your collection, for example String, or (u32, Vec<Option<()>>). The R parameter represents the types of changes that the data undergo, and is most commonly (and defaults to) isize, representing changes to the occurrence count of each record.


§inner: StreamCore<G, C>

The underlying timely dataflow stream.

This field is exposed to support direct timely dataflow manipulation when required, but it is not intended to be the idiomatic way to work with the collection.



impl<G, D, R> Collection<G, D, R>

Methods which require data be arrangeable.


pub fn consolidate(&self) -> Self

Aggregates the weights of equal records into at most one record.

This method uses the type D’s hashed() method to partition the data. The data are accumulated in place, each held back until their timestamp has completed.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

    let x = scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10u32).1;

     .consolidate() // <-- ensures cancellation occurs

pub fn consolidate_named<Ba, Bu, Tr>(&self, name: &str) -> Self
where Ba: Batcher<Input = Vec<((D, ()), G::Timestamp, R)>, Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Tr: Trace<Time = G::Timestamp, Diff = R> + 'static, for<'a> Tr::Key<'a>: IntoOwned<'a, Owned = D>, Tr::Batch: Batch, Bu: Builder<Time = Tr::Time, Input = Ba::Output, Output = Tr::Batch>,

As consolidate but with the ability to name the operator and specify the trace type.


pub fn consolidate_stream(&self) -> Self

Aggregates the weights of equal records.

Unlike consolidate, this method does not exchange data and does not ensure that at most one copy of each (data, time) pair exists in the results. Instead, it acts on each batch of data and collapses equivalent (data, time) pairs found therein, suppressing any that accumulate to zero.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

    let x = scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10u32).1;

    // nothing to assert, as no particular guarantees.

impl<G, D, R, T, TOuter> Collection<G, D, R>
where G: Scope<Timestamp = Product<TOuter, PointStamp<T>>>, D: Data, R: Semigroup + 'static, T: Timestamp + Default, TOuter: Timestamp,


pub fn enter_dynamic(&self, _level: usize) -> Self

Enters a dynamically created scope which has level timestamp coordinates.


pub fn leave_dynamic(&self, level: usize) -> Self

Leaves a dynamically created scope which has level timestamp coordinates.


impl<G: Scope, D, R, C> Collection<G, D, R, C>


pub fn new(stream: StreamCore<G, C>) -> Collection<G, D, R, C>

Creates a new Collection from a timely dataflow stream.

This method seems to be rarely used, with the as_collection method on streams being a more idiomatic approach to convert timely streams to collections. Also, the input::Input trait provides a new_collection method which will create a new collection for you without exposing the underlying timely stream at all.


impl<G: Scope, D, R, C: Container + Clone + 'static> Collection<G, D, R, C>


pub fn concat(&self, other: &Self) -> Self

Creates a new collection accumulating the contents of the two collections.

Despite the name, differential dataflow collections are unordered. This method is so named because the implementation is the concatenation of the stream of updates, but it corresponds to the addition of the two collections.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

    let data = scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1;

    let odds = data.filter(|x| x % 2 == 1);
    let evens = data.filter(|x| x % 2 == 0);


pub fn concatenate<I>(&self, sources: I) -> Self
where I: IntoIterator<Item = Self>,

Creates a new collection accumulating the contents of the two collections.

Despite the name, differential dataflow collections are unordered. This method is so named because the implementation is the concatenation of the stream of updates, but it corresponds to the addition of the two collections.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

    let data = scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1;

    let odds = data.filter(|x| x % 2 == 1);
    let evens = data.filter(|x| x % 2 == 0);


pub fn enter_region<'a>( &self, child: &Child<'a, G, <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp>, ) -> Collection<Child<'a, G, <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp>, D, R, C>

This method is a specialization of enter to the case where the nested scope is a region. It removes the need for an operator that adjusts the timestamp.


pub fn inspect_container<F>(&self, func: F) -> Self
where F: FnMut(Result<(&G::Timestamp, &C), &[G::Timestamp]>) + 'static,

Applies a supplied function to each batch of updates.

