
Module scope

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Handles SQL’s scoping rules.

A scope spans a single SQL Query. Nested subqueries create new scopes. Names are resolved against the innermost scope first.

  • If a match is found, it is returned.
  • If no matches are found, the name is resolved against the parent scope.
  • If multiple matches are found, the name is ambiguous and we return an error to the user.

Matching rules:

  • bar will match any column in the scope named bar
  • will match any column in the scope named bar that originated from a table named foo.
  • Table aliases such as foo AS quux replace the old table name.
  • Functions create unnamed columns, which can be named with columns aliases (bar + 1) as more_bar.

Additionally, most databases fold some form of CSE into name resolution so that eg SELECT sum(x) FROM foo GROUP BY sum(x) would be treated something like SELECT "sum(x)" FROM foo GROUP BY sum(x) AS "sum(x)" rather than failing to resolve x. We handle this by including the underlying sql_parser::ast::Expr in cases where this is possible.

Many SQL expressions do strange and arbitrary things to scopes. Rather than try to capture them all here, we just expose the internals of Scope and handle it in the appropriate place in super::query.

NOTE(benesch): The above approach of exposing scope’s internals to the entire planner has not aged well. SQL scopes are now full of undocumented assumptions and requirements, since various subcomponents of the planner shove data into scope items to communicate with subcomponents a mile away. I’ve tried to refactor this code several times to no avail. It works better than you might expect. But you have been warned. Tread carefully!

