fn render_upload_operator<G, T>(
    scope: G,
    connection_context: ConnectionContext,
    aws_connection: AwsConnection,
    connection_id: GlobalId,
    connection_details: S3UploadInfo,
    sink_id: GlobalId,
    input_collection: Collection<G, ((Row, u64), ()), Diff>,
    up_to: Antichain<G::Timestamp>,
    start_stream: Stream<G, Result<(), String>>,
    params: CopyToParameters,
) -> Stream<G, Result<u64, String>>
where G: Scope<Timestamp = Timestamp>, T: CopyToS3Uploader,
Expand description

Renders the upload operator, which waits on the start_stream to ensure initialization is complete and then handles the uploads to S3. Returns a completion_stream which contains 1 event per worker of the result of the upload operation, either an error or the number of rows uploaded by the worker.