Trait mz_ore::iter::IteratorExt

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pub trait IteratorExt
where Self: Iterator + Sized,
{ // Provided methods fn chain_one(self, item: Self::Item) -> Chain<Self, Once<Self::Item>> { ... } fn all_equal(self) -> bool where Self::Item: PartialEq { ... } fn exact_size(self, len: usize) -> ExactSize<Self> { ... } }
Expand description

Extension methods for iterators.

Provided Methods§


fn chain_one(self, item: Self::Item) -> Chain<Self, Once<Self::Item>>

Chains a single item onto the end of this iterator.

Equivalent to self.chain(iter::once(item)).


fn all_equal(self) -> bool
where Self::Item: PartialEq,

Reports whether all the elements of the iterator are the same.

This condition is trivially true for iterators with zero or one elements.


fn exact_size(self, len: usize) -> ExactSize<Self>

Converts the the iterator into an ExactSizeIterator reporting the given size.

The caller is responsible for providing the correct size of the iterator! Providing an incorrect size value will lead to panics and/or incorrect responses to size queries.


Panics if the given length is not consistent with this iterator’s size_hint.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<I> IteratorExt for I
where I: Iterator,