Module materialize.checks.checks

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

from random import Random
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from materialize.checks.actions import Testdrive
from materialize.checks.executors import Executor
from materialize.mz_version import MzVersion

    from materialize.checks.actions import Action


class Check:
    # Has to be set for the class already, not just in the constructor, so that
    # we can change the value for the entire class in the decorator
    enabled: bool = True
    externally_idempotent: bool = True

    def __init__(self, base_version: MzVersion, rng: Random | None) -> None:
        self.base_version = base_version
        self.rng = rng

    def _can_run(self, e: Executor) -> bool:
        return True

    def _kafka_broker(self) -> str:
        result = "BROKER '${testdrive.kafka-addr}'"
        if self.current_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.78.0-dev"):
            result += ", SECURITY PROTOCOL PLAINTEXT"
        return result

    def _unsafe_schema(self) -> str:
        :return: the schema containing unsafe functions, such as `mz_sleep`.
        if self.current_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.79.0-dev"):
            return "mz_unsafe"
            return "mz_internal"

    def _default_cluster(self) -> str:
        :return: name of the cluster created in all environments.
        if self.base_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.82.0-dev"):
            return "quickstart"
            return "default"

    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(TESTDRIVE_NOP)

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        assert False

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        """Note that the validation method may be invoked multiple times (depending on the scenario)."""
        assert False

    def start_initialize(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
            self.current_version = e.current_mz_version
            self._initialize = self.initialize()
            self._initialize.execute(e, a.mz_service)

    def join_initialize(self, e: Executor) -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:

    def start_manipulate(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
            self.current_version = e.current_mz_version
            self._manipulate = self.manipulate()
            assert (
                len(self._manipulate) == 2
            ), f"manipulate() should return a list with exactly 2 elements, but actually returns {len(self._manipulate)} elements"

            assert a.phase is not None
            self._manipulate[a.phase].execute(e, a.mz_service)

    def join_manipulate(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
            assert a.phase is not None

    def start_validate(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
            self.current_version = e.current_mz_version
            self._validate = self.validate()
            self._validate.execute(e, a.mz_service)

    def join_validate(self, e: Executor) -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:

def disabled(ignore_reason: str):
    def decorator(cls):
        cls.enabled = False
        return cls

    return decorator

def externally_idempotent(externally_idempotent: bool = True):
    def decorator(cls):
        cls.externally_idempotent = externally_idempotent
        return cls

    return decorator


def disabled(ignore_reason: str)
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def disabled(ignore_reason: str):
    def decorator(cls):
        cls.enabled = False
        return cls

    return decorator
def externally_idempotent(externally_idempotent: bool = True)
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def externally_idempotent(externally_idempotent: bool = True):
    def decorator(cls):
        cls.externally_idempotent = externally_idempotent
        return cls

    return decorator


class Check (base_version: MzVersion, rng: random.Random | None)
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class Check:
    # Has to be set for the class already, not just in the constructor, so that
    # we can change the value for the entire class in the decorator
    enabled: bool = True
    externally_idempotent: bool = True

    def __init__(self, base_version: MzVersion, rng: Random | None) -> None:
        self.base_version = base_version
        self.rng = rng

    def _can_run(self, e: Executor) -> bool:
        return True

    def _kafka_broker(self) -> str:
        result = "BROKER '${testdrive.kafka-addr}'"
        if self.current_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.78.0-dev"):
            result += ", SECURITY PROTOCOL PLAINTEXT"
        return result

    def _unsafe_schema(self) -> str:
        :return: the schema containing unsafe functions, such as `mz_sleep`.
        if self.current_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.79.0-dev"):
            return "mz_unsafe"
            return "mz_internal"

    def _default_cluster(self) -> str:
        :return: name of the cluster created in all environments.
        if self.base_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.82.0-dev"):
            return "quickstart"
            return "default"

    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(TESTDRIVE_NOP)

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        assert False

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        """Note that the validation method may be invoked multiple times (depending on the scenario)."""
        assert False

    def start_initialize(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
            self.current_version = e.current_mz_version
            self._initialize = self.initialize()
            self._initialize.execute(e, a.mz_service)

    def join_initialize(self, e: Executor) -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:

    def start_manipulate(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
            self.current_version = e.current_mz_version
            self._manipulate = self.manipulate()
            assert (
                len(self._manipulate) == 2
            ), f"manipulate() should return a list with exactly 2 elements, but actually returns {len(self._manipulate)} elements"

            assert a.phase is not None
            self._manipulate[a.phase].execute(e, a.mz_service)

    def join_manipulate(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
            assert a.phase is not None

    def start_validate(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
            self.current_version = e.current_mz_version
            self._validate = self.validate()
            self._validate.execute(e, a.mz_service)

    def join_validate(self, e: Executor) -> None:
        if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:


Class variables

var enabled : bool
var externally_idempotent : bool


def initialize(self) ‑> Testdrive
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def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
    return Testdrive(TESTDRIVE_NOP)
def join_initialize(self, e: Executor) ‑> None
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def join_initialize(self, e: Executor) -> None:
    if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
def join_manipulate(self, e: Executor, a: Action)
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def join_manipulate(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
    if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
        assert a.phase is not None
def join_validate(self, e: Executor) ‑> None
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def join_validate(self, e: Executor) -> None:
    if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
def manipulate(self) ‑> list[Testdrive]
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def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
    assert False
def start_initialize(self, e: Executor, a: Action)
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def start_initialize(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
    if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
        self.current_version = e.current_mz_version
        self._initialize = self.initialize()
        self._initialize.execute(e, a.mz_service)
def start_manipulate(self, e: Executor, a: Action)
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def start_manipulate(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
    if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
        self.current_version = e.current_mz_version
        self._manipulate = self.manipulate()
        assert (
            len(self._manipulate) == 2
        ), f"manipulate() should return a list with exactly 2 elements, but actually returns {len(self._manipulate)} elements"

        assert a.phase is not None
        self._manipulate[a.phase].execute(e, a.mz_service)
def start_validate(self, e: Executor, a: Action)
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def start_validate(self, e: Executor, a: "Action") -> None:
    if self._can_run(e) and self.enabled:
        self.current_version = e.current_mz_version
        self._validate = self.validate()
        self._validate.execute(e, a.mz_service)
def validate(self) ‑> Testdrive

Note that the validation method may be invoked multiple times (depending on the scenario).

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def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
    """Note that the validation method may be invoked multiple times (depending on the scenario)."""
    assert False