Expand description

TCP boundary server


Shared 🔒

Shared state between main server loop and client-specific task.

Shared per-subscription state

A handle to the boundary service. Implements StorageCapture to capture sources.

Helper struct to capture data into a sender and drop tokens once dropped itself.


Response from Timely workers to network handler.


accept 🔒

Accept connections on listener and listening for data on worker_rx.

Constructs a framed connection for the server.

Handle the server side of a compute client connection in socket, identified by client_id. state is a handle to the shared state.

Inner portion to handle a compute client.

Start the boundary server listening for connections on addr.

Type Definitions

ClientId 🔒

Unique client identifier, only used internally

A framed connection from the server’s perspective.

Alias for a commonly used type for sending source instantiation requests.