pub trait Arrange<G, C>
where G: Scope, G::Timestamp: Lattice,
{ // Required method fn arrange_named<Tr>(&self, name: &str) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<Tr>> where Tr: Trace<Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Tr::Batch: Batch, Tr::Batcher: Batcher<Input = C>; // Provided method fn arrange<Tr>(&self) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<Tr>> where Tr: Trace<Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Tr::Batch: Batch, Tr::Batcher: Batcher<Input = C> { ... } }
Expand description

A type that can be arranged as if a collection of updates.

Required Methods§


fn arrange_named<Tr>(&self, name: &str) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<Tr>>
where Tr: Trace<Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Tr::Batch: Batch, Tr::Batcher: Batcher<Input = C>,

Arranges updates into a shared trace, with a supplied name.

Provided Methods§


fn arrange<Tr>(&self) -> Arranged<G, TraceAgent<Tr>>
where Tr: Trace<Time = G::Timestamp> + 'static, Tr::Batch: Batch, Tr::Batcher: Batcher<Input = C>,

Arranges updates into a shared trace.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<G, K, V, R> Arrange<G, Vec<((K, V), <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, R)>> for Collection<G, (K, V), R>


impl<G: Scope, K: ExchangeData + Hashable, R: ExchangeData + Semigroup> Arrange<G, Vec<((K, ()), <G as ScopeParent>::Timestamp, R)>> for Collection<G, K, R>
where G::Timestamp: Lattice + Ord,