Expand description

Traits and types for controller of the dataflow subsystem.


pub use controller::Controller;


A representative of STORAGE and COMPUTE that maintains summaries of the involved objects.

A client to a remote dataflow server.

Clients whose implementation is partitioned across a set of subclients (e.g. timely workers).

Generated client implementations.

Nested message and enum types in ProtoComputeCommand.

Nested message and enum types in ProtoComputeResponse.

Generated server implementations.

Generated client implementations.

Nested message and enum types in ProtoStorageCommand.

Nested message and enum types in ProtoStorageResponse.

Generated server implementations.

A client backed by multiple replicas.


A command that starts ingesting the given ingestion description

Configuration sent to new compute instances.

Data about timestamp bindings, sent to the coordinator, in service of a specific “linearized” read request

Peek at an arrangement.


A response from the ActiveReplication client: either a deduplicated compute response, or a notification that we heard from a given replica and should update its recency status.

Commands related to the computation and maintenance of views.

Responses that the compute nature of a worker/dataflow can provide back to the coordinator.

Responses that the controller can provide back to the coordinator.

Commands related to the ingress and egress of collections.

Responses that the storage nature of a worker/dataflow can provide back to the coordinator.


A client to a compute server.

A client to a storage server.

Type Definitions

An abstraction allowing us to name different compute instances.

Identifier of a process within a replica.

An abstraction allowing us to name different replicas.