Module mz_storage::render::upsert

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  • autospill 🔒
  • memory 🔒
    Allow usage of std::collections::HashMap. We need to iterate through all the values in the map, so we can’t use mz_ore wrapper. Also, we don’t need any ordering for the values fetched, so using std HashMap.
  • rocksdb 🔒
  • types 🔒
    This module defines the UpsertStateBackend trait and various implementations. This trait is the way the upsert operator interacts with various state backings.



  • A thread-local datum cache used to calculate hashes



  • Helper method for upsert_inner used to stage data updates from the input timely edge.
  • Emit the given error, and stall till the dataflow is restarted.
  • This leaf operator drops token after the input reaches the resume_upper. This is useful to take coordinated actions across all workers, after the upsert operator has rehydrated.
  • Helper method for upsert_inner used to stage data updates from the input timely edge.
  • upsert 🔒
    Resumes an upsert computation at resume_upper given as inputs a collection of upsert commands and the collection of the previous output of this operator. Returns a tuple of

Type Aliases

  • KeyHash 🔒
    The hash function used to map upsert keys. It is important that this hash is a cryptographic hash so that there is no risk of collisions. Collisions on SHA256 have a probability of 2^128 which is many orders of magnitude smaller than many other events that we don’t even think about (e.g bit flips). In short, we can safely assume that sha256(a) == sha256(b) iff a == b.