This method is analogous to inspect, but operates on batches and reveals the timestamp of the timely dataflow capability associated with the batch of updates. The observed batching depends on how the system executes, and may vary run to run.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {
    scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1
         .map_in_place(|x| *x *= 2)
         .filter(|x| x % 2 == 1)
         .inspect_container(|event| println!("event: {:?}", event));

pub fn probe(&self) -> Handle<G::Timestamp>

Attaches a timely dataflow probe to the output of a Collection.

This probe is used to determine when the state of the Collection has stabilized and can be read out.


pub fn probe_with(&self, handle: &Handle<G::Timestamp>) -> Self

Attaches a timely dataflow probe to the output of a Collection.

This probe is used to determine when the state of the Collection has stabilized and all updates observed. In addition, a probe is also often use to limit the number of rounds of input in flight at any moment; a computation can wait until the probe has caught up to the input before introducing more rounds of data, to avoid swamping the system.


pub fn scope(&self) -> G

The scope containing the underlying timely dataflow stream.


pub fn negate(&self) -> Collection<G, D, R, C>
where StreamCore<G, C>: Negate<G, C>,

Creates a new collection whose counts are the negation of those in the input.

This method is most commonly used with concat to get those element in one collection but not another. However, differential dataflow computations are still defined for all values of the difference type R, including negative counts.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

    let data = scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1;

    let odds = data.filter(|x| x % 2 == 1);
    let evens = data.filter(|x| x % 2 == 0);


impl<G: Scope, D: Clone + 'static, R: Clone + 'static> Collection<G, D, R>


pub fn map<D2, L>(&self, logic: L) -> Collection<G, D2, R>
where D2: Data, L: FnMut(D) -> D2 + 'static,

Creates a new collection by applying the supplied function to each input element.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {
    scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1
         .map(|x| x * 2)
         .filter(|x| x % 2 == 1)

pub fn map_in_place<L>(&self, logic: L) -> Collection<G, D, R>
where L: FnMut(&mut D) + 'static,

Creates a new collection by applying the supplied function to each input element.

Although the name suggests in-place mutation, this function does not change the source collection, but rather re-uses the underlying allocations in its implementation. The method is semantically equivalent to map, but can be more efficient.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {
    scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1
         .map_in_place(|x| *x *= 2)
         .filter(|x| x % 2 == 1)

pub fn flat_map<I, L>(&self, logic: L) -> Collection<G, I::Item, R>
where G::Timestamp: Clone, I: IntoIterator, I::Item: Data, L: FnMut(D) -> I + 'static,

Creates a new collection by applying the supplied function to each input element and accumulating the results.

This method extracts an iterator from each input element, and extracts the full contents of the iterator. Be warned that if the iterators produce substantial amounts of data, they are currently fully drained before attempting to consolidate the results.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {
    scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1
         .flat_map(|x| 0 .. x);

pub fn filter<L>(&self, logic: L) -> Collection<G, D, R>
where L: FnMut(&D) -> bool + 'static,

Creates a new collection containing those input records satisfying the supplied predicate.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {
    scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1
         .map(|x| x * 2)
         .filter(|x| x % 2 == 1)

pub fn explode<D2, R2, I, L>( &self, logic: L, ) -> Collection<G, D2, <R2 as Multiply<R>>::Output>
where D2: Data, R2: Semigroup + Multiply<R>, <R2 as Multiply<R>>::Output: Semigroup + 'static, I: IntoIterator<Item = (D2, R2)>, L: FnMut(D) -> I + 'static,

Replaces each record with another, with a new difference type.

