Module materialize.checks.all_checks.pg_cdc

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

import re
from random import Random
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any

from materialize.checks.actions import Testdrive
from materialize.checks.checks import Check, externally_idempotent
from materialize.mz_version import MzVersion

class PgCdcBase:
    base_version: MzVersion
    current_version: MzVersion
    wait: bool
    suffix: str
    repeats: int
    expects: int

    def __init__(self, wait: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self.wait = wait
        self.repeats = 1024 if wait else 16384
        self.expects = 97350 if wait else 1633350
        self.suffix = f"_{str(wait).lower()}"
        super().__init__(**kwargs)  # foward unused args to Check

    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                CREATE USER postgres1{self.suffix} WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'postgres';
                ALTER USER postgres1{self.suffix} WITH replication;
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS postgres_source{self.suffix};

                DROP TABLE IF EXISTS postgres_source_table{self.suffix};

                CREATE TABLE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} (f1 TEXT, f2 INTEGER, f3 TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(f1, f2));
                ALTER TABLE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'A', i, REPEAT('A', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;

                CREATE PUBLICATION postgres_source{self.suffix} FOR ALL TABLES;

                > CREATE SECRET pgpass1{self.suffix} AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION pg1{self.suffix} FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER postgres1{self.suffix},
                  PASSWORD SECRET pgpass1{self.suffix}

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        return [
            for s in [
                > CREATE SOURCE postgres_source1{self.suffix}
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION pg1{self.suffix}
                  (PUBLICATION 'postgres_source{self.suffix}')
                  FOR TABLES (postgres_source_table{self.suffix} AS postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix});

                > CREATE DEFAULT INDEX ON postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix};

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'B', i, REPEAT('B', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                > CREATE SECRET pgpass2{self.suffix} AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION pg2{self.suffix} FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER postgres1{self.suffix},
                  PASSWORD SECRET pgpass1{self.suffix}

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'C', i, REPEAT('C', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                $[version>=5200] postgres-execute connection=postgres://mz_system@${{testdrive.materialize-internal-sql-addr}}
                GRANT USAGE ON CONNECTION pg2{self.suffix} TO materialize

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'D', i, REPEAT('D', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                > CREATE SOURCE postgres_source2{self.suffix}
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION pg2{self.suffix}
                  (PUBLICATION 'postgres_source{self.suffix}')
                  FOR TABLES (postgres_source_table{self.suffix} AS postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix});

                # Create a view with a complex dependency structure
                > CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS table_a_b_count_sum AS SELECT SUM(total_count) AS total_rows FROM (
                        SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_count FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix}
                        UNION ALL
                        SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_count FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix}
                + (
                # Wait until Pg snapshot is complete in order to avoid #18940
                > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix}

                # Wait until Pg snapshot is complete in order to avoid #18940
                > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix}
                    if self.wait
                    else ""

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'E', i, REPEAT('E', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'F', i, REPEAT('F', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                > CREATE SECRET pgpass3{self.suffix} AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION pg3{self.suffix} FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER postgres1{self.suffix},
                  PASSWORD SECRET pgpass3{self.suffix}

                > CREATE SOURCE postgres_source3{self.suffix}
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION pg3{self.suffix}
                  (PUBLICATION 'postgres_source{self.suffix}')
                  FOR TABLES (postgres_source_table{self.suffix} AS postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix});

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'G', i, REPEAT('G', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'H', i, REPEAT('X', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;
                + (
                # Wait until Pg snapshot is complete in order to avoid #18940
                > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix}
                > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix}
                    if self.wait
                    else ""

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        sql = dedent(
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://mz_system@${{testdrive.materialize-internal-sql-addr}}
            GRANT SELECT ON postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix} TO materialize
            GRANT SELECT ON postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix} TO materialize
            GRANT SELECT ON postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix} TO materialize

            # Can take longer after a restart
            $ set-sql-timeout duration=600s

            > SELECT f1, max(f2), SUM(LENGTH(f3)) FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix} GROUP BY f1;
            A 800 {self.expects}
            B 800 {self.expects}
            C 700 {self.expects}
            D 600 {self.expects}
            E 500 {self.expects}
            F 400 {self.expects}
            G 300 {self.expects}
            H 200 {self.expects}

