
Function render_source_stream

fn render_source_stream<G, FromTime>(
    scope: &mut G,
    dataflow_debug_name: &String,
    export_id: GlobalId,
    ok_source: Collection<G, SourceOutput<FromTime>, Diff>,
    data_config: SourceExportDataConfig,
    description: &IngestionDescription<CollectionMetadata>,
    error_collections: Vec<Collection<G, DataflowError, Diff>>,
    storage_state: &StorageState,
    base_source_config: &RawSourceCreationConfig,
    rehydrated_token: impl Any + 'static,
) -> (Collection<G, Row, Diff>, Collection<G, DataflowError, Diff>, Vec<PressOnDropButton>, Stream<G, HealthStatusMessage>)
where G: Scope<Timestamp = Timestamp>, FromTime: Timestamp + Sync,
Expand description

Completes the rendering of a particular source stream by applying decoding and envelope processing as necessary