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A representative of STORAGE and COMPUTE that maintains summaries of the involved objects.

The Controller provides the ability to create and manipulate storage and compute instances. Each of Storage and Compute provide their own controllers, accessed through the storage() and compute(instance_id) methods. It is an error to access a compute instance before it has been created; a single storage instance is always available.

The controller also provides a recv() method that returns responses from the storage and compute layers, which may remain of value to the interested user. With time, these responses may be thinned down in an effort to make the controller more self contained.

Consult the StorageController and ComputeController documentation for more information about each of these interfaces.


pub use crate::client::controller::storage::StorageController;
pub use crate::client::controller::storage::StorageControllerState;


compute 🔒

A controller that provides an interface to a compute instance, and the storage layer below it.

A controller that provides an interface to the storage layer.


An immutable controller for a compute instance.

A mutable controller for a compute instance.

An event describing a change in status of a compute process.

A client that maintains soft state and validates commands, in addition to forwarding them.

Configures a controller.


Describes the status of an orchestrated service.

Compaction policies for collections maintained by Controller.


Deterministically generates replica names based on inputs.

Parse a name generated by generate_replica_service_name, to extract the replica’s compute instance ID and replica ID values.