Crate persist[][src]

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Persistence for differential dataflow collections


The primary abstraction of the persist library is a set of named collections, made and kept definite through durable storage. Each of these collections is closely analogous to (and internally modeled after) differential dataflow’s arrangement, or more generally its Collection. In the language of the correctness doc, these are each are described by a [since, upper).

NB: This is written to reflect the (moving) target of a finished product. Several bits of what is written below are not yet reflected in the code.

NB2: If you’re looking at this on GitHub, far more of this document is linked if you view it as rustdoc for the persist crate.


  • record: A differential dataflow ((key, value), timestamp, diff) tuple. Persist requires that the data field has a (key, value) structure, though the value can be the unit type to mean “empty”: (). TODO: The code currently also calls this “update” in some places and “entry” in others.
  • persisted collection: A durable and definite differential dataflow Collection. More specifically, a persisted arrangement structured to allow indexed access to the collection’s records. Within the src/persist code, this is often simply called a “collection.” TODO: Most places in the code still call this a “stream”. We also may want to reserve the “persisted collection” jargon for the equivalent concept at the level of the platform architecture’s storage layer (design doc in progress), and so call this something else.
  • definite: Quoting the correctness doc, “A collection is definite when all uses of any one identification will yield exactly the same time-varying collection of data (identical contents at each logical time). A handle to a collection can be “definite from since until upper” (names pending) if it reflects the definite results for times greater or equal to since but not greater or equal to upper; this intentionally allows for compaction of historical detail and unavailability of future data, without ambiguity about which logical times can be described with certainty.“
  • (external) collection name: A human-readable, process-unique &str identifier for a persisted collection. Internally, this name gets transparently mapped 1:1 to a smaller collection id.
  • (internal) collection id: The internal equivalent of a collection name. TODO: For efficiency, this is currently exposed in the public API in one place, but it’d be nice to eliminate this.
  • write: Durably adding a set of records to a persisted collection.
  • seal: Durably advancing the frontier of a persisted collection. NB: A common initial misconception when encountering persist is that write is like a filesystem write with minimal durability guarantees and seal like is like fsync, but this incorrect. A write whose future has resolved as successful is durable, regardless of when or if it’s sealed.
  • storage: An external source of data durability. All of persist’s interactions with the outside world are abstracted through the Blob and Log traits, together collectively called storage. One valid way to think of persist is as a layer that maps simpler durable storage semantics to ones that are more native to differential dataflow.
  • blob: A durable &str key -> (possibly large) &[u8] value store. The production implementation is S3 (or other cloud storage). File and in-mem HashMap implementations exist for testing.
  • log: A durable log with &[u8] entries. Currently unused, but eventually this will be an optional latency optimization. No production implementations exist yet.
  • storage location: A logical root of data storage. Examples include an s3 bucket + prefix or a filesystem folder.
  • runtime: An instantiation of persist. Accessed externally via a thread-safe and clone-able “client”.

Async API

Persist has 2 public APIs: one based on rust’s async Future and another one made of a set of differential dataflow operators built on top of it.

The Async API client lives in persist::client. Most methods have a correspondence to part of the following dataflow:

    use differential_dataflow::operators::arrange::ArrangeByKey;
    use differential_dataflow::AsCollection;
    use timely::dataflow::operators::Input;
    use timely::*;

    timely::execute(Config::thread(), |worker| {
        worker.dataflow(|scope| {
            let (input, stream) = scope.new_input::<((String, String), u64, isize)>();
            let arranged = stream.as_collection().arrange_by_key();

FAQ: Note that write is independent of seal, meaning that the Future returned by write can resolve before the timestamps of the data written have been sealed.

TODO: There is currently a bit of a mismatch between the “data-parallel” nature of timely/differential and persist. E.g. persist’s StreamWriteHandle::seal directly advances the persisted collection, but the advance_to call above works locally to each worker and the collection as a whole can only be said to be advanced to some point once every worker has advanced to (or past) that point. How we’ll address this is still an open question. In the meantime, the user of persist is responsible for adapting the semantics.