This method is most commonly used to take records containing aggregatable data (e.g. numbers to be summed) and move the data into the difference component. This will allow differential dataflow to update in-place.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

    let nums = scope.new_collection_from(0 .. 10).1;
    let x1 = nums.flat_map(|x| 0 .. x);
    let x2 = nums.map(|x| (x, 9 - x))
                 .explode(|(x,y)| Some((x,y)));


pub fn join_function<D2, R2, I, L>( &self, logic: L, ) -> Collection<G, D2, <R2 as Multiply<R>>::Output>
where G::Timestamp: Lattice, D2: Data, R2: Semigroup + Multiply<R>, <R2 as Multiply<R>>::Output: Semigroup + 'static, I: IntoIterator<Item = (D2, G::Timestamp, R2)>, L: FnMut(D) -> I + 'static,

Joins each record against a collection defined by the function logic.

This method performs what is essentially a join with the collection of records (x, logic(x)). Rather than materialize this second relation, logic is applied to each record and the appropriate modifications made to the results, namely joining timestamps and multiplying differences.


use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {
    // creates `x` copies of `2*x` from time `3*x` until `4*x`,
    // for x from 0 through 9.
    scope.new_collection_from(0 .. 10isize).1
             //   data      time      diff
             vec![(2*x, (3*x) as u64,  x),
                  (2*x, (4*x) as u64, -x)]

pub fn enter<'a, T>( &self, child: &Child<'a, G, T>, ) -> Collection<Child<'a, G, T>, D, R>
where T: Refines<<G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp>,

Brings a Collection into a nested scope.

use timely::dataflow::Scope;
use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

    let data = scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1;

    let result = scope.region(|child| {


pub fn enter_at<'a, T, F>( &self, child: &Iterative<'a, G, T>, initial: F, ) -> Collection<Iterative<'a, G, T>, D, R>
where T: Timestamp + Hash, F: FnMut(&D) -> T + Clone + 'static, G::Timestamp: Hash,

Brings a Collection into a nested scope, at varying times.

The initial function indicates the time at which each element of the Collection should appear.

use timely::dataflow::Scope;
use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

    let data = scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1;

    let result = scope.iterative::<u64,_,_>(|child| {
        data.enter_at(child, |x| *x)


pub fn delay<F>(&self, func: F) -> Collection<G, D, R>
where F: FnMut(&G::Timestamp) -> G::Timestamp + Clone + 'static,

Delays each difference by a supplied function.

It is assumed that func only advances timestamps; this is not verified, and things may go horribly wrong if that assumption is incorrect. It is also critical that func be monotonic: if two times are ordered, they should have the same order once func is applied to them (this is because we advance the timely capability with the same logic, and it must remain less_equal to all of the data timestamps).


pub fn inspect<F>(&self, func: F) -> Collection<G, D, R>
where F: FnMut(&(D, G::Timestamp, R)) + 'static,

Applies a supplied function to each update.

This method is most commonly used to report information back to the user, often for debugging purposes. Any function can be used here, but be warned that the incremental nature of differential dataflow does not guarantee that it will be called as many times as you might expect.

The (data, time, diff) triples indicate a change diff to the frequency of data which takes effect at the logical time time. When times are totally ordered (for example, usize), these updates reflect the changes along the sequence of collections. For partially ordered times, the mathematics are more interesting and less intuitive, unfortunately.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {
    scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1
         .map_in_place(|x| *x *= 2)
         .filter(|x| x % 2 == 1)
         .inspect(|x| println!("error: {:?}", x));

pub fn inspect_batch<F>(&self, func: F) -> Collection<G, D, R>
where F: FnMut(&G::Timestamp, &[(D, G::Timestamp, R)]) + 'static,

Applies a supplied function to each batch of updates.

This method is analogous to inspect, but operates on batches and reveals the timestamp of the timely dataflow capability associated with the batch of updates. The observed batching depends on how the system executes, and may vary run to run.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {
    scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1
         .map_in_place(|x| *x *= 2)
         .filter(|x| x % 2 == 1)
         .inspect_batch(|t,xs| println!("errors @ {:?}: {:?}", t, xs));

pub fn assert_empty(&self)

Assert if the collection is ever non-empty.