            > SELECT f1, max(f2), SUM(LENGTH(f3)) FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix} GROUP BY f1;
            A 800 {self.expects}
            B 800 {self.expects}
            C 700 {self.expects}
            D 600 {self.expects}
            E 500 {self.expects}
            F 400 {self.expects}
            G 300 {self.expects}
            H 200 {self.expects}

            > SELECT f1, max(f2), SUM(LENGTH(f3)) FROM postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix} GROUP BY f1;
            A 800 {self.expects}
            B 800 {self.expects}
            C 700 {self.expects}
            D 600 {self.expects}
            E 500 {self.expects}
            F 400 {self.expects}
            G 300 {self.expects}
            H 200 {self.expects}

            > SELECT total_rows FROM table_a_b_count_sum;

        if self.base_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.50.0-dev"):
            sql += dedent(
                # Confirm that the primary key information has been propagated from Pg
                > SELECT key FROM (SHOW INDEXES ON postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix});

                ? EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT f1, f2 FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix};
                Explained Query (fast path):
                  Project (#0, #1)
                    ReadIndex on=materialize.public.postgres_source_tablea{self.suffix} postgres_source_tablea{self.suffix}_primary_idx=[*** full scan ***]

                Used Indexes:
                  - materialize.public.postgres_source_tablea{self.suffix}_primary_idx (*** full scan ***)

                Target cluster: quickstart

        if self.current_version < MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.96.0-dev"):
            sql = remove_target_cluster_from_explain(sql)

        return Testdrive(sql)

class PgCdc(PgCdcBase, Check):
    def __init__(self, base_version: MzVersion, rng: Random | None) -> None:
        super().__init__(wait=True, base_version=base_version, rng=rng)

class PgCdcNoWait(PgCdcBase, Check):
    def __init__(self, base_version: MzVersion, rng: Random | None) -> None:
        super().__init__(wait=False, base_version=base_version, rng=rng)

class PgCdcMzNow(Check):
    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                CREATE USER postgres2 WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'postgres';
                ALTER USER postgres2 WITH replication;
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS postgres_mz_now_publication;

                DROP TABLE IF EXISTS postgres_mz_now_table;

                CREATE TABLE postgres_mz_now_table (f1 TIMESTAMP, f2 CHAR(5), PRIMARY KEY (f1, f2));
                ALTER TABLE postgres_mz_now_table REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A1');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B1');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C1');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D1');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E1');

                CREATE PUBLICATION postgres_mz_now_publication FOR ALL TABLES;

                > CREATE SECRET postgres_mz_now_pass AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION postgres_mz_now_conn FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER postgres2,
                  PASSWORD SECRET postgres_mz_now_pass

                > CREATE SOURCE postgres_mz_now_source
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION postgres_mz_now_conn
                  (PUBLICATION 'postgres_mz_now_publication')
                  FOR TABLES (postgres_mz_now_table);

                # Return all rows fresher than 60 seconds
                > CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW postgres_mz_now_view AS
                  SELECT * FROM postgres_mz_now_table
                  WHERE mz_now() <= ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch FROM f1 + INTERVAL '60' SECOND) * 1000)

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        return [
            for s in [
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A2');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B2');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C2');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D2');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E2');
                DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 = 'B1';
                UPDATE postgres_mz_now_table SET f1 = NOW() WHERE f2 = 'C1';
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A3');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B3');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C3');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D3');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E3');
                DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 = 'B2';
                UPDATE postgres_mz_now_table SET f1 = NOW() WHERE f2 = 'D1';

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM postgres_mz_now_table;

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A4');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B4');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C4');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D4');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E4');
                DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 = 'B3';
                UPDATE postgres_mz_now_table SET f1 = NOW() WHERE f2 = 'E1'

                # Expect some rows newer than 60 seconds in view
                > SELECT COUNT(*) >= 6 FROM postgres_mz_now_view
                  WHERE f1 > NOW() - INTERVAL '60' SECOND;

                # Expect no rows older than 60 seconds in view
                > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM postgres_mz_now_view
                  WHERE f1 < NOW() - INTERVAL '60' SECOND;

                # Rollback the last INSERTs so that validate() can be called multiple times
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B3');
                DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 LIKE '%4%';

def remove_target_cluster_from_explain(sql: str) -> str:
    return re.sub(r"\n\s*Target cluster: \w+\n", "", sql)


def remove_target_cluster_from_explain(sql: str) ‑> str
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def remove_target_cluster_from_explain(sql: str) -> str:
    return re.sub(r"\n\s*Target cluster: \w+\n", "", sql)


class PgCdc (base_version: MzVersion, rng: random.Random | None)
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class PgCdc(PgCdcBase, Check):
    def __init__(self, base_version: MzVersion, rng: Random | None) -> None:
        super().__init__(wait=True, base_version=base_version, rng=rng)


