Module mz_persist_client::internal::state
source ยท Modulesยง
- Nested message and enum types in
- A key and val Codec::Schema encoded via Codec::encode_schema.
- Debugging info for a reader or writer.
- A Batch but with the updates themselves stored externally.
- A subset of a HollowBatch corresponding 1:1 to a blob.
- A pointer to a rollup stored externally.
- An ordered list of parts, generally stored as part of a larger run.
- A reference to a HollowRun, including the key in the blob store and some denormalized metadata.
- A token to disambiguate state commands that could not otherwise be idempotent.
- A blob was missing!
- A sentinel for a state transition that was a no-op.
- Data that should be common across all parts in a run.
- A columnar encoding of Vec<StateFieldDiff<K, V>> with heterogeneous K and V.
- Metadata shared across a run.
- Wrapper for Antichain that represents a Since
- A newtype wrapper of State that guarantees the K, V, and D codecs match the ones in durable storage.
- Wrapper for Antichain that represents an Upper
- Part of the updates in a Batch.
- A pointer to a blob stored externally.
- RunOrder ๐What order are the parts in this run in?
- Part of the updates in a run.
P_ ๐THRESHOLD Determines how often to write rollups, assigning a maintenance task afterrollup_threshold
seqnos have passed since the last rollup. - WRIT
- serialize_
diffs_ ๐sum - serialize_
lazy_ ๐proto - serialize_
part_ ๐bytes - serialize_
part_ ๐stats