Because this is a dataflow fragment, the test is only applied as the computation is run. If the computation is not run, or not run to completion, there may be un-exercised times at which the collection could be non-empty. Typically, a timely dataflow computation runs to completion on drop, and so clean exit from a program should indicate that this assertion never found cause to complain.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {
    scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1
         .map(|x| x * 2)
         .filter(|x| x % 2 == 1)

impl<'a, G: Scope, T, D: Clone + 'static, R: Clone + 'static> Collection<Child<'a, G, T>, D, R>
where T: Refines<<G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp> + Timestamp,

Methods requiring a nested scope.


pub fn leave(&self) -> Collection<G, D, R>

Returns the final value of a Collection from a nested scope to its containing scope.

use timely::dataflow::Scope;
use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

   let data = scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1;

   let result = scope.region(|child| {


impl<G: Scope, D, R, C: Container + Data> Collection<Child<'_, G, G::Timestamp>, D, R, C>

Methods requiring a region as the scope.


pub fn leave_region(&self) -> Collection<G, D, R, C>

Returns the value of a Collection from a nested region to its containing scope.

This method is a specialization of leave to the case that of a nested region. It removes the need for an operator that adjusts the timestamp.


impl<G: Scope, D: Clone + 'static, R: Abelian + 'static> Collection<G, D, R>
where G::Timestamp: Data,

Methods requiring an Abelian difference, to support negation.


pub fn assert_eq(&self, other: &Self)

Assert if the collections are ever different.

Because this is a dataflow fragment, the test is only applied as the computation is run. If the computation is not run, or not run to completion, there may be un-exercised times at which the collections could vary. Typically, a timely dataflow computation runs to completion on drop, and so clean exit from a program should indicate that this assertion never found cause to complain.

use differential_dataflow::input::Input;

::timely::example(|scope| {

    let data = scope.new_collection_from(1 .. 10).1;

    let odds = data.filter(|x| x % 2 == 1);
    let evens = data.filter(|x| x % 2 == 0);


Trait Implementations§


impl<G: Scope, K: ExchangeData + Hashable, R: ExchangeData + Semigroup> Arrange<G, Vec<((K, ()), <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, R)>> for Collection<G, K, R>
where G::Timestamp: Lattice + Ord,


fn arrange_named<Ba, Bu, Tr>(&self, name: &str) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<Tr>>
where Ba: Batcher<Input = Vec<((K, ()), G::Timestamp, R)>, Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Bu: Builder<Time = G::Timestamp, Input = Ba::Output, Output = Tr::Batch>, Tr: Trace<Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Tr::Batch: Batch,

Arranges updates into a shared trace, with a supplied name.

fn arrange<Ba, Bu, Tr>(&self) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<Tr>>
where Ba: Batcher<Input = C, Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Bu: Builder<Time = G::Timestamp, Input = Ba::Output, Output = Tr::Batch>, Tr: Trace<Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Tr::Batch: Batch,

Arranges updates into a shared trace.

impl<G, K, V, R> Arrange<G, Vec<((K, V), <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, R)>> for Collection<G, (K, V), R>


fn arrange_named<Ba, Bu, Tr>(&self, name: &str) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<Tr>>
where Ba: Batcher<Input = Vec<((K, V), G::Timestamp, R)>, Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Bu: Builder<Time = G::Timestamp, Input = Ba::Output, Output = Tr::Batch>, Tr: Trace<Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Tr::Batch: Batch,

Arranges updates into a shared trace, with a supplied name.

fn arrange<Ba, Bu, Tr>(&self) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<Tr>>
where Ba: Batcher<Input = C, Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Bu: Builder<Time = G::Timestamp, Input = Ba::Output, Output = Tr::Batch>, Tr: Trace<Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Tr::Batch: Batch,

Arranges updates into a shared trace.

impl<G: Scope, K: ExchangeData + Hashable, V: ExchangeData, R: ExchangeData + Semigroup> ArrangeByKey<G, K, V, R> for Collection<G, (K, V), R>
where G::Timestamp: Lattice + Ord,


fn arrange_by_key( &self, ) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<ValSpine<K, V, G::Timestamp, R>>>