Class variables

var externally_idempotent : bool
class PgCdcBase (wait: bool, **kwargs: Any)
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class PgCdcBase:
    base_version: MzVersion
    current_version: MzVersion
    wait: bool
    suffix: str
    repeats: int
    expects: int

    def __init__(self, wait: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self.wait = wait
        self.repeats = 1024 if wait else 16384
        self.expects = 97350 if wait else 1633350
        self.suffix = f"_{str(wait).lower()}"
        super().__init__(**kwargs)  # foward unused args to Check

    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                CREATE USER postgres1{self.suffix} WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'postgres';
                ALTER USER postgres1{self.suffix} WITH replication;
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS postgres_source{self.suffix};

                DROP TABLE IF EXISTS postgres_source_table{self.suffix};

                CREATE TABLE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} (f1 TEXT, f2 INTEGER, f3 TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(f1, f2));
                ALTER TABLE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'A', i, REPEAT('A', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;

                CREATE PUBLICATION postgres_source{self.suffix} FOR ALL TABLES;

                > CREATE SECRET pgpass1{self.suffix} AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION pg1{self.suffix} FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER postgres1{self.suffix},
                  PASSWORD SECRET pgpass1{self.suffix}

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        return [
            for s in [
                > CREATE SOURCE postgres_source1{self.suffix}
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION pg1{self.suffix}
                  (PUBLICATION 'postgres_source{self.suffix}')
                  FOR TABLES (postgres_source_table{self.suffix} AS postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix});

                > CREATE DEFAULT INDEX ON postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix};

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'B', i, REPEAT('B', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                > CREATE SECRET pgpass2{self.suffix} AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION pg2{self.suffix} FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER postgres1{self.suffix},
                  PASSWORD SECRET pgpass1{self.suffix}

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'C', i, REPEAT('C', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                $[version>=5200] postgres-execute connection=postgres://mz_system@${{testdrive.materialize-internal-sql-addr}}
                GRANT USAGE ON CONNECTION pg2{self.suffix} TO materialize

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'D', i, REPEAT('D', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                > CREATE SOURCE postgres_source2{self.suffix}
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION pg2{self.suffix}
                  (PUBLICATION 'postgres_source{self.suffix}')
                  FOR TABLES (postgres_source_table{self.suffix} AS postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix});

                # Create a view with a complex dependency structure
                > CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS table_a_b_count_sum AS SELECT SUM(total_count) AS total_rows FROM (
                        SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_count FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix}
                        UNION ALL
                        SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_count FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix}
                + (
                # Wait until Pg snapshot is complete in order to avoid #18940
                > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix}

                # Wait until Pg snapshot is complete in order to avoid #18940
                > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix}
                    if self.wait
                    else ""

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'E', i, REPEAT('E', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'F', i, REPEAT('F', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                > CREATE SECRET pgpass3{self.suffix} AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION pg3{self.suffix} FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER postgres1{self.suffix},
                  PASSWORD SECRET pgpass3{self.suffix}

                > CREATE SOURCE postgres_source3{self.suffix}
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION pg3{self.suffix}
                  (PUBLICATION 'postgres_source{self.suffix}')
                  FOR TABLES (postgres_source_table{self.suffix} AS postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix});

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'G', i, REPEAT('G', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'H', i, REPEAT('X', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
                UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;
                + (
                # Wait until Pg snapshot is complete in order to avoid #18940
                > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix}
                > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix}
                    if self.wait
                    else ""

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        sql = dedent(
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://mz_system@${{testdrive.materialize-internal-sql-addr}}
            GRANT SELECT ON postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix} TO materialize
            GRANT SELECT ON postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix} TO materialize
            GRANT SELECT ON postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix} TO materialize

            # Can take longer after a restart
            $ set-sql-timeout duration=600s

            > SELECT f1, max(f2), SUM(LENGTH(f3)) FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix} GROUP BY f1;
            A 800 {self.expects}
            B 800 {self.expects}
            C 700 {self.expects}
            D 600 {self.expects}
            E 500 {self.expects}
            F 400 {self.expects}
            G 300 {self.expects}
            H 200 {self.expects}