Operator API

Built on top of the async API is a set of dataflow operators that all live in persist::operators, collectively called the operator API. The most notable of these is PersistedSource. The rest are more in flux and specific to the needs of source persistence and are individually documented in the rustdoc.

The PersistedSource operator is a zero-input operator that reflects the contents of a persisted collection in its single output. As records are written to the collection, persist forwards them to the operator output. As the collection is progressively sealed, persist forwards that as a capability downgrade on the operator output.

    use timely::dataflow::operators::Inspect;
    use timely::progress::frontier::Antichain;
    use timely::*;

    use persist::client::RuntimeClient;
    use persist::operators::source::PersistedSource;

    let p: RuntimeClient = unimplemented!("start runtime");
    let (_, read) = p.create_or_load::<String, String>("collection name");
    timely::execute(Config::thread(), move |worker| {
        let read = read.clone();
        let as_of: Antichain<u64> = unimplemented!("compute as_of");
        worker.dataflow(|scope| {
                .persisted_source(read, &as_of)
                .inspect(|x| println!("{:?}", x));


Persist allows for arbitrary key and value types in persisted collections (timestamp and diff are hardcoded to u64 and isize, but this can change if/when necessary). Internally, it translates these to &[u8] via a user supplied implementation of the Codec trait.

Codec implementors are responsible for backward compatibility. If an encoding changes, the decode side needs to be able to detect and handle the old format.

Persist Guarantees: Definite

Persisted collections are definite and maintain a declared [since, upper). Given a (storage location, persist name), all reads at “times greater or equal to since but not greater or equal to upper” will “yield exactly the same time-varying collection of data (identical contents at each logical time)”.

This is true regardless of the definite-ness of the input to persist. As a result, persist can be used to make indefinite streams of data into definite ones (this is one of its primary development goals).

Persist Guarantees: Ordering

Currently, within an instance of persist, calls to write, seal, and allow_compaction are linearized. For example: if a call to write has returned a Future and then a seal command is started, the write is guaranteed to be applied before the seal, even if the write’s Future hasn’t resolved when the seal call started. (In practice, we internally batch up mutations to the underlying storage. This means that a write immediately followed by a seal will often see their futures resolved at the same time.)

Note: It’s possible that in the future, we’ll relax this guarantee to something more directly tied to dataflow semantics, where e.g. a write can be reordered forward or backward as long as it doesn’t cross a seal that makes a valid write invalid, or vice-versa.

Persist Guarantees: Atomic

Each call to a method of the async API is atomic. MultiWriteHandle allows atomic operations involving multiple persisted collections.

Transient Errors

With any sort of durable storage, the possibility for transient errors exists. The design for how we’ll handle this is still TODO, but it will likely lean toward pushing retries into persist with user-level introspection. Any accepted solution here will ensure that the output of the PersistedSource operator is definite.

Data Integrity

All data and metadata in storage is checksummed when written and verified when read. However, this only detects corruption. The ultimate responsibility for preventing it is left to the storage implementation (as opposed to something like error correcting codes). S3 provides 99.999999999% durability by storing multiple copies.

TODO: To guard against the possibility of bugs in persist (and similarly source decoding), it may be desirable for us to store raw incoming source data as early as possible in the pipeline.

Optimistic Concurrency Control (aka Pipelining)

There are several places Materialize could be along the OCC spectrum. On one end, all data and frontier information are made durable before being passed along to dataflow and starting computation. In this case, the durability frontier stays always in advance of the frontier of determined results. This is where we’ve started and it means that users will only see results derived from persisted sources after those inputs are durable without any changes to e.g. coord. It’s also the easiest to get right.

On the other end of the OCC spectrum, persist would immediately hand off all data and frontier information to dataflow before it’s durable. To serve a computed result at a given time and maintain the above semantics, coord would have to also ensure that the persistance frontiers of the inputs had advanced past that point. This allows durability and compute to proceed in parallel. It also allows coord flexibility to choose its own policy, even on a read-by-read basis: bold and knowledgeable users could be allowed to retrieve results before their inputs are durable. (I’m not suggesting we do this.)

There are also various available points in between these two extremes.