Arranges a collection of (Key, Val) records by Key. Read more

fn arrange_by_key_named( &self, name: &str, ) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<ValSpine<K, V, G::Timestamp, R>>>

As arrange_by_key but with the ability to name the arrangement.

impl<G: Scope, K: ExchangeData + Hashable, R: ExchangeData + Semigroup> ArrangeBySelf<G, K, R> for Collection<G, K, R>
where G::Timestamp: Lattice + Ord,


fn arrange_by_self( &self, ) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<KeySpine<K, G::Timestamp, R>>>

Arranges a collection of Key records by Key. Read more

fn arrange_by_self_named( &self, name: &str, ) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<KeySpine<K, G::Timestamp, R>>>

As arrange_by_self but with the ability to name the arrangement.

impl<G: Clone + Scope, D: Clone, R: Clone, C: Clone> Clone for Collection<G, D, R, C>


fn clone(&self) -> Collection<G, D, R, C>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<G: Scope, K: ExchangeData + Hashable, R: ExchangeData + Semigroup> Count<G, K, R> for Collection<G, K, R>
where G::Timestamp: Lattice + Ord,


fn count_core<R2: Ord + Abelian + From<i8> + 'static>( &self, ) -> Collection<G, (K, R), R2>

Count for general integer differences. Read more

fn count(&self) -> Collection<G, (K, R), isize>

Counts the number of occurrences of each element. Read more

impl<G: Scope, K: ExchangeData + Hashable, R: ExchangeData + Semigroup> CountTotal<G, K, R> for Collection<G, K, R>


fn count_total_core<R2: Semigroup + From<i8> + 'static>( &self, ) -> Collection<G, (K, R), R2>

Count for general integer differences. Read more

fn count_total(&self) -> Collection<G, (K, R), isize>

Counts the number of occurrences of each element. Read more

impl<G, D, R> Identifiers<G, D, R> for Collection<G, D, R>


fn identifiers(&self) -> Collection<G, (D, u64), R>

Assign unique identifiers to elements of a collection. Read more

impl<G: Scope, D: Ord + Data + Debug, R: Abelian + 'static> Iterate<G, D, R> for Collection<G, D, R>


fn iterate<F>(&self, logic: F) -> Collection<G, D, R>
where G::Timestamp: Lattice, for<'a> F: FnOnce(&Collection<Iterative<'a, G, u64>, D, R>) -> Collection<Iterative<'a, G, u64>, D, R>,

Iteratively apply logic to the source collection until convergence. Read more

impl<G, K, V, R> Join<G, K, V, R> for Collection<G, (K, V), R>


fn join_map<V2: ExchangeData, R2: ExchangeData + Semigroup, D: Data, L>( &self, other: &Collection<G, (K, V2), R2>, logic: L, ) -> Collection<G, D, <R as Multiply<R2>>::Output>
where R: Multiply<R2>, <R as Multiply<R2>>::Output: Semigroup + 'static, L: FnMut(&K, &V, &V2) -> D + 'static,

Matches pairs (key,val1) and (key,val2) based on key and then applies a function. Read more

fn semijoin<R2: ExchangeData + Semigroup>( &self, other: &Collection<G, K, R2>, ) -> Collection<G, (K, V), <R as Multiply<R2>>::Output>
where R: Multiply<R2>, <R as Multiply<R2>>::Output: Semigroup + 'static,

Matches pairs (key, val) and key based on key, producing the former with frequencies multiplied. Read more

fn antijoin<R2: ExchangeData + Semigroup>( &self, other: &Collection<G, K, R2>, ) -> Collection<G, (K, V), R>
where R: Multiply<R2, Output = R> + Abelian + 'static,

Subtracts the semijoin with other from self. Read more

fn join<V2, R2>( &self, other: &Collection<G, (K, V2), R2>, ) -> Collection<G, (K, (V, V2)), <R as Multiply<R2>>::Output>
where K: ExchangeData, V2: ExchangeData, R2: ExchangeData + Semigroup, R: Multiply<R2>, <R as Multiply<R2>>::Output: Semigroup + 'static,