            > SELECT f1, max(f2), SUM(LENGTH(f3)) FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix} GROUP BY f1;
            A 800 {self.expects}
            B 800 {self.expects}
            C 700 {self.expects}
            D 600 {self.expects}
            E 500 {self.expects}
            F 400 {self.expects}
            G 300 {self.expects}
            H 200 {self.expects}

            > SELECT f1, max(f2), SUM(LENGTH(f3)) FROM postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix} GROUP BY f1;
            A 800 {self.expects}
            B 800 {self.expects}
            C 700 {self.expects}
            D 600 {self.expects}
            E 500 {self.expects}
            F 400 {self.expects}
            G 300 {self.expects}
            H 200 {self.expects}

            > SELECT total_rows FROM table_a_b_count_sum;

        if self.base_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.50.0-dev"):
            sql += dedent(
                # Confirm that the primary key information has been propagated from Pg
                > SELECT key FROM (SHOW INDEXES ON postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix});

                ? EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT f1, f2 FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix};
                Explained Query (fast path):
                  Project (#0, #1)
                    ReadIndex on=materialize.public.postgres_source_tablea{self.suffix} postgres_source_tablea{self.suffix}_primary_idx=[*** full scan ***]

                Used Indexes:
                  - materialize.public.postgres_source_tablea{self.suffix}_primary_idx (*** full scan ***)

                Target cluster: quickstart

        if self.current_version < MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.96.0-dev"):
            sql = remove_target_cluster_from_explain(sql)

        return Testdrive(sql)


Class variables

var base_versionMzVersion
var current_versionMzVersion
var expects : int
var repeats : int
var suffix : str
var wait : bool


def initialize(self) ‑> Testdrive
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def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
    return Testdrive(
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            CREATE USER postgres1{self.suffix} WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'postgres';
            ALTER USER postgres1{self.suffix} WITH replication;
            DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS postgres_source{self.suffix};

            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS postgres_source_table{self.suffix};

            CREATE TABLE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} (f1 TEXT, f2 INTEGER, f3 TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(f1, f2));
            ALTER TABLE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

            INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'A', i, REPEAT('A', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;

            CREATE PUBLICATION postgres_source{self.suffix} FOR ALL TABLES;

            > CREATE SECRET pgpass1{self.suffix} AS 'postgres';

            > CREATE CONNECTION pg1{self.suffix} FOR POSTGRES
              HOST 'postgres',
              DATABASE postgres,
              USER postgres1{self.suffix},
              PASSWORD SECRET pgpass1{self.suffix}
def manipulate(self) ‑> list[Testdrive]
Expand source code Browse git
def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
    return [
        for s in [
            > CREATE SOURCE postgres_source1{self.suffix}
              FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION pg1{self.suffix}
              (PUBLICATION 'postgres_source{self.suffix}')
              FOR TABLES (postgres_source_table{self.suffix} AS postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix});

            > CREATE DEFAULT INDEX ON postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix};

            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'B', i, REPEAT('B', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
            UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

            > CREATE SECRET pgpass2{self.suffix} AS 'postgres';

            > CREATE CONNECTION pg2{self.suffix} FOR POSTGRES
              HOST 'postgres',
              DATABASE postgres,
              USER postgres1{self.suffix},
              PASSWORD SECRET pgpass1{self.suffix}

            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'C', i, REPEAT('C', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
            UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

            $[version>=5200] postgres-execute connection=postgres://mz_system@${{testdrive.materialize-internal-sql-addr}}
            GRANT USAGE ON CONNECTION pg2{self.suffix} TO materialize

            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'D', i, REPEAT('D', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
            UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

            > CREATE SOURCE postgres_source2{self.suffix}
              FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION pg2{self.suffix}
              (PUBLICATION 'postgres_source{self.suffix}')
              FOR TABLES (postgres_source_table{self.suffix} AS postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix});

            # Create a view with a complex dependency structure
            > CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS table_a_b_count_sum AS SELECT SUM(total_count) AS total_rows FROM (
                    SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_count FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix}
                    UNION ALL
                    SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_count FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix}
            + (
            # Wait until Pg snapshot is complete in order to avoid #18940
            > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix}

            # Wait until Pg snapshot is complete in order to avoid #18940
            > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix}
                if self.wait
                else ""

