Function mz_expr::relation::func::lag_lead

source ยท
fn lag_lead<'a, I>(
    datums: I,
    callers_temp_storage: &'a RowArena,
    order_by: &[ColumnOrder],
    lag_lead_type: &LagLeadType,
    ignore_nulls: &bool,
) -> Datum<'a>
where I: IntoIterator<Item = Datum<'a>>,
Expand description

The expected input is in the format of [((OriginalRow, EncodedArgs), OrderByExprs...)] For example,

lag(x*y, 1, null) over (partition by x+y order by x-y, x/y)

list of: row( row( row(#0, #1), row((#0 * #1), 1, null) ), (#0 - #1), (#0 / #1) )

The output is in the format of [result_value, original_row], e.g. list of: row( 42, row(7, 8) )