
Function propose

pub fn propose<G, Tr, K, F, P, V>(
    prefixes: &Collection<G, P, Tr::Diff>,
    arrangement: Arranged<G, Tr>,
    key_selector: F,
) -> Collection<G, (P, V), Tr::Diff>
where G: Scope<Timestamp = Tr::Time>, Tr: TraceReader + Clone + 'static, for<'a> Tr::Key<'a>: IntoOwned<'a, Owned = K>, K: Hashable + Default + Ord + 'static, for<'a> Tr::Diff: Monoid + Multiply<Output = Tr::Diff> + ExchangeData + Semigroup<Tr::DiffGat<'a>>, F: Fn(&P) -> K + Clone + 'static, P: ExchangeData, V: Clone + 'static, for<'a> Tr::Val<'a>: IntoOwned<'a, Owned = V>,
Expand description

Proposes extensions to a prefix stream.

This method takes a collection prefixes and an arrangement arrangement and for each update in the collection joins with the accumulated arranged records at a time less or equal to that of the update. Note that this is not a join by itself, but can be used to create a join if the prefixes collection is also arranged and responds to changes that arrangement undergoes. More complicated patterns are also appropriate, as in the case of delta queries.