            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'E', i, REPEAT('E', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
            UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'F', i, REPEAT('F', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
            UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

            > CREATE SECRET pgpass3{self.suffix} AS 'postgres';

            > CREATE CONNECTION pg3{self.suffix} FOR POSTGRES
              HOST 'postgres',
              DATABASE postgres,
              USER postgres1{self.suffix},
              PASSWORD SECRET pgpass3{self.suffix}

            > CREATE SOURCE postgres_source3{self.suffix}
              FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION pg3{self.suffix}
              (PUBLICATION 'postgres_source{self.suffix}')
              FOR TABLES (postgres_source_table{self.suffix} AS postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix});

            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'G', i, REPEAT('G', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
            UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;

            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SELECT 'H', i, REPEAT('X', {self.repeats} - i) FROM generate_series(1,100) AS i;
            UPDATE postgres_source_table{self.suffix} SET f2 = f2 + 100;
            + (
            # Wait until Pg snapshot is complete in order to avoid #18940
            > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix}
            > SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix}
                if self.wait
                else ""
def validate(self) ‑> Testdrive
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def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
    sql = dedent(
        $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://mz_system@${{testdrive.materialize-internal-sql-addr}}
        GRANT SELECT ON postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix} TO materialize
        GRANT SELECT ON postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix} TO materialize
        GRANT SELECT ON postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix} TO materialize

        # Can take longer after a restart
        $ set-sql-timeout duration=600s

        > SELECT f1, max(f2), SUM(LENGTH(f3)) FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix} GROUP BY f1;
        A 800 {self.expects}
        B 800 {self.expects}
        C 700 {self.expects}
        D 600 {self.expects}
        E 500 {self.expects}
        F 400 {self.expects}
        G 300 {self.expects}
        H 200 {self.expects}

        > SELECT f1, max(f2), SUM(LENGTH(f3)) FROM postgres_source_tableB{self.suffix} GROUP BY f1;
        A 800 {self.expects}
        B 800 {self.expects}
        C 700 {self.expects}
        D 600 {self.expects}
        E 500 {self.expects}
        F 400 {self.expects}
        G 300 {self.expects}
        H 200 {self.expects}

        > SELECT f1, max(f2), SUM(LENGTH(f3)) FROM postgres_source_tableC{self.suffix} GROUP BY f1;
        A 800 {self.expects}
        B 800 {self.expects}
        C 700 {self.expects}
        D 600 {self.expects}
        E 500 {self.expects}
        F 400 {self.expects}
        G 300 {self.expects}
        H 200 {self.expects}

        > SELECT total_rows FROM table_a_b_count_sum;

    if self.base_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.50.0-dev"):
        sql += dedent(
            # Confirm that the primary key information has been propagated from Pg
            > SELECT key FROM (SHOW INDEXES ON postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix});

            ? EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT f1, f2 FROM postgres_source_tableA{self.suffix};
            Explained Query (fast path):
              Project (#0, #1)
                ReadIndex on=materialize.public.postgres_source_tablea{self.suffix} postgres_source_tablea{self.suffix}_primary_idx=[*** full scan ***]

            Used Indexes:
              - materialize.public.postgres_source_tablea{self.suffix}_primary_idx (*** full scan ***)

            Target cluster: quickstart

    if self.current_version < MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.96.0-dev"):
        sql = remove_target_cluster_from_explain(sql)

    return Testdrive(sql)
class PgCdcMzNow (base_version: MzVersion, rng: random.Random | None)
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class PgCdcMzNow(Check):
    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                CREATE USER postgres2 WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'postgres';
                ALTER USER postgres2 WITH replication;
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS postgres_mz_now_publication;

                DROP TABLE IF EXISTS postgres_mz_now_table;

                CREATE TABLE postgres_mz_now_table (f1 TIMESTAMP, f2 CHAR(5), PRIMARY KEY (f1, f2));
                ALTER TABLE postgres_mz_now_table REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A1');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B1');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C1');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D1');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E1');

                CREATE PUBLICATION postgres_mz_now_publication FOR ALL TABLES;

                > CREATE SECRET postgres_mz_now_pass AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION postgres_mz_now_conn FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER postgres2,
                  PASSWORD SECRET postgres_mz_now_pass

                > CREATE SOURCE postgres_mz_now_source
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION postgres_mz_now_conn
                  (PUBLICATION 'postgres_mz_now_publication')
                  FOR TABLES (postgres_mz_now_table);