Matches pairs (key,val1) and (key,val2) based on key and yields pairs (key, (val1, val2)). Read more

impl<G, K, V, R> JoinCore<G, K, V, R> for Collection<G, (K, V), R>


fn join_core<Tr2, I, L>( &self, stream2: &Arranged<G, Tr2>, result: L, ) -> Collection<G, I::Item, <R as Multiply<Tr2::Diff>>::Output>
where Tr2: for<'a> TraceReader<Key<'a> = &'a K, Time = G::Timestamp> + Clone + 'static, R: Multiply<Tr2::Diff>, <R as Multiply<Tr2::Diff>>::Output: Semigroup + 'static, I: IntoIterator, I::Item: Data, L: FnMut(&K, &V, Tr2::Val<'_>) -> I + 'static,

Joins two arranged collections with the same key type. Read more

fn join_core_internal_unsafe<Tr2, I, L, D, ROut>( &self, stream2: &Arranged<G, Tr2>, result: L, ) -> Collection<G, D, ROut>
where Tr2: for<'a> TraceReader<Key<'a> = &'a K, Time = G::Timestamp> + Clone + 'static, I: IntoIterator<Item = (D, G::Timestamp, ROut)>, L: FnMut(&K, &V, Tr2::Val<'_>, &G::Timestamp, &R, &Tr2::Diff) -> I + 'static, D: Data, ROut: Semigroup + 'static,

An unsafe variant of join_core where the result closure takes additional arguments for time and diff as input and returns an iterator over (data, time, diff) triplets. This allows for more flexibility, but is more error-prone. Read more

impl<G, D, R, C> Negate<G, C> for Collection<G, D, R, C>
where G: Scope, C: Clone, StreamCore<G, C>: Negate<G, C>,


fn negate(&self) -> Self

Creates a new collection whose counts are the negation of those in the input. Read more

impl<G, K, D> PrefixSum<G, K, D> for Collection<G, ((usize, K), D)>


fn prefix_sum<F>(&self, zero: D, combine: F) -> Self
where F: Fn(&K, &D, &D) -> D + 'static,

Computes the prefix sum for each element in the collection. Read more

fn prefix_sum_at<F>( &self, locations: Collection<G, (usize, K)>, zero: D, combine: F, ) -> Self
where F: Fn(&K, &D, &D) -> D + 'static,

Determine the prefix sum at each element of location.

impl<G, K, V, R> Reduce<G, K, V, R> for Collection<G, (K, V), R>


fn reduce_named<L, V2: Data, R2: Ord + Abelian + 'static>( &self, name: &str, logic: L, ) -> Collection<G, (K, V2), R2>
where L: FnMut(&K, &[(&V, R)], &mut Vec<(V2, R2)>) + 'static,

As reduce with the ability to name the operator.

fn reduce<L, V2: Data, R2: Ord + Abelian + 'static>( &self, logic: L, ) -> Collection<G, (K, V2), R2>
where L: FnMut(&K, &[(&V, R)], &mut Vec<(V2, R2)>) + 'static,

Applies a reduction function on records grouped by key. Read more

impl<G, K, V, R> ReduceCore<G, K, V, R> for Collection<G, (K, V), R>


fn reduce_core<L, Bu, T2>( &self, name: &str, logic: L, ) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<T2>>
where V: Data, T2: for<'a> Trace<Key<'a> = &'a K, Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, for<'a> T2::Val<'a>: IntoOwned<'a, Owned = V>, T2::Batch: Batch, Bu: Builder<Time = T2::Time, Input = Vec<((K, V), T2::Time, T2::Diff)>, Output = T2::Batch>, L: FnMut(&K, &[(&V, R)], &mut Vec<(V, T2::Diff)>, &mut Vec<(V, T2::Diff)>) + 'static,