Starting Persist

Persist may be started in either of two modes: read-write and read-only. These are sometimes called “full” and “read” in the code. For a given storage location, persist only allows one writer at a time, but supports any number of concurrent readers (including while there is a writer).

The persist write lock is “reentrant” to allow Kubernetes deployments to crash processes without cleanly releasing the lock. The code generalizes this to a “reentrance ID”, but in single-node Materialize, the catalog ID is used (this will have to be changed for platform). If reentrance is misused to allow multiple persist instances to think they each have exclusive writer access, then the behavior of the system is undefined (in practice, almost certain data loss). Be careful. When in any doubt, it’s safer to use the lock without reentrance, which simply requires operator intervention when the process cannot cleanly shut down.

The expected deployment pattern for a read-only instance of persist is in a separate process from the writer of that storage location. This allows decoupling of data durability and definiteness from its use. In a platform world, ingestd will hold persist writers for sources, coordd(?) will hold them for tables, and dataflowd will exclusively use read-only persist.

A read-only persist instance can connect via RPC to the write half to receive low-latency notification of changes. It can also be configured to operate completely independently of the write half, such that it cannot effect it in any way whatsoever. The latter is intended for e.g. blue/green or prod/staging deployments.

To avoid certain scaling bottlenecks, persist is structured entirely as a “fat client”. The (lean) persist runtime is run in a thread inside the same process as that runtime’s user. This allows the persist user to talk directly to storage (e.g. S3), avoiding a middle-man persist service. Additionally, a small, configurable local cache is used to avoid many storage reads.

The runtime stops when every copy of the RuntimeClient has been dropped (or when any client’s RuntimeClient::stop method has been called), attempting to first gracefully finish any pending work, but rejecting new work. However, this is not required for correctness; persist will not lose or corrupt data as a result of process crash, including e.g. sudden power loss.

Temporary data wipe mechanism

While in development, persist keeps an ENCODING_VERSION mechanism to transparently wipe all data in storage the first time a new Materialize release is started. This is to allow rapid iteration before we offer backward compatibility, and we aim to use this in at most one release per month. All of our user tests are structured so that wiping persist storage may result in computation being repeated but not in data loss. This mechanism will be removed before we offer backward compatibility (which we will).

Integration with Tables

Internally in coord, an INSERT against a persisted table is held up until the persist write has been made durable (the future has resolved). If the persist write fails, then the INSERT also fails. This happens at transaction commit time (NB: In Materialize, a bare INSERT outside a txn internally gets an “implicit transaction” wrapped around it.) A SQL transaction involving multiple persisted tables is written to persist atomically, i.e. all or nothing.

Note: Another option here is to hold up the INSERT until the timestamp of the write has been durable sealed by persist. This would make persisted tables operate a bit more like persisted sources.

Integration with Sources

Integration with Platform

The persist crate is intentionally a composable abstraction with a minimal surface area. There exists a need within Materialize (and particular as part of the platform effort) for a higher level abstraction. The additional complexity of this could be pushed down into persist, but there are already enough tricky problems (fallible storage, backward compatibility, compaction heuristics) in the current scope that it makes sense to silo it.

As a result, we’ve decided to build a “Storage” layer on top of the persist crate that handles (among other things):

  • Cloud-level concepts like accounts
  • Mapping processes to persist storage locations and reentrance IDs
  • Re-sharding

One (imperfect, we already have exceptions to this) rule of thumb for what belongs where is that persist should be general enough that it could be used by other differential dataflow users. Storage’s feature set will be very much exactly “what the Materialize Platform needs”.


The public “async API” for persist.

Persistence related errors.

File backed implementations for testing and benchmarking.

Generated protobuf code and companion impls.

A persistent, compacting, indexed data structure of (Key, Value, Time, Diff) updates.

In-memory implementations for testing and benchmarking.

Timely and Differential Dataflow operators for persisting and replaying data.

Public concrete implementation of std::future::Future.

Runtime for concurrent, asynchronous use of Indexed, and the public API used by the rest of the crate to connect to it.

An S3 implementation of Blob storage.

Abstractions over files, cloud storage, etc used in persistence.

Test utilities for injecting latency and errors.

A configurable data generator for benchmarking.


A type usable as a persisted key or value.