pub trait MzReplay<T: Timestamp, D: Data, A: ActivatorTrait>: Sized {
    // Required method
    fn mz_replay<S: Scope<Timestamp = T>>(
        scope: &mut S,
        name: &str,
        period: Duration,
        activator: A
    ) -> (Stream<S, D>, Rc<dyn Any>);
Expand description

Replay a capture stream into a scope with the same timestamp.

Required Methods§


fn mz_replay<S: Scope<Timestamp = T>>( self, scope: &mut S, name: &str, period: Duration, activator: A ) -> (Stream<S, D>, Rc<dyn Any>)

Replays self into the provided scope, as a `Stream<S, D>’ and provides a cancelation token.

The period argument allows the specification of a re-activation period, where the operator will re-activate itself every so often.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<T: Timestamp, D: Data, I, A: ActivatorTrait + 'static> MzReplay<T, D, A> for I
where I: IntoIterator, <I as IntoIterator>::Item: EventIterator<T, D> + 'static,