Module sql::query_model::attribute::rejected_nulls[][src]

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Defines the RejectedNulls attribute.

The attribute value is a set of column references associated with each QueryBox. If any of the references is NULL, there is at least one predicate in that box that will be evaluated to NULL or FALSE (that is, a row with that column will be filtered away). For boxes without predicates, the attribute value is always the empty set.

Besides “predicate p rejects nulls in a set of columns C”, in the literature this property is also stated as “predicate p is strong with respect to C”.



Active pattern match for NOT(expr) fragments.

Active pattern match for NOT(expr) fragments.

Active pattern match for NOT(ISNULL(c)) fragments.

Active pattern match for NOT(expr) fragments.

Computes the intersection of two sets, consuming both sides and mutating and returning lhs.

Returns all columns that must be non-NULL for the boolean expr to be NULL or FALSE.

Computes the union of two sets, consuming both sides and mutating and returning lhs.