Module materialize.checks.all_checks.multiple_partitions

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
from textwrap import dedent

from materialize.checks.actions import Testdrive
from materialize.checks.checks import Check, externally_idempotent
from materialize.checks.common import KAFKA_SCHEMA_WITH_SINGLE_STRING_FIELD
from materialize.checks.executors import Executor
from materialize.mz_version import MzVersion

def schemas() -> str:

class MultiplePartitions(Check):
    """Test that adds new partitions to a Kafka source"""

    def _can_run(self, e: Executor) -> bool:
        # v0.80.0 introduced backward incompatible changes to `TOPIC METADATA
        # REFRESH INTERVAL`, which was never available to customers, so rather
        # than try to introduce hacks to support it, we simply disable tests
        # that used
        return self.base_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.80.0-dev")

    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
            + dedent(
                $[version>=5500] postgres-execute connection=postgres://mz_system:materialize@${testdrive.materialize-internal-sql-addr}
                ALTER SYSTEM SET enable_create_source_denylist_with_options = true

                $ kafka-create-topic topic=multiple-partitions-topic

                # ingest A-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=100
                {"key1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # Note: we use "postgres-execute" here instead of ">" because for commands run with
                # the ">" testdrive parses them with the SQL parser from `main`, and the SQL for
                # this command is version dependent.
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://materialize:materialize@${testdrive.materialize-sql-addr}
                CREATE SOURCE multiple_partitions_source FROM KAFKA CONNECTION kafka_conn (TOPIC 'testdrive-multiple-partitions-topic-${testdrive.seed}', TOPIC METADATA REFRESH INTERVAL '500ms') FORMAT AVRO USING CONFLUENT SCHEMA REGISTRY CONNECTION csr_conn ENVELOPE UPSERT;

                $ kafka-add-partitions topic=multiple-partitions-topic total-partitions=2

                > CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_multiple_partitions AS SELECT * FROM multiple_partitions_source;

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        return [
            Testdrive(schemas() + dedent(s))
            for s in [
                # ingest B-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=60
                {"key1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # Make sure that source is up and complete
                > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM multiple_partitions_source GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
                A 100
                B 60

                $ kafka-add-partitions topic=multiple-partitions-topic total-partitions=3

                # ingest some more B-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=60
                {"key1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # delete some A-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=50
                {"key1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}
                # ingest C-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=60
                {"key1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # Make sure that source is up and complete
                > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM multiple_partitions_source GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
                A 50
                B 60
                C 60

                $ kafka-add-partitions topic=multiple-partitions-topic total-partitions=4

                # ingest some more C-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=40
                {"key1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # delete some A-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=50
                {"key1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                > SELECT partition FROM multiple_partitions_source_progress;

                # alias is needed to avoid error due to reserved keyword
                > SELECT SUM(p.offset) FROM multiple_partitions_source_progress p;

                # TODO: Reenable when #25803 is fixed
                # > SELECT status FROM mz_internal.mz_source_statuses WHERE name = 'multiple_partitions_source';
                # running

                > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM multiple_partitions_source GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
                A 50
                B 60
                C 60

                > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM mv_multiple_partitions GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
                A 50
                B 60
                C 60


def schemas() ‑> str
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def schemas() -> str:


class MultiplePartitions (base_version: MzVersion, rng: random.Random | None)

Test that adds new partitions to a Kafka source

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class MultiplePartitions(Check):
    """Test that adds new partitions to a Kafka source"""

    def _can_run(self, e: Executor) -> bool:
        # v0.80.0 introduced backward incompatible changes to `TOPIC METADATA
        # REFRESH INTERVAL`, which was never available to customers, so rather
        # than try to introduce hacks to support it, we simply disable tests
        # that used
        return self.base_version >= MzVersion.parse_mz("v0.80.0-dev")

    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
            + dedent(
                $[version>=5500] postgres-execute connection=postgres://mz_system:materialize@${testdrive.materialize-internal-sql-addr}
                ALTER SYSTEM SET enable_create_source_denylist_with_options = true

                $ kafka-create-topic topic=multiple-partitions-topic

                # ingest A-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=100
                {"key1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # Note: we use "postgres-execute" here instead of ">" because for commands run with
                # the ">" testdrive parses them with the SQL parser from `main`, and the SQL for
                # this command is version dependent.
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://materialize:materialize@${testdrive.materialize-sql-addr}
                CREATE SOURCE multiple_partitions_source FROM KAFKA CONNECTION kafka_conn (TOPIC 'testdrive-multiple-partitions-topic-${testdrive.seed}', TOPIC METADATA REFRESH INTERVAL '500ms') FORMAT AVRO USING CONFLUENT SCHEMA REGISTRY CONNECTION csr_conn ENVELOPE UPSERT;

