
Function health_operator

pub(crate) fn health_operator<'g, G, P>(
    scope: &Child<'g, G, Timestamp>,
    now: NowFn,
    mark_starting: BTreeSet<GlobalId>,
    halting_id: GlobalId,
    object_type: &'static str,
    health_stream: &Stream<G, HealthStatusMessage>,
    configs: BTreeMap<usize, GlobalId>,
    health_operator_impl: P,
    write_namespaced_map: bool,
    suspend_and_restart_delay: Duration,
) -> PressOnDropButton
where G: Scope<Timestamp = ()>, P: HealthOperator + 'static,
Expand description

Writes updates that come across health_stream to the collection’s status shards, as identified by their CollectionMetadata.

Only one worker will be active and write to the status shard.

The OutputIndex values that come across health_stream must be a strict subset of thosema, configs’s keys.