                # Return all rows fresher than 60 seconds
                > CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW postgres_mz_now_view AS
                  SELECT * FROM postgres_mz_now_table
                  WHERE mz_now() <= ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch FROM f1 + INTERVAL '60' SECOND) * 1000)

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        return [
            for s in [
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A2');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B2');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C2');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D2');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E2');
                DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 = 'B1';
                UPDATE postgres_mz_now_table SET f1 = NOW() WHERE f2 = 'C1';
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A3');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B3');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C3');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D3');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E3');
                DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 = 'B2';
                UPDATE postgres_mz_now_table SET f1 = NOW() WHERE f2 = 'D1';

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM postgres_mz_now_table;

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A4');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B4');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C4');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D4');
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E4');
                DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 = 'B3';
                UPDATE postgres_mz_now_table SET f1 = NOW() WHERE f2 = 'E1'

                # Expect some rows newer than 60 seconds in view
                > SELECT COUNT(*) >= 6 FROM postgres_mz_now_view
                  WHERE f1 > NOW() - INTERVAL '60' SECOND;

                # Expect no rows older than 60 seconds in view
                > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM postgres_mz_now_view
                  WHERE f1 < NOW() - INTERVAL '60' SECOND;

                # Rollback the last INSERTs so that validate() can be called multiple times
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B3');
                DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 LIKE '%4%';


Class variables

var externally_idempotent : bool


def initialize(self) ‑> Testdrive
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def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
    return Testdrive(
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            CREATE USER postgres2 WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'postgres';
            ALTER USER postgres2 WITH replication;
            DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS postgres_mz_now_publication;

            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS postgres_mz_now_table;

            CREATE TABLE postgres_mz_now_table (f1 TIMESTAMP, f2 CHAR(5), PRIMARY KEY (f1, f2));
            ALTER TABLE postgres_mz_now_table REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A1');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B1');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C1');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D1');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E1');

            CREATE PUBLICATION postgres_mz_now_publication FOR ALL TABLES;

            > CREATE SECRET postgres_mz_now_pass AS 'postgres';

            > CREATE CONNECTION postgres_mz_now_conn FOR POSTGRES
              HOST 'postgres',
              DATABASE postgres,
              USER postgres2,
              PASSWORD SECRET postgres_mz_now_pass

            > CREATE SOURCE postgres_mz_now_source
              FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION postgres_mz_now_conn
              (PUBLICATION 'postgres_mz_now_publication')
              FOR TABLES (postgres_mz_now_table);

            # Return all rows fresher than 60 seconds
            > CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW postgres_mz_now_view AS
              SELECT * FROM postgres_mz_now_table
              WHERE mz_now() <= ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch FROM f1 + INTERVAL '60' SECOND) * 1000)
def manipulate(self) ‑> list[Testdrive]
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def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
    return [
        for s in [
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A2');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B2');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C2');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D2');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E2');
            DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 = 'B1';
            UPDATE postgres_mz_now_table SET f1 = NOW() WHERE f2 = 'C1';
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A3');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B3');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C3');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D3');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E3');
            DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 = 'B2';
            UPDATE postgres_mz_now_table SET f1 = NOW() WHERE f2 = 'D1';
def validate(self) ‑> Testdrive
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def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
    return Testdrive(
            > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM postgres_mz_now_table;

            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'A4');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B4');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'C4');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'D4');
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'E4');
            DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 = 'B3';
            UPDATE postgres_mz_now_table SET f1 = NOW() WHERE f2 = 'E1'

            # Expect some rows newer than 60 seconds in view
            > SELECT COUNT(*) >= 6 FROM postgres_mz_now_view
              WHERE f1 > NOW() - INTERVAL '60' SECOND;

            # Expect no rows older than 60 seconds in view
            > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM postgres_mz_now_view
              WHERE f1 < NOW() - INTERVAL '60' SECOND;

            # Rollback the last INSERTs so that validate() can be called multiple times
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO postgres_mz_now_table VALUES (NOW(), 'B3');
            DELETE FROM postgres_mz_now_table WHERE f2 LIKE '%4%';
class PgCdcNoWait (base_version: MzVersion, rng: random.Random | None)
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class PgCdcNoWait(PgCdcBase, Check):
    def __init__(self, base_version: MzVersion, rng: Random | None) -> None:
        super().__init__(wait=False, base_version=base_version, rng=rng)


Class variables

var externally_idempotent : bool