
Macro assert_binary_snapshot

macro_rules! assert_binary_snapshot {
    ($name_and_extension:expr, $value:expr $(,)?) => { ... };
    ($name_and_extension:expr, $value:expr, $debug_expr:expr $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description

(Experimental) Asserts a binary snapshot in the form of a Vec<u8>.

The contents get stored in a separate file next to the metadata file. The extension for this file must be passed as part of the name. For an implicit snapshot name just an extension can be passed starting with a ..

This feature is considered experimental: we may make incompatible changes for the next couple of versions after 1.41.


// implicit name:
insta::assert_binary_snapshot!(".txt", b"abcd".to_vec());

// named:
insta::assert_binary_snapshot!("my_snapshot.bin", [0, 1, 2, 3].to_vec());