Module repr::row[][src]


A permanent storage encoding for rows.


A sequence of Datums

A mapping from string keys to Datums

A packed representation for Datums.

RowArena is used to hold on to temporary Rows for functions like eval that need to create complex Datums but don’t have a Row to put them in yet.

A wrapper around a byte slice that guarantees the data are row-formatted.



Number of bytes required by a list of datums. This computes the size that would be required if the given datums were packed into a list.

Number of bytes required by the datum.

Number of bytes required by a sequence of datums.

Read a datum starting at byte offset.

Read a data whose length is encoded in the row before its contents.

Read a byte slice starting at byte offset.

Return the number of bytes these Datums would use if packed as a Row.