
Function txns_progress_source_local

fn txns_progress_source_local<K, V, T, D, P, C, G>(
    scope: G,
    name: &str,
    client: impl Future<Output = PersistClient> + 'static,
    txns_id: ShardId,
    data_id: ShardId,
    as_of: T,
    data_key_schema: Arc<K::Schema>,
    data_val_schema: Arc<V::Schema>,
    unique_id: u64,
) -> (Stream<G, DataRemapEntry<T>>, PressOnDropButton)
where K: Debug + Codec + Send + Sync, V: Debug + Codec + Send + Sync, T: Timestamp + Lattice + TotalOrder + StepForward + Codec64 + Sync, D: Debug + Data + Semigroup + Ord + Codec64 + Send + Sync, P: Debug + Data, C: TxnsCodec + 'static, G: Scope<Timestamp = T>,
Expand description

An alternative implementation of txns_progress_source_global that opens a new TxnsCache local to the operator.