pub fn lookup_map<G, D, K, R, Tr, F, DOut, ROut, S>(
prefixes: &Collection<G, D, R>,
arrangement: Arranged<G, Tr>,
key_selector: F,
output_func: S,
supplied_key0: K,
supplied_key1: K,
supplied_key2: K,
) -> Collection<G, DOut, ROut>where
G: Scope<Timestamp = Tr::Time>,
Tr: TraceReader + Clone + 'static,
for<'a> Tr::Key<'a>: IntoOwned<'a, Owned = K>,
for<'a> Tr::Diff: Semigroup<Tr::DiffGat<'a>> + Monoid + ExchangeData,
K: Hashable + Ord + 'static,
F: FnMut(&D, &mut K) + Clone + 'static,
D: ExchangeData,
R: ExchangeData + Monoid,
DOut: Clone + 'static,
ROut: Monoid + 'static,
S: FnMut(&D, &R, Tr::Val<'_>, &Tr::Diff) -> (DOut, ROut) + 'static,
Expand description
Proposes extensions to a stream of prefixes.
This method takes a stream of prefixes and for each determines a
key with key_selector
and then proposes all pair af the prefix
and values associated with the key in arrangement