- A representation of the raw schema info for a table from MySQL
- A reference to a table in a schema/database
- Request for table schemas from MySQL
- Helper for querying information_schema.columns
- Built-in system schemas that should be ignored when querying for user-defined tables since they contain dozens of built-in system tables that are likely not needed.
- Parse the enum values from a column_type value on an enum column, which is a string like “enum(‘apple’,‘banana’,‘cher,ry’,‘ora’‘nge’)” We need to handle the case where the enum value itself contains a comma or a single quote (escaped with another quote), so we use a regex to do so
- Parse the specified column as a TEXT COLUMN. We only support the set of types that are represented as an encoded-string in both the mysql-common binary query response and binlog event representation, OR types that we’ve added explicit casting support for.
- Retrieve the tables and column descriptions for tables in the given schemas.