trait PubSubSenderInternal:
+ Send
+ Sync {
// Required methods
fn push_diff(&self, shard_id: &ShardId, diff: &VersionedData);
fn subscribe(&self, shard_id: &ShardId);
fn unsubscribe(&self, shard_id: &ShardId);
Expand description
The internal send-side client trait to Persist PubSub, responsible for issuing RPCs to the PubSub service. This trait is separated out from PubSubSender to keep the client implementations straightforward, while offering a more ergonomic public API in PubSubSender.
Required Methods§
Sourcefn push_diff(&self, shard_id: &ShardId, diff: &VersionedData)
fn push_diff(&self, shard_id: &ShardId, diff: &VersionedData)
Push a diff to subscribers.
Sourcefn subscribe(&self, shard_id: &ShardId)
fn subscribe(&self, shard_id: &ShardId)
Subscribe the corresponding PubSubReceiver to diffs for the given shard.
This call is idempotent and is a no-op for an already subscribed shard.
Sourcefn unsubscribe(&self, shard_id: &ShardId)
fn unsubscribe(&self, shard_id: &ShardId)
Unsubscribe the corresponding PubSubReceiver from diffs for the given shard.
This call is idempotent and is a no-op for already unsubscribed shards.