macro_rules! generate_extracted_config {
    ($option_ty:ty, [$($processed:tt)*], ($option_name:path, $t:ty), $($tail:tt),*) => { ... };
    ($option_ty:ty, [$($processed:tt)*], ($option_name:path, $t:ty)) => { ... };
    ($option_ty:ty, [$($processed:tt)*], ($option_name:path, $t:ty, Default($v:expr)), $($tail:tt),*) => { ... };
    ($option_ty:ty, [$($processed:tt)*], ($option_name:path, $t:ty, Default($v:expr))) => { ... };
    ($option_ty:ty, [$($processed:tt)*], ($option_name:path, $t:ty, AllowMultiple), $($tail:tt),*) => { ... };
    ($option_ty:ty, [$($processed:tt)*], ($option_name:path, $t:ty, AllowMultiple)) => { ... };
    ($option_ty:ty, [$(($option_name:path, $t:ty, $v:expr, $allow_multiple:literal))+]) => { ... };
    ($option_ty:ty, $($h:tt),+) => { ... };
    (@ifexpr false, $lhs:expr, $rhs:expr) => { ... };
    (@ifexpr true, $lhs:expr, $rhs:expr) => { ... };
    (@ifty false, $lhs:ty, $rhs:ty) => { ... };
    (@ifty true, $lhs:ty, $rhs:ty) => { ... };
Expand description

Generates a struct capable of taking a Vec of types commonly used to represent WITH options into useful data types, such as strings.


  • $option_ty: Accepts a struct representing a set of WITH options, which must contain the fields name and value.
    • name must be of type $option_tyName, e.g. if $option_ty is FooOption, then name must be of type FooOptionName. $option_tyName must be an enum representing WITH option keys.
    • TryFromValue<value> must be implemented for the type you want to take the option to. The sql::plan::with_option module contains these implementations.
  • $option_name must be an element of $option_tyName
  • $t is the type you want to convert the option’s value to. If the option’s value is absent (i.e. the user only entered the option’s key), you can also define a default value.
  • Default($v) is an optional parameter that sets the default value of the field to $v. $v must be convertible to $t using .into. This also converts the struct’s type from Option<$t> to <$t>.
  • AllowMultiple is an optional parameter that, when specified, allows the given option to appear multiple times in the WITH clause. This also converts the struct’s type from $t to Vec<$t>.