Expand description

All operations that this crate can perform.


Operation customization and supporting types


Operation shape for AddTagsToStream.
Operation shape for CreateStream.
Operation shape for DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriod.
Operation shape for DeleteStream.
Operation shape for DeregisterStreamConsumer.
Operation shape for DescribeLimits.
Operation shape for DescribeStream.
Operation shape for DescribeStreamConsumer.
Operation shape for DescribeStreamSummary.
Operation shape for DisableEnhancedMonitoring.
Operation shape for EnableEnhancedMonitoring.
Operation shape for GetRecords.
Operation shape for GetShardIterator.
Operation shape for IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriod.
Operation shape for ListShards.
Operation shape for ListStreamConsumers.
Operation shape for ListStreams.
Operation shape for ListTagsForStream.
Operation shape for MergeShards.
Operation shape for PutRecord.
Operation shape for PutRecords.
Operation shape for RegisterStreamConsumer.
Operation shape for RemoveTagsFromStream.
Operation shape for SplitShard.
Operation shape for StartStreamEncryption.
Operation shape for StopStreamEncryption.
Operation shape for UpdateShardCount.
Operation shape for UpdateStreamMode.