Solves for output updates when presented with inputs and would-be outputs. Read more

fn reduce_abelian<L, Bu, T2>( &self, name: &str, logic: L, ) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<T2>>
where T2: for<'a> Trace<Key<'a> = &'a K, Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, for<'a> T2::Val<'a>: IntoOwned<'a, Owned = V>, T2::Diff: Abelian, T2::Batch: Batch, Bu: Builder<Time = T2::Time, Input = Vec<((K::Owned, V), T2::Time, T2::Diff)>, Output = T2::Batch>, L: FnMut(&K, &[(&V, R)], &mut Vec<(V, T2::Diff)>) + 'static,

Applies reduce to arranged data, and returns an arrangement of output data. Read more

impl<G, D, R, C> ResultsIn<G, C> for Collection<G, D, R, C>
where G: Scope, C: Clone, StreamCore<G, C>: ResultsIn<G, C>,


fn results_in(&self, step: <G::Timestamp as Timestamp>::Summary) -> Self

Advances a timestamp in the stream according to the timestamp actions on the path. Read more

impl<G: Scope, K: ExchangeData + Hashable, R1: ExchangeData + Semigroup> Threshold<G, K, R1> for Collection<G, K, R1>
where G::Timestamp: Lattice + Ord,


fn threshold_named<R2: Ord + Abelian + 'static, F: FnMut(&K, &R1) -> R2 + 'static>( &self, name: &str, thresh: F, ) -> Collection<G, K, R2>

A threshold with the ability to name the operator.

fn threshold<R2: Ord + Abelian + 'static, F: FnMut(&K, &R1) -> R2 + 'static>( &self, thresh: F, ) -> Collection<G, K, R2>

Transforms the multiplicity of records. Read more

fn distinct(&self) -> Collection<G, K, isize>

Reduces the collection to one occurrence of each distinct element. Read more

fn distinct_core<R2: Ord + Abelian + 'static + From<i8>>( &self, ) -> Collection<G, K, R2>

Distinct for general integer differences. Read more

impl<G: Scope, K: ExchangeData + Hashable, R: ExchangeData + Semigroup> ThresholdTotal<G, K, R> for Collection<G, K, R>


fn threshold_semigroup<R2, F>(&self, thresh: F) -> Collection<G, K, R2>
where R2: Semigroup + 'static, F: FnMut(&K, &R, Option<&R>) -> Option<R2> + 'static,

Reduces the collection to one occurrence of each distinct element.

fn threshold_total<R2: Abelian + 'static, F: FnMut(&K, &R) -> R2 + 'static>( &self, thresh: F, ) -> Collection<G, K, R2>

Reduces the collection to one occurrence of each distinct element. Read more

fn distinct_total(&self) -> Collection<G, K, isize>

Reduces the collection to one occurrence of each distinct element. Read more

fn distinct_total_core<R2: Abelian + From<i8> + 'static>( &self, ) -> Collection<G, K, R2>

Distinct for general integer differences. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<G, D, R, C> Freeze for Collection<G, D, R, C>
where G: Freeze,


impl<G, D, R = isize, C = Vec<(D, <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, R)>> !RefUnwindSafe for Collection<G, D, R, C>


impl<G, D, R = isize, C = Vec<(D, <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, R)>> !Send for Collection<G, D, R, C>


impl<G, D, R = isize, C = Vec<(D, <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, R)>> !Sync for Collection<G, D, R, C>


impl<G, D, R, C> Unpin for Collection<G, D, R, C>
where G: Unpin, D: Unpin, R: Unpin,


impl<G, D, R = isize, C = Vec<(D, <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, R)>> !UnwindSafe for Collection<G, D, R, C>

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> CopyAs<T> for T


fn copy_as(self) -> T


impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<'a, S, T> Semigroup<&'a S> for T
where T: Semigroup<S>,


fn plus_equals(&mut self, rhs: &&'a S)

The method of std::ops::AddAssign, for types that do not implement AddAssign.

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> Data for T
where T: Clone + 'static,