Module materialize.checks.all_checks.source_errors

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

from textwrap import dedent

from materialize.checks.actions import Testdrive
from materialize.checks.checks import Check, externally_idempotent

class SourceErrors(Check):
    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                # In order to avoid conflicts, user must be unique
                CREATE USER source_errors_user1 WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'postgres';
                ALTER USER source_errors_user1 WITH replication;
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationA;
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationB;

                DROP TABLE IF EXISTS source_errors_table;

                CREATE TABLE source_errors_table (f1 TEXT);
                ALTER TABLE source_errors_table REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

                INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (1);

                CREATE PUBLICATION source_errors_publicationA FOR ALL TABLES;
                CREATE PUBLICATION source_errors_publicationB FOR ALL TABLES;

                > CREATE SECRET source_errors_secret AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION source_errors_connection FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER source_errors_user1,
                  PASSWORD SECRET source_errors_secret

                > CREATE SOURCE source_errors_sourceA
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION source_errors_connection
                  (PUBLICATION 'source_errors_publicationa') /* all lowercase */
                  FOR TABLES (source_errors_table AS source_errors_tableA)

                > CREATE SOURCE source_errors_sourceB
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION source_errors_connection
                  (PUBLICATION 'source_errors_publicationb') /* all lowercase */
                  FOR TABLES (source_errors_table AS source_errors_tableB)

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (2);

                > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source_errors_tableA;

                > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source_errors_tableB;

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        return [
            for s in [
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationA;
                INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (3);

                # We sleep for a bit here to allow status updates to propagate to the storage controller
                # in scenarios where environmentd is killed
                $ sleep-is-probably-flaky-i-have-justified-my-need-with-a-comment duration=5s
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationB;
                INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (4);

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                # This could also check that the error propagates to subsources,
                # but the GlobalId migration that occurrs in v0.98 means that we
                # lose historical data for source errors and this check is not
                # so crucial that it's imperative that we correlate the original
                # IDs to these errors.
                > SELECT bool_and(error ~* 'publication .+ does not exist')
                    FROM mz_internal.mz_source_statuses
                    IN ('source_errors_sourcea', 'source_errors_sourceb');


class SourceErrors (base_version: MzVersion, rng: random.Random | None)
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class SourceErrors(Check):
    def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                # In order to avoid conflicts, user must be unique
                CREATE USER source_errors_user1 WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'postgres';
                ALTER USER source_errors_user1 WITH replication;
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationA;
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationB;

                DROP TABLE IF EXISTS source_errors_table;

                CREATE TABLE source_errors_table (f1 TEXT);
                ALTER TABLE source_errors_table REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

                INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (1);

                CREATE PUBLICATION source_errors_publicationA FOR ALL TABLES;
                CREATE PUBLICATION source_errors_publicationB FOR ALL TABLES;

                > CREATE SECRET source_errors_secret AS 'postgres';

                > CREATE CONNECTION source_errors_connection FOR POSTGRES
                  HOST 'postgres',
                  DATABASE postgres,
                  USER source_errors_user1,
                  PASSWORD SECRET source_errors_secret

                > CREATE SOURCE source_errors_sourceA
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION source_errors_connection
                  (PUBLICATION 'source_errors_publicationa') /* all lowercase */
                  FOR TABLES (source_errors_table AS source_errors_tableA)

                > CREATE SOURCE source_errors_sourceB
                  FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION source_errors_connection
                  (PUBLICATION 'source_errors_publicationb') /* all lowercase */
                  FOR TABLES (source_errors_table AS source_errors_tableB)

                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (2);

                > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source_errors_tableA;

                > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source_errors_tableB;

    def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
        return [
            for s in [
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationA;
                INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (3);

                # We sleep for a bit here to allow status updates to propagate to the storage controller
                # in scenarios where environmentd is killed
                $ sleep-is-probably-flaky-i-have-justified-my-need-with-a-comment duration=5s
                $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
                DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationB;
                INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (4);

    def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
        return Testdrive(
                # This could also check that the error propagates to subsources,
                # but the GlobalId migration that occurrs in v0.98 means that we
                # lose historical data for source errors and this check is not
                # so crucial that it's imperative that we correlate the original
                # IDs to these errors.
                > SELECT bool_and(error ~* 'publication .+ does not exist')
                    FROM mz_internal.mz_source_statuses
                    IN ('source_errors_sourcea', 'source_errors_sourceb');


Class variables

var externally_idempotent : bool


def initialize(self) ‑> Testdrive
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def initialize(self) -> Testdrive:
    return Testdrive(
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            # In order to avoid conflicts, user must be unique
            CREATE USER source_errors_user1 WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'postgres';
            ALTER USER source_errors_user1 WITH replication;
            DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationA;
            DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationB;

            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS source_errors_table;

            CREATE TABLE source_errors_table (f1 TEXT);
            ALTER TABLE source_errors_table REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;

            INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (1);

            CREATE PUBLICATION source_errors_publicationA FOR ALL TABLES;
            CREATE PUBLICATION source_errors_publicationB FOR ALL TABLES;

            > CREATE SECRET source_errors_secret AS 'postgres';

            > CREATE CONNECTION source_errors_connection FOR POSTGRES
              HOST 'postgres',
              DATABASE postgres,
              USER source_errors_user1,
              PASSWORD SECRET source_errors_secret

            > CREATE SOURCE source_errors_sourceA
              FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION source_errors_connection
              (PUBLICATION 'source_errors_publicationa') /* all lowercase */
              FOR TABLES (source_errors_table AS source_errors_tableA)

            > CREATE SOURCE source_errors_sourceB
              FROM POSTGRES CONNECTION source_errors_connection
              (PUBLICATION 'source_errors_publicationb') /* all lowercase */
              FOR TABLES (source_errors_table AS source_errors_tableB)

            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (2);

            > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source_errors_tableA;

            > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source_errors_tableB;
def manipulate(self) ‑> list[Testdrive]
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def manipulate(self) -> list[Testdrive]:
    return [
        for s in [
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationA;
            INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (3);

            # We sleep for a bit here to allow status updates to propagate to the storage controller
            # in scenarios where environmentd is killed
            $ sleep-is-probably-flaky-i-have-justified-my-need-with-a-comment duration=5s
            $ postgres-execute connection=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres
            DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS source_errors_publicationB;
            INSERT INTO source_errors_table VALUES (4);
def validate(self) ‑> Testdrive
Expand source code Browse git
def validate(self) -> Testdrive:
    return Testdrive(
            # This could also check that the error propagates to subsources,
            # but the GlobalId migration that occurrs in v0.98 means that we
            # lose historical data for source errors and this check is not
            # so crucial that it's imperative that we correlate the original
            # IDs to these errors.
            > SELECT bool_and(error ~* 'publication .+ does not exist')
                FROM mz_internal.mz_source_statuses
                IN ('source_errors_sourcea', 'source_errors_sourceb');