Expand description

PubNub Hyper

A PubNub client using hyper and tokio to provide an ultra-fast, incredibly reliable message transport over the PubNub edge network.

Uses pubnub-core under the hood.


use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
use pubnub_hyper::runtime::tokio_global::TokioGlobal;
use pubnub_hyper::transport::hyper::Hyper;
use pubnub_hyper::{core::data::channel, core::json::object, Builder};

let transport = Hyper::new()
let mut pubnub = Builder::new()

let message = object! {
    "username" => "JoeBob",
    "content" => "Hello, world!",

let channel_name: channel::Name = "my-channel".parse().unwrap();
let mut stream = pubnub.subscribe(channel_name.clone()).await;
let timetoken = pubnub.publish(channel_name, message.clone()).await?;

let received = stream.next().await;
assert_eq!(received.unwrap().json, message);


pub use crate::runtime::tokio_global::TokioGlobal as DefaultRuntime;
pub use crate::transport::hyper::Hyper as DefaultTransport;


Re-export core for ease of use.

Runtime implementations.

Tranport implementations.


Encodes JSON into a urlencoded coding.


PubNub Client Builder

Type Definitions

PubNub client bound to hyper transport and tokio runtime.