                $ kafka-add-partitions topic=multiple-partitions-topic total-partitions=2

                > CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_multiple_partitions AS SELECT * FROM multiple_partitions_source;

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        return [
            Testdrive(schemas() + dedent(s))
            for s in [
                # ingest B-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=60
                {"key1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # Make sure that source is up and complete
                > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM multiple_partitions_source GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
                A 100
                B 60

                $ kafka-add-partitions topic=multiple-partitions-topic total-partitions=3

                # ingest some more B-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=60
                {"key1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # delete some A-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=50
                {"key1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}
                # ingest C-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=60
                {"key1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # Make sure that source is up and complete
                > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM multiple_partitions_source GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
                A 50
                B 60
                C 60

                $ kafka-add-partitions topic=multiple-partitions-topic total-partitions=4

                # ingest some more C-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=40
                {"key1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

                # delete some A-key entries
                $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=50
                {"key1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                > SELECT partition FROM multiple_partitions_source_progress;

                # alias is needed to avoid error due to reserved keyword
                > SELECT SUM(p.offset) FROM multiple_partitions_source_progress p;

                # TODO: Reenable when #25803 is fixed
                # > SELECT status FROM mz_internal.mz_source_statuses WHERE name = 'multiple_partitions_source';
                # running

                > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM multiple_partitions_source GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
                A 50
                B 60
                C 60

                > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM mv_multiple_partitions GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
                A 50
                B 60
                C 60


Class variables

var externally_idempotent : bool


def initialize(self) ‑> Testdrive
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def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
    return Testdrive(
        + dedent(
            $[version>=5500] postgres-execute connection=postgres://mz_system:materialize@${testdrive.materialize-internal-sql-addr}
            ALTER SYSTEM SET enable_create_source_denylist_with_options = true

            $ kafka-create-topic topic=multiple-partitions-topic

            # ingest A-key entries
            $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=100
            {"key1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

            # Note: we use "postgres-execute" here instead of ">" because for commands run with
            # the ">" testdrive parses them with the SQL parser from `main`, and the SQL for
            # this command is version dependent.
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://materialize:materialize@${testdrive.materialize-sql-addr}
            CREATE SOURCE multiple_partitions_source FROM KAFKA CONNECTION kafka_conn (TOPIC 'testdrive-multiple-partitions-topic-${testdrive.seed}', TOPIC METADATA REFRESH INTERVAL '500ms') FORMAT AVRO USING CONFLUENT SCHEMA REGISTRY CONNECTION csr_conn ENVELOPE UPSERT;

            $ kafka-add-partitions topic=multiple-partitions-topic total-partitions=2

            > CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_multiple_partitions AS SELECT * FROM multiple_partitions_source;
def manipulate(self) ‑> list[Testdrive]
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def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
    return [
        Testdrive(schemas() + dedent(s))
        for s in [
            # ingest B-key entries
            $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=60
            {"key1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

            # Make sure that source is up and complete
            > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM multiple_partitions_source GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
            A 100
            B 60

            $ kafka-add-partitions topic=multiple-partitions-topic total-partitions=3

            # ingest some more B-key entries
            $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=60
            {"key1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "B${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

            # delete some A-key entries
            $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=50
            {"key1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}
            # ingest C-key entries
            $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=60
            {"key1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

            # Make sure that source is up and complete
            > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM multiple_partitions_source GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
            A 50
            B 60
            C 60

            $ kafka-add-partitions topic=multiple-partitions-topic total-partitions=4

            # ingest some more C-key entries
            $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=40
            {"key1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"} {"f1": "C${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}

            # delete some A-key entries
            $ kafka-ingest format=avro key-format=avro topic=multiple-partitions-topic key-schema=${keyschema} schema=${schema} repeat=50
            {"key1": "A${kafka-ingest.iteration}"}
def validate(self) ‑> Testdrive
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def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
    return Testdrive(
            > SELECT partition FROM multiple_partitions_source_progress;

            # alias is needed to avoid error due to reserved keyword
            > SELECT SUM(p.offset) FROM multiple_partitions_source_progress p;

            # TODO: Reenable when #25803 is fixed
            # > SELECT status FROM mz_internal.mz_source_statuses WHERE name = 'multiple_partitions_source';
            # running

            > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM multiple_partitions_source GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
            A 50
            B 60
            C 60

            > SELECT LEFT(f1, 1), COUNT(*) FROM mv_multiple_partitions GROUP BY LEFT(f1, 1);
            A 50
            B 60
            C 60