Module mz_ore::tracing

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Available on crate feature tracing_ only.
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Tracing utilities.

This module contains application tracing utilities built on top of the tracing and opentelemetry libraries. The key exports are:

  • The configure function, which configures the tracing and opentelemetry crates with sensible defaults and should be called during initialization of every Materialize binary.

  • The OpenTelemetryContext type, which carries a tracing span across thread or task boundaries within a process.




  • An Arc of the tracing Subscriber constructed and initialized in configure. The value is written when configure runs.
  • By default we turn off tracing from the following crates, because they have error spans which are noisy.
  • By default we turn off tracing from the following crates, because they have long-lived Spans, which OpenTelemetry does not handle well.
  • By default we turn off tracing from the following crates, because they have error spans which are noisy.


Type Aliases§