Anonymous GTID event.
Begin load query event.
Binlog event footer.
The binlog event header starts each event and is 19 bytes long assuming binlog version >= 4.
Contains charset+collation for column.
Contains names of columns.
Optional metadata field that contains charsets for columns.
Delete rows event.
Delete rows event v1 (mariadb and mysql 5.1.15-5.6.x).
String value for an ENUM column variant.
Contains string values for ENUM column.
Contains string values of ENUM columns.
Raw binlog event.
Execute load query event.
A format description event is the first event of a binlog for binlog-version 4.
Contains real types for every geometry column.
GTID stands for Global Transaction IDentifier.
Used to log an out of the ordinary event that occurred on the master.
Integer based session-variables event.
Helper struct that extracts optional metadata for columns.
Iterator over fields of an optional metadata.
Partial update rows event.
Contains a sequence of primary keys with prefix.
A query event is created for each query that modifies the database, unless the query
is logged row-based.
Rand event.
The rotate event is added to the binlog as last event
to tell the reader what binlog to request next.
Common base structure for all row-containing binary log events.
Iterator over rows of a RowsEvent
Query that caused the following ROWS_EVENT
String value for a SET column variant.
Contains string values for SET column.
Contains string values of SET columns.
Contains a sequence of PK column indexes where PK doesn’t have a prefix.
Raw status variable.
Status variables of a QueryEvent.
Iterator over status vars of a QueryEvent
Table map event.
Event that encloses all the events of a transaction.
Update rows event.
Update rows event v1 (mariadb and mysql 5.1.15-5.6.x).
User variable event.
Contains a number of dimensions for every vector column.
Write rows event.
Write rows event v1 (mariadb and mysql 5.1.15-5.6.x).